Monday, September 30, 2019
Bible and Biblical/Christian Worldview
A worldview is how an individual looks at the world and how it works. It is how an individual views and interprets the world they live in. It is an individual’s attitude and ideas about the world that they live in. The biblical/Christian worldview The biblical/Christian worldview of Origin is basically that everything originated from and by God. Everything that exist is because of God and it is God that created everyone and everything. In the beginning was God, therefore he is the ultimate originator. Genesis 1:1, and Colossians 1:16-17. The biblical/Christian worldview of Identity is that men and women were created in the image of God. Our identity is based off God’s creation of us. We are God’s unique creation including all of the animals on earth. The biblical/Christian worldview of meaning/purpose is that our purpose is to get to know God, and have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. The biblical/Christian worldview of morality is through revelation from God and by reading the bible. Through morality we follow God’s standard as how to live and behave as God’s children. The biblical/Christian worldview of destiny is that, we as Christians believing in heaven and hell. When we leave our bodies our soul will carry on to live with God in heaven or with Satan in hell. Those who have not accepted Christ as their personal savior and lived their lives as how we should in the body of Christ will not be welcomed into heaven. How you lived your life on earth will determine your destiny. A Biblical Worldview Influence. A biblical worldview should influence the way I think about, treat and speak to others on a daily basis in that God is love. The way I think about others should be the way Christ thinks of us. The way I treat others should be the same way in which I would want to be treated. The way in which I speak to others should also be in how I would want others to speak to me, with kindness, love and understanding. Referring to the biblical worldview, as Christians, we should treat, speak and think about others as Christ would to us. We were all created in God’s image, therefore we are to try our best to be like him, in our speaking, hearing, reasoning, loving and caring, just as Weider and Gutierrez stated in the reading. Following the Bible as our instruction and the example of Christ, our daily walk with others should be based on love and the teachings of Christ. A biblical worldview should influence the way I treat/interact with the environment and non-human creation in a way that I should treat the environment as God would. God created the environment for us so we should appreciate and value it. Genesis 2:15 states, â€Å"The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it†, just as Weider and Gutierrez pointed out in the reading. We should treat non-human creation with care and love. God has given us the authority of taking care of non-human creation and we should do exactly as God would do. We are to care for, love and supply for non-human creation, just as we would human creation.
Err Booklet Abc
Bi: DESCRIBE THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF YOUR EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT AS SET OUT IN YOUR CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT OR EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT My employment is conditional to a clear CRB disclosure carried out by my employer; it is subject to the employer receiving 6 personal and professional references through a strict vetting initiative. It is essential to drive and carry valid insurance, tax and MOT certificates including business class one insurance.Any holiday is to be requested a minimum of one month prior to the date and is at the discretion of the manager. Sickness is to be reported as soon as possible to ensure clients visits are reallocated in a timely fashion. I must ensure that during my employment, my outside interests do not engage with a conflicting business to the company, ensure confidentiality at all times, remain loyal to the business and within a six month period of leaving do not solicit business from Home Instead Senior Care.Bii: DESCRIBE THE INFORMATION WHICH NEEDS TO BE SHOWN ON YOUR PAYSLIP/STATEMENT It will need to include, yours and your employers names, a breakdown of your payment, deductions including PAYE tax, NI and any pensions, Tax paid to date – PAYE & NI, date of pay, tax period, your tax code and NI number. The last details will include your Net pay and state how much holiday you are still entitled to. Biii: IDENTIFY TWO CHANGES TO PERSONAL INFORMATION YOU MUST REPORT TO YOUR EMPLOYER Change of address and change of name (surname if you marry and change it) Biv: DESCRIBE THE PROCEDURE TO FOLLOW IF YOU WANTED TO RAISE A GRIEVANCE AT WORK.YOU MAY DESCRIBE THIS IN WRITING OR PRODUCE A FLOW CHART OR DIAGRAM Bv: EXPLAIN THE AGREED WAYS OF WORKING WITH YOUR EMPLOYER IN RELATION TO THE FOLLOWING AREAS; 1. DATA PROTECTION The company will hold details of the employee and clients in both paper and electronic form under the Data Protection Act 1998. This will remain confidential at all times. As the employee I agree in my contract to adher e keep any information confidential at all times regarding client information, only passing on where necessary to the people involved. