Saturday, August 31, 2019
Capitalism Vs Socialism
Capitalism's central idea is that the marketplace decides what will be made and sold. In Capitalism the government exists to protect individual rights. Capitalism fir SST emerged in the 16th century; Capitalism in Europe was preceded by feudalism. Capitalism ca n be tracked back all the way to Western Europe during the Middle Ages. Then it began to devil pop into a more modern version during the Early Modern Period in countries in northwestern Europe, like the Netherlands and Europe. The founder of Capitalism was Adam Smith; he creak Ted Capitalism around the 18th century.Socialism is an economic system in which the government owns and controls manufacturing, and is also responsible for planning the economy. Socialism w as created in the early 1 8th century by Karl Marx. Socialism was created in an attempt to eliminate ate the differences Hernandez 2 between the rich and the poor. If you are a socialist you are not allowed to owe n anything not even a house! Socialism is the concept that individuals should not have ownership of land, money, or industries. But the whole whole community collectively owns and controls pro Perry, goods, and production.In the other hand under Capitalism, individuals own and control I ND, money, and even production of industries. The individuals are even free to own homes an d cars. Capitalist also have the freedom to live where ever they want Socialism was emerged to eliminate the rich and the poor. But Capitalism me urged because of the problems in the feudal society and because of the industrial re volition government started to change. Personally I like capitalism more because of all the freedom people have and I believe that it is unfair that if someone works more or less t hen someone else they get paid the same and that is basically what socialism is.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Pet Sematary by Stephen King Essay
Setting: The novel, ‘Pet Sematary’ by Stephen King is set mostly in Ludlow, Maine. Aside from the fact that Stephen King often sets his novels in Maine, where he was born and grew up, the quiet and laid back atmosphere of this place which has a very small population (only 402 in 2000) has something to do with the novel. As catalyst for the novel, a particular ancient Indian burial ground is located within walking distance of the Creed family house in this locality. The value of this setting in this novel is its link with history. Ludlow is known to have a 1% American Indian Ancestry and this small ancestry is enough to validate the presence of the Micmac burial ground in the area. With a small population in the locality, it is most likely that most of the people in the place know about the burial ground which explains why a certain ‘Timmy’ in the novel is referred to as having being buried in the burial ground as well. This sets precedence in the story and explains hoe Jud is quite well-versed with the lore of this particular burial ground. The setting also helps to conceal whatever supernatural events that occur in the place therefore making it more believable that people from other places did not hear about the strange occurrences in the place. So, while it is a given that King always sets his novels in towns and counties in Maine, the choice of Ludlow for this novel is obviously intentional and is done to achieve certain effects and objectives; these basically, to make it more believable and to validate the link between the townsfolk and their apparent, inherent knowledge of the critical element of the novel which is the Micmac burial ground. Other than just these technical intentions of the author, it has to be understood that the tone of the novel is also often set by the setting. In this particular novel which starts out in a sleepy, almost passive town, the effect of having something strange and supernatural occurring serves to upset the status quo of the town. Of course, there is reference to a similar occurrence happening in the past, but this works to deepen the secret of the town and so consequently explain the hush-hush attitude of the people. Drop in a metropolitan family preoccupied with the more tangible representations of life, and a burial ground that is able to resurrect the dead, and the novel has the perfect setting for the materialization of the tangible desires of the alien family and the chaotic interplay between these values and the values of the townsfolk. Major characters: Louis Creed is the main character of the story and it is his family, starting with the family cat, and then his son, and finally his wife that fall victim to the demonic powers of the Micmac Burial ground. Creed is initially introduced to be indifferent and academic, but sympathetic and close to his family members. This is vital to his decisions later in the novel. His entrance into Ludlow, Maine sets in motion a series of events that serve to clearly emphasize the differences his family has with the people in the town; not only this, it also serves to create a contrast between the ideals of the people of the town as well as his own ideals. Creed is used in the novel to foreshadow the events that would follow with their moving to Ludlow because it is his dream of a certain university student that leads him to the burial ground in the metaphysical sense. However, more than just the reality that the novel revolves around this main character, Jud, another character in the story, a friend of Louis plays a very important role in setting in motion the chain of events that lead to the demonic corruption of the Creed family. Jud and Louis are at the different ends of the supernatural spectrum in Pet Sematary – Jud is at the initiating end and Louis at the receiving end of the initiation. Jud is a local of Ludlow and has witnessed certain events in the past connected to the powers of the Micmac burial ground so as a favor to Louis who was