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary or dismissal. 2. GRIEVANCEEmployers will raise any grievances when necessary in a professional manner and employees are encouraged to raise grievances without fear at all times. Employees and the employer follow the grievance policy at all times. 3. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT When conflict arises CareGivers are asked to not approach the subject in front of clients and to try and resolve calmly, if to no avail they are to seek assistance from a senior member of the team. 4. ANTI-DISCRIMINATORY PRACTICE Employees are encouraged to work in a non-discriminatory manner and to report any issues as soon as they arise. This is for employees, employers and clients. 5.HEALTH & SAFETY Employees are given health and safety training before commencing work in the community and are encouraged to report any issues immediately. 6 . CONFIDENTIALITY Employees are to adhere to the confidentiality policy at all times or they could face disciplinary action or possibly dismissal. Confidentiality is essential with clients as it helps to build their trust although vital information should be passed on where necessary to the correct people. 7. WHISTLEBLOWING Whistleblowing encourages and enables employees to raise serious concerns within the company rather than overlooking a problem or ‘blowing the whistle' outside.Employees are advised to speak to their designated senior CareGiver or a member of the management team with any issues rather than other colleagues. Bvi: EXPLAIN HOW YOUR ROLE CONTRIBUTES TO THE OVERALL DELIVERY OF THE SERVICE PROVIDED Being a senior CareGiver means I am partly responsible in ensuring the quality of service remains at a high level by carrying out regular spot checks on CareGivers and completing Quality Assurance questionnaires with the clients to make sure they are satisfied with the care the y are receiving. Where any issues arise actions are taking to resolve them.Bvii: EXPLAIN HOW YOU COULD INFLUENCE THE QUALITY OF THE SERVICE PROVIDED BY: A) FOLLOWING BEST PRACTICE WITHIN YOUR WORK ROLE; This would encourage anybody I am training to work to high standards that I personally would set and would ensure clients are kept safe and happy at all times. This could also promote the company through word of mouth. B) NOT CARRYING OUT THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR ROLE. This could put yourself and clients in danger and could have a damaging effect on the companies business. The level of care would decrease setting low standards and would leave clients vulnerable to all sorts of risks.Bviii: DESCRIBE HOW YOUR OWN WORK MUST BE INFLUENCED BY NATIONAL FACTORS SUCH AS CODES OF PRACTICE, NATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS, LEGISLATION AND GOVERNMENT INITIATIVES. The national factors give you guidance, standards and rules to follow in your work practice. Legislation tells you what you must/must not do. Codes of Practice and Occupational Standards form the values of the company; legislation states the level and quality of care, government initiatives impact the clients more directly. If the above aren’t followed the level of care would be poor and unsafe for clients to receive.Without guidelines, laws and rules carers wouldn’t know what is and isn’t acceptable within their care duties and could also be putting themselves at risk. Bix: A) IDENTIFY TWO REPRESENTATIVE BODIES WHICH INFLUENCE YOUR AREA OF WORK. Care Quality Commission B) DESCRIBE THE ROLE OF THE TWO REPRESENTATIVE BODIES YOU HAVE IDENTIFIED. CQC licenses services if they meet essential standards and will constantly monitor whether they continue to do so. They formally review services if they receive information that is of concern and as a result decide they need to check whether a service is still meeting one or more of the essential standards.They also formally review them at lea st every two years to check whether a service is meeting all of the essential standards in each of their locations. Their reviews include checking all available information and intelligence they hold about a provider. They may seek further information by contacting people who use services, public representative groups and organisations such as other regulators. They may also ask for further information from the provider and carry out a visit with direct observations of care.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Why Was the Treaty of Versailles so Unpopular in Germany?
Why was the Treaty of Versailles so unpopular in Germany? The Treaty of Versailles was the peace treaty that was drawn up by the Allies and Germany after the First World War. It was made to prevent Germany from starting a war again and to pay back the Allies for the money they had spent. The Germans had hoped that the Allies would treat them fairly in the negotiations for the treaty, but the Allies, in particular France, believed that Germany should be brought to its knees.France was not as satisfied as it would have liked, because Woodrow Wilson, who stood for America in the peace conferences, wanted those in power in Germany to be punished, rather than the German people. In the end, the treaty stated that Germany had to pay ? 6000,600,000,000 in reparations, they lost a lot of land (including the Ruhr Valley), they were stripped of their aircraft and air force, they only had six battleships and nothing else, they had no modern weapons, and they were only allowed 100,000 soldiers.Th e western part of Germany called the Rhineland was de-militarized (taken over by British and French troops and controlled by the Allies). Finally, Germany was made to accept that they were the ones who started the war. The Germans hated the treaty. They believed that they had been shamed globally, and they were humiliated. Germany had always been well known for having a strong army, and now they had only 100,000 soldiers, no modern weapons, only 6 battleships, and no navy or air force.The thousands of soldiers that were simply sent home from the Western Front were now unemployed, living in a country that was becoming poorer by the day, and wanted revenge. They believed that Germany could have won the war, but the new democratic government had taken their chance. They also stated that the country would be powerless against the smallest of nations. The Germans were also furious about the various terms of the Treaty. They hated Clause 231 – the ‘War Guilt’ clause â €“ which stated that Germany had caused ‘all the loss and damage’ of the war.Firstly, the Germans did not think that they had caused the war (for the Germans, the war was a war of self-defence against Russia, which had mobilised 31 July 1914). During the 1920s, the Germans published all their secret documents from 1914, to prove they had tried to stop the war. Secondly, the Germans hated clause 231 because accepting it gave the Allies the moral right to punish Germany – it validated all the harsh terms of the Treaty. The Germans also disliked the reparations, which were to be paid in instalments until 1984.They did not accept that Germany had caused all the damage. They felt that the huge sum was just designed to destroy their economy and starve their children. Most of all, they hated reparations because they too had rebuilding work to do. Germany’s economy was ruined, but, instead of being able to pump investment into German industry, the country had to send abroad huge sums of money that German industry was not yet strong enough to earn. Finally, the territorial terms of the Treaty of Versailles also made the Germans angry. Germany lost 10% of its land.The Saar was a valuable coalfield, and West Prussia and Upper Silesia were rich farming areas, so their loss further weakened Germany’s economy. The loss of the Polish Corridor separated East Prussia from Germany, and further damaged the German economy. Germany lost 16% of its coalfields and half its iron and steel industry. The loss of all Germany’s colonies was seen as the Allies building empires. The loss of Malmedy to Belgium, Schleswig to Denmark, Memel to Lithuania, Alsace-Lorraine to France was also a national humiliation. The Treaty of Versailles also stopped Germany joining with Austria.This seemed unfair to the Germans, because everywhere else in Europe, the Treaties of 1919–20 gave peoples self-determination, but they divided Germany, and put 12. 5 % of its population into other countries. The army believed that the government had betrayed them by signing the Treaty, and the political opposition backed this. A huge number of the German population were now against the new democratic government and the Treaty of Versailles, and it became known as the Versailles Diktat (the Treaty had been forced on the Germans). Becky Hutton
Factors Contributing to the Growth of Enterprise and Small Business Essay
For example: – In USA small businesses represents 99. 7% of all employers, it represents 26% of America’s exports and they create 80% new jobs each year. Growth and success of a business can be measured on many different variables which also includes annual turnover, profit and employment growth. As in other businesses small businesses have been helped by factors which had contributed to its growth. Growth in small businesses has been aided by policy measures by the government which has supported these small businesses, the macro-economic factors, industry factors and firm-specific factors. Having the intention, the ability to setup and grow, getting the right opportunity, easy access to finance, favorable rules and regulations and market conditions which are aimed at small businesses have also led to the growth of these businesses. People are motivated to start their own business where they have greater control of the business, can stay independent , can manage the business in their own way, the financial freedom, the potential income they can earn as their aims are to reach the top of the table, the amount of financial gains they achieve and the joy of winning which is driving factors for the entrepreneurs as it helps satisfy their achievement instincts. Everybody wants to be their