instrumental in saving his wife from a fatal heart attack, he takes the family cat of the Creeds which was run over by a truck to the ancient burial ground after which the cat returns to life. This is the first incident that involves the Creeds and the burial ground, so in effect, Jud is the instrument of paradox because it is through him that the novel begins to plummet towards its gruesome and quite horrific climax. Horror Fiction Formula: Of course, Pet Sematary, being set in Ludlow, Maine apparently begins with the concept of the Apollonian community. However, a distinct characteristic of this particular novel is the fact that the community is not at all Apollonian in the truest sense of the concept because as the novel unfolds, it reveals that in fact, the Micmac burial ground and its demons has had its victims in the past, this being Timmy, who was killed along with his father when their house was burned down. In effect, the Creeds arrive into the community at a period when it is seemingly Apollonian, but in reality, is merely in a transition period from its dark past to another, darker future. This is important in the novel because the Dionysian force comes through an instrument, Jud, who has experienced the irruption in the past in the person of Timmy. So, it is Jud who becomes the harbinger of the Dionysian force, which in this novel, is the evil that resides in the Micmac burial ground. The strange thing about this novel is the fact that even with Jud’s knowledge of the degree of evil of the Dionysian force he still risks this by entering the Creed’s family cat into the grounds of the ancient burial site, even with the knowledge of what the consequences could be. The resurrection of the cat in the novel is the irruption in the novel because it is the manifestation of the Dionysian force, albeit still quite genteel, it actually escalates as Louis Creed decides to inter his son into the ancient burial site. The only time that the novel deviates from the horror formula is when the novel moves towards its ending, where instead of pursuing the Dionysian force to put a stop to it or to defeat it, Louis Creed is devoured by the temptation of bringing back his wife, perhaps also blinded by his loneliness and depression. The novel ends with implications of the wife actually returning from the dead. So, although, there is no pursuit of the Dionysian force, the novel still ends the way it should according to the formula with implications that the Dionysian force was not in fact defeated or destroyed. Levels of horror: Perhaps the reason why this novel is so successful and so enjoyed by many horror fans is the fact that it operates on the three levels of horror in an escalating manner. In the beginning, the Apollonian community is merely gripped by its dark past and the burial ground is nothing but a folkloric piece of land behind a pet cemetery. In this part of the novel, it operates on terror because while many people from the town know of the legend of the burial ground and were witnesses to its demonic powers, the knowledge is still on the level of intangibility, like a rumor going around town. Later, when the Dionysian force manifests itself in the form of the cat, a mild form of horror begins to emerge which is the resurrected cat – more aggressive, more hostile, and possessing the qualities of a dead animal. So, in this sense, the Dionysian force acquires a face or some form of tangibility. The horror becomes more pronounced with the resurrection of Louis’ son, Gage. This time, the Dionysian force becomes more vivid as Gage is more demonic and more evil. This newly resurrected creature then kills Jud which then transforms the horror into revulsion because along with Jud, the monster kills Rachel. King implies in the story that Gage partially eats the corpse of Rachel. This adds to the revulsion. The end of the novel adds more to this third level of horror by turning the evil inside out. In effect, instead of the horror merely manifesting itself in the resurrected corpses, it begins to eat through the sanity of the last remaining protagonist, Louis. So, the revulsion takes a final twist, when because of the insanity of Louis, he also buries his wife in the burial site and his wife returns. In effect, the monstrosity has transcended from being limited only to the dead coming back to the living finally concurring with its evil.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Developments in Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
Nothing is constant for everything in the world is impermanent. Everything in this world eventually undergoes some form of change. As the world changes, the people also go through essential changes. Children suddenly grow into teenagers and the teenagers become adults. People grow old and the cycle goes on. Thus, various disciplines, such as psychology, categorize human life into several stages, which are determined by age. Each stage has its distinguishable characteristics that aim to describe the attributes of the particular group of individuals.Every person passes through each stage of life. This includes infancy, childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and old age. People pass through every stage of development until they reach old age. Under each stage, they experience vital changes in the different aspects of their lives, including physical, cognitive, behavioral, and social aspects of development. Adolescence is considered one of the most crucial stages of the human life. It is the pivotal point where people search for their individuality and determine who they are.This is the reason why the term â€Å"teenage crisis†was developed, as adolescence is the period when a person goes through many significant changes physically, socially, and emotionally. Physical Development in Adolescence Adolescents include people under the age bracket of 13 to 18 years old. During this stage, people experience mixed emotions such as happiness and anxiety, as this the time when people outgrow their childish ways and start facing responsibilities. Puberty marks the biological and physiological maturation of one's body.Various changes could be seen in children who enter this transition. Growth is one of the changes a person experiences during the transition between childhood and adult life. In the case of girls, they begin to rapidly increase in height and achieve almost 98% of their full height at the age of 16. On the other hand, the boys’ period of rapid growth i s at the age of 13 until they reach 20. Many of the teenagers also tend to have a tall and lanky appearance. This is because the skeletal system outpaces the muscular system and the bones elongate while the muscles stay the same (Hatfield, 2007).Girls also go through a significant change during this stage. They start their menstrual cycle which signals readiness for pregnancy. Their breasts also start to develop, and they achieve adult appearance by the age of 16. Boys also achieve their adult appearance by the age of 16. Their muscle strength and coordination are well developed. Their voice also changes, which sometimes causes them embarrassment (Hatfield, 2007). Because of the sudden change in the body, there is also a change in the nutritional needs of adolescents.Since they are growing rapidly and engage in various activities, they need to have more energy and calories to complement in their hyped lifestyle. Teenagers also become aware of sexual changes and sexual maturity. They suddenly become curious in the aspect of sex and sexuality. Society's culture has a significant impact on the perception of adolescents toward sex. Sex is perceived differently in various cultures and this greatly influences adolescents’ developed view on sex. Sexual orientation is also developed during this stage.Adolescents begin to look for their self and establish their identity as they discover their taste and preference. There are various perspectives to describe the adolescence phase. For instance, parents see this stage as full of unsolicited outbursts and rebellious acts. Meanwhile, biological perspectives explain that the adolescence is a stage of turbulence that closely resembles the period when people evolved from savages to civilized beings. Cognitive Development in Adolescence During adolescence, people also experience vital developments in the cognitive aspect.Cognitive maturation includes a wide scope of newly found abilities and functions of the brain, such as the significant change from concrete to abstract thinking. This capability allows adolescents to draw logical conclusions in various situations (Sadock Kaplan, & Sadock, 2007). Jean Piaget also attempts to explain the changes in the cognitive aspect of an individual when he reaches adolescence. According to Piaget, adolescents enter the formal operational stage wherein their cognitive capacity develops, providing them with abstract and scientific thinking skills.Its difference with the concrete operational thinking in children is that children just see the plain reality. They are not concerned with the underlying problems. Adolescents tend to be more inquisitive and probing when it comes to dealing with problems. Statistical data show that about 40 to 60% of adults fail the Piaget's operational problems. This is because adults practice formal operational thinking in their field of expertise or in the field where they have extensive experience. Another reason is adolescents and ad ults do not always practice formal operational thinking.They tend to rely on their intuitive judgments and conclusions. Emotional and Social Development in Adolescence During adolescence, a person is bound to experience some psychological and emotional difficulties while passing through puberty and adolescence. Some of the adolescents develop difficulty in the transition, which includes fear and anxiety and sometimes cause deep depression. It also includes confusion, identity crisis, and anxiety. These things are a common experience during adolescence, and many adolescents do not know how to adapt and conform to the sudden changes.Nevertheless, there are some adolescents who still maintain vital and intimate relationships with others. Some of them are also easily adapt to the changes and develop a positive outlook towards their personal identity (McInerney, 2006). Erik Erikson was the first to discover that identity is one of the major premises that affect the individual's acquisiti on of healthy and productive adult life. The description of oneself, or identity, includes who a person is and what he or she values, his or her goals, and objectives in life. Erikson then developed a theory called identity versus identity confusion.The theory explains that fruitful outcomes during the early stages will render positive resolutions. Erickson also explained that adolescents may also experience identity crisisâ€â€a period of confusion and distress. Adolescents tend to explore alternatives before they draw a conclusion. Erikson also added that those who go through â€Å"soul searching†most often settle for a mature identity. There are various things that influence the development of identity. An individual’s identity is molded and shaped by these factors. Parents, peers, school and community are the factors that affect identity.Parental support and encouragement play significant roles in the formation of identity. Being welcomed to a group of peers bo osts people’s self-esteem and relatedness. Their school and community define the environment where they live which affects their attitude and behavior. Emerging Adulthood This period is not an extension of one's adolescence, nor is this the period of young adulthood. During this period, individuals experience less parental control and supervision and they engage in independent exploration. Young adulthood implies that