own boss and this is also one of the factors for starting up your own business. Lucy Martin, author of â€Å"Make it your Business†said â€Å"Whatever your situation, there is likely to be a combination of ‘push’ factors (propelling you out of current jobs and situations) and ‘pull’ factors (which attract you to self employment)†. Countries with low income or in developing countries more small businesses are being setup because of the push factor as there is a high number of unemployment and people are forced to start-up their own business. In high income countries or developed countries small businesses are increasing due to the pull factor as more and ore people are interested in setting up their own business go become independent. [pic] Sometimes businesses fail or people get frustrated and it is at this time that they need to remind themselves what motivated them to start their own business and this motivation and dedication has led to their growth and success. According to Schumpeter entrepreneur is an innovator as h e/she brings about a change and introduces new technological processes or products and brings in new ideas which are necessary for a business to grow. He also said that only certain people have the ability to become an entrepreneur and to perform extraordinary tasks. Small businesses are the ones that tend to grow faster than large businesses. They indicate higher number of employment growth. Small businesses accounts for more than 50% of the employers in European Economies. France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Germany and UK are the leading economies of the European Union where small Businesses have been thriving for the past two decades and where small businesses accounts for more than 50% of the total employment. In Greece small businesses accounts for as much as 86% of the number of people employed. In 1998, a charter for small business was adopted by European Council which has helped in the huge number of growth in small businesses. Banks are the main source of lending for small businesses and they depend a lot on them for support and cooperation. HSBC was one of the banks which started recognizing small businesses as one of main force in the economy. In UK small business employ about 12 million people so as to recognize and reward these small businesses HSBC launched an award in 1997 Known as â€Å"HSBC small business of the year Award†. HSBC started a new loan program called â€Å"SMALL BUSINESS LOAN†which was quick and easy to arrange loan facility for long term use and had many key benefits. Customers can choose to make their first repayment either one month after taking the borrowing or defer the first repayment until three months after drawing down the loan, Customers had the flexibility to choose the repayment period which was between 12 months and 10 years, the interest rate and repayments will be fixed for the life of the loan. HSBC recently launched a $5 billion working capital fund to ensure small businesses had access to credit during the current economic crisis. In 2008 alone more than 32,000 small businesses have switched to HSBC because of higher lending fees and banks reluctant to extend loans. Growth of small businesses depends on the type of business they are doing, location of the business (a retail shop should be better placed in the residential area) and most importantly the ownership of the business. Governments in some countries (UAE, Saudi Arabia) have gone as far as allocating lands to small business owners; small businesses are encouraged to setup as the government provides 5 years of tax free operation to businesses with potential growth and they provide financial assistance with low interest rates as well as assign a team to monitor the growth of the businesses. Rental and electricity charges are lower for small firms and the government is also getting small construction businesses to get involved in the construction industry by giving them subcontracts for some of the projects. In UK the government started a programme called â€Å"The Business Support Simplification Programme (BSSP)†which aims to make it easier for small companies and entrepreneurs to understand and access government funded grants, subsidies and advice with which to start and grow their businesses. Small Businesses were given incentives and taxes were lowered so as to help them setup. Setting up of this programme had a huge influence on the growth of small Businesses. In March 2008 the Government launched the Enterprise Strategy. The Strategy’s vision is to make the UK the most enterprising economy in the world and the best place to start and grow a business. It was designed to unbolt the entrepreneurship talents in UK, provide a boost to enterprise knowledge and skills, support new and existing small business getting access to funding for start-up and growth and decrease the burden of regulations in place particularly for small firms. The government wants a culture of enterprise and business innovation which will have a great effect on the economic growth. This new strategy has strengthened the Government upport to small businesses and has allowed SME’s to set up more easily and with a proper regulatory body monitoring the growth. Small Businesses are flexible, more focused, specialized and creative and these are some of the reasons why there is an increase in the number of small businesses . Flexibility is what drives some people to start their own business. For example: – (if a person is expert in any subject, field or have some extraordinary skills he/she can work as a consultant where the work timings are set by him/her self and the amount of time spent also). Growth in business demands creativity. It is what will separate you from the competition. A business had to be different as this is the best way to create awareness. Being different and greater creativity are also the factors which has influenced the growth of small businesses. Being innovative and inventing new things is also a factor which drives people to start their own business. People would have some different business idea of doing something in a different way and this leads to creativity and innovation. Small businesses are easy to setup as the cost of starting up is not very high. Government supports the setup of small business because they want to break the monopoly in the market and there will be a decrease in the number of unemployed as more and more people will become self-employed. Lower opportunity cost also attracts people towards entrepreneurship. Economies with high unemployment can be pushed towards entrepreneurship. Examples are Brazil and India. Some people would like to pursue a particular desire or hobby so they enter in to entrepreneurship, it can be leisure driven and it gives flexibility to the owner as there can be work-life balance. More and more specialized people are starting their own business in the field they specialize as they can deliver better services and products. Specializing in a particular product or service gives you the upper hand in the market you are in as you will have the skills and knowledge of the product you are manufacturing or selling. Specialization has also led professional people or extra ordinary skilled people in to starting up their own business. Gaining inspiration from famous entrepreneurs have also led to the factor that people are ready to start up their own business thinking one day they might be like Donald Trump, Hugh Heffner or Richard Branson. Becoming famous and wanting to be recognized in the world is also a strong feeling which had pulled people towards entrepreneurship as there is a strong desire attached with it to pursue their perceived goals. Gaining fame and recognition is one of the strong factors which have led people to start their own business. In general, I conclude by saying that small businesses have been growing because they thrive for independence and the owners usually have a feel good factor while running their own business. It gives them a chance to show the level of creativity in them as they won’t be able to do so while working in other companies. Small Businesses are the key to innovation and without their support the economy would fail drastically. Growth of Small Businesses can be affected due to the current economic crisis but government and banks should support and back small businesses to survive this crisis. Banks like HSBC are already committed to supporting small businesses in this economic crisis and as more and more people getting unemployed governments should give incentives and grants and promote the setup of new businesses and provide assistance and advice on main issues surrounding the small businesses. Small Businesses are not always successful but having proper business idea and creative mind plus knowledge of market will help the entrepreneurs in getting their business on the right track. As SCHUMPTER proposed that it was the exceptional creative drive of independent entrepreneurs that led to the introduction of radical new products and the creation of new industries. This radical drive to invent, innovate and create something which is new to everyone has been one of the major factors in the growth of Small and medium sized businesses (SME’s).
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Child Abuse in Vietnam
Banking Academy of Vietnam International Training Program (ITP) â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€-o0oâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- CHILD ABUSE IN VIETNAM Course Title:Academic writing Advisor: Student: Class: Hanoi, July 2012 1 ABTRACT In many countries, children are considered as the future of nation and should be provided with the best things, best condition for the development and nutrition. This is quite true and in fact, in developed countries such as the United States of America, France, Britain, Austria, etc. , children are always ranked as the highest priority more than other people.As â€Å"the future of country†, they must be protected far away from violence, infringement and exploitation. However, in contrast to developed countries, children in developing countries are not provided with good conditions and sometimes they are affected from something called abuse. Vietnam is also one of those countries suffering from this situation. So what is the real situation, causes and which solutions could best deal with that problem are what this paper will look into. Moreover, through it is expected that through the research the awareness of people regarding children could be much improved.Key words: child abuse, violence, infringement, exploitation, neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse. CHAPTER I. INTRODUCTION 1. Research background: In Viet Nam, child abuse is a very hot topic and attracts a lot of attention from public. As a developing country, children in Vietnam are not provided with good condition and sometimes they are also considered as a kind of labor force. That could be happened everywhere from the city, mountainous areas, or countryside. 2. Research purpose: This research will identify the situation of child abuse in Vietnam and their causes, consequences as well as relevant solutions.Through it, reader may have better understanding of the situation and further contribute to the prevention of child abuse, at least in their family. 