a person is in the early stage of adulthood.Emerging adulthood is a transition after adolescence wherein one is too old to behave like a typical teenager but too young to assume an adult way of life and involve themselves sin adult issues such as marriage and rearing of children (Arnett, 2004). Emerging adulthood is a time when a lot of uncertainties and queries are supposed to be entertained in preparation for the real adult life. It is also considered as one of the most stressful times in one's life, which involve a period of constant exploration in education, jobs and partners. Emerging adults also devote their full attention on looking for alternative roles, values, and behavior.Thus, emerging adulthood is also a stage wherein many changes occur in one’s life. These changes include cognitive development beyond Piaget's formal operational stage. Emotional and social changes also occur during this period.Their attitudes and values widen, as they express interest in different kinds of new fields and accept ethnic and cultural diversity. Conclusion Adolescence is both an exciting and anxious stage in human life. During this stage, individuals experience abrupt changes and developments. They experience physical, cognitive, social, and emotional changes in forming and defining individuality and personal identity.Emerging adulthood is the transition stage between adolescence and young adulthood. In this stage, individuals enjoy the carelessness in decision making. They are not truly engage in adult life. They explore different things l ike education, jobs, and intimate relationships. They also experience significant changes in the cognitive, social, and emotional aspects. All people go through the stages of the human life cycle. Individuals tend to be anxious and scared when they step into an unknown phase of life. Hence, people should take everything as a significant experience in their search for their real personal identity.ReferencesArnett, J.J. (2004). Emerging Adulthood: The Winding Road from the Late Teens Through the Twenties. Oxford: Oxford UP. Hatfield, N.T. (2007). Broadribb's Introductory Pediatric Nursing. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. McInerney, D.M. (2006). Developmental Psychology for Teachers: An Applied Approach. Australia: Allen & Unwin. Sadock, B.J., Kaplan, H.I. & Sadock, V.A. (2007). Kaplan & Sadock's Synopsis of Psychiatry: Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Materials Requirement Planning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Materials Requirement Planning - Essay Example One of these long term benefits of materials requirements planning is the fact that the software involved in materials requirement planning shall serve as a facilitator for the company to even benefit more from commonality because at every point in time, inventory organization is going to be undertaken by the software to ensure that the right allocation of materials and products are in place for production to begin. The system of having to undertake product and material inventory manually and mechanically would therefore be taken care of. Role of commonality and how it benefits the company Going through the models of commonality available to Schwinn Bicycle Company, there are two major roles that the system can be said to be playing for the company. The first has to do with the benefit of overcoming market pressure and the second has to do with assurance of cost reduction for manufacturers. On the benefit of overcoming market pressure, it can be seen that the major idea behind common ality is the ability to interchange components and parts of the bicycles produced with others (The Guardian, 2012). What this means to rate of production is that at any point in time, manufacturers are not obliged to look for the exact component or part that would fit into a specific area of the bicycle in the line of production. Subsequently, the time that spent on searching for parts is incorporated into the actual production time. In a typical example, the search for replacements for steel as against aluminum and aluminum as against titanium can easily be taken care of through the functioning of commonality. Ideally therefore, manufacturers are afforded the luxury of dealing with materials as and when they are available to fit into another component and not necessarily complete a search for a new component. What is more, the company is able to cut down on cost significantly especially when it comes to the cost of labor. Indeed, commonality ensures cost benefit production in sever al ways (Gardener, 2001). In the case of Schwinn Bicycle Company, the company can have the luxury of depending on only a few laborers to get most parts of their production executed because the principle of commonality permits that one employee may play several roles on the production line especially when the use of common materials that can fit into other components are involved (Gardener, 2001). For example within the company’s set up, it would not have to have an aluminum expert as well as a steel expert for the production of crown race. This is because the very laborer who works with aluminum could be trained to work with steel and so the cost of employing two workers becomes saved for the company. Still on cost benefit, it can be said that anytime demand meets supply or even exceeds it because market pressure is beaten by means of commonality, productivity goes high and this results in market revenue. The company therefore has the benefit of completing several units of bi cycles within shorter time frames, sales of which translate into increase in revenue for the company. How materials requirement planning (MRP) is useful to Schwinn One major criticism that has often come up against companies in the line of commonality is their refusal to adhere to the basic principles of materials require
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