3. Definition of the key terms: In t his research, key terms are used and understood as follows: †¢Child abuse: child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development or dignity in the context of a relationship of responsibility, trust or power. Child neglect: Neglect is the failure to provide for the development of the child in all spheres: health, education, emotional development, nutrition, shelter, and safe living conditions, in the context of resources reasonably available to the family or caretakers and causes or has a high probability of causing harm to the child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.This includes the failure to properly supervise and protect children from harm as much as is feasible †¢Physical abuse: Physical abuse of a child is that which results in actual or potential physical harm from an interaction or lack of an interaction, which is reasonably within the control of a parent or person in a position of responsibility, power or trust. There may be a single or repeated incidents. Emotional abuse: Emotional abuse includes the failure to provide a developmentally appropriate, supportive environment, including the availability of a primary attachment figure, so that the child can develop a stable and full range of emotional and social competencies commensurate with her or his personal potentials and in the context of the society in which the child dwells. There may also be acts towards the child that cause or have a high probability of causing harm to the child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.These acts must be reasonably within the control of the parent or person in a relationship of responsibility, trust or power. Acts include restriction of movement, patterns of belittling , denigrating, scapegoating, threatening, scaring, discriminating, ridiculing or other non-physical forms of hostile or rejecting treatment. †¢Sexual abuse: Child sexual abuse is the involvement of a child in sexual activity that he or she does not fully comprehend, is unable to give informed consent to, or for which the child is not developmentally prepared and cannot give consent, or that violate the laws or social taboos of society.Child sexual abuse is evidenced by this activity between a child and an adult or another child who by age or development is in a relationship of responsibility, trust or power, the activity being intended to gratify or satisfy the needs of the other person. This may include but is not limited to: ? The inducement or coercion of a child to engage in any unlawful sexual activity; ? The exploitative use of child in prostitution or other unlawful sexual practices; ? The exploitative use of children in pornographic performances and materials. Exploitat ion: Commercial or other exploitation of a child refers to use of the child in work or other activities for the benefit of others. This includes, but is not limited to, child labor and child prostitution. These activities are to the detriment of the child’s physical or mental health, education, or spiritual, moral or social-emotional development. (Source: World Heal Organization) 4. Significance of the research: As children will be the people who make up the future, when they are not provided with good conditions, that could lead to serious consequences to family and society.The situation will worse when they are abused, the research, therefore, is aiming at find out the root causes, identify the possible consequences and solution. It can help readers to better understand the problem and have right behaviors such as: helping other children, having better behaviors to children. The best results could be raising awareness of the whole society and decreasing the child abuse in V ietnam. 5. Methodology: In this research, the following methods are used: Data collection from books, magazines, internet to get statistics, data and general understanding of child abuse in Vietnam as well as to review other researches in this topic and identify which aspects are still missed. †¢Questionnaires have been distributed to 100 of people of over 20 years old to collect their opinion and understanding about child abuse as well as to find some suggested solutions. Procedures: At first, researcher finds books, magazines and all sources of information related to child abuse to get statistics, data about the problem.From this activity, researcher has identified what is child abuse, its consequences, and the existing situation. Further more, it can help researcher to determine which aspect is still missed and needed to be studied more. After that, questionnaires are developed and distribute to 100 people from the age of 20 to identify their understanding about child abuse and also to collect some suggestions for the solutions. The questionnaires provides the researcher with practical point of view to compare with those written in book or magazines. CHAPTER II. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 1. Situation of Child Abuse in VietnamFor children, family is the most solid and quiet shelter in their early years. To live with their parents and relatives and enjoy love as well as physical and mental care are the inalienable rights of every child. However, in fact, there are many children in Vietnam, who can't live like that. Even though Vietnam is one of the first members of the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, the situation of children affected by violence still occurs at serious level. It has actually become an anxiety for both society and family and does occur with not only girls but also boys.For our country, the situation of violence against children or child abuse in recent years tends to increase in both number and extent. Here are some st atistics on the media: From 2008-2009, there were 5956 cases of child abuse (an average of 3,000 cases a year), over 100 child murders and 50 kidnappings, child trafficking were detected and processed. Many children suffered from violence from their parents, family members, teachers, employers and the persons responsible for foster care. (em tim them mot so dan chung, so lieu ve lam dung tre em o Vietnam nhe) 2. Causes:Through collection of information and conduct of questionnaires, the following causes of the child abuse in Vietnam has been identified: Poverty Insufficient legal system Inappropriate teaching method Family break (em tim them mot so nguyen nhan nua nhe) Two main reasons are the same thing repeated: -First, The law is not sufficient deterrent. -Second, despite the law, but we do not comply in. Article 110 of the Penal Code on charges of torturing other people who have defined cruelty with an audience of dependent children shall be subject to warning, non-custodial ref orm for one year to three years.This is the sentence too light. While child abuse cases are often repeated in a long time that children not only affected physically but also mentally affected very badly, sometimes those that haunt the children for life. – At school, the punishment by using whips from customs, cultural traditions from the previous generation to the â€Å"Trade for the whip, to jump. †Under the old way of thinking of Vietnam, the teacher is very powerful, the idea that parents â€Å"should be the new hit†. So, should the majority support him, his teacher spanking children as a punishment to help them know the next time the error does not recur again.In addition to the teacher, the teacher with the indifference of pedagogy, the lack of knowledge of social, legal, psychological †¦ These factors led to the application of whips or insulting words to physical and spiritual children. – At home, along with the traditional view â€Å"Trade f or whip, to jump†, the parents reported that the use of whips children is their right, largely due to the education of children, with family present from 1 to 2 children, the parents are expecting children, investing heavily in education leading to heavy pressure with the children, using whips to force the children to achieve results as your parents want.Besides, there are many different reasons for parents to use whips for children, husband and wife hit me angry, angry with her husband also hit me, hit me daughter in response to her husband, son in law does not by his mother and wife also brought me out to battle †¦ in addition, a form of violence in the family, it is the excessive demand for their age and development of children and with words or actions that cause children to be mental damage, outraged, abandoned, rejected love . There are also many cases of children being beaten by parents' own childhood by their parents also lead to violence so traumatic and they als o teach children to use violence. The boys live in family violence, father or mother type . Long days also affected the character of father . (nhung ly do em neu o day chua thuyet phuc, em tim lai nhe) 2. Consequences: (tim lai cac hau qua, anh huong cua child abuse, phai ro rang theo tung muc vi du nhu: anh huong len gia dinh, anh huong len xa hoi, anh huong len giao duc, anh huong den tinh mang cua tre em, vv.. Violence against children is traumatic for children in psychiatric severity. The psychological research on children indicates that children are not cared for and caring will be taught psychological deviations unruly freedom, prefer to use violence. – The boys live in family violence, father or mother type †¦ Long days also affected the character of father. Many children are growing up and harsh, rude, even cruel to women like father or the child is more violence against women published. aking crime when enticeme. For girls, the most often aloof, afraid of men, a fraid of marriage, illness self-esteem, depression, panic neurological †¦ that is, the girls would be difficult to integrate with the community than the boys. – Both boys and girls often witnessed violence in the family, make sure the child is likely to have violence, poor education, may be arising negative intentions, and psychological operations are passive, there be prone to headaches, stomach pain and neuralgia style schizophrenia. Vulnerable age group is 5-10 years old †¦Domestic violence causes mental trauma in children, injuries that can last a lifetime, causing deep wounds in the minds of children â€Å". 3. Solutions The cases sexually abused children, domestic violence recently has once again sounding bells, there should be drastic measures to protect children. Along with that, in the current situation, policy system, legal protection, child care need to be completed quickly. Crimes against the immediate future, especially violence against children is to be heard with strict penalty, more closely.Need to build inter-sectoral coordination mechanisms at both central and unified basis in the detection, treatment, intervention, help abused children, domestic violence. Propaganda and dissemination of policies and laws of the State and measures to prevent and combat violence against children should be taken regularly to the executive committee, government, communities, schools, families and children. To ensure that in future, prevent and gradually reverse the violence, child abuse should focus on the weaknesses in the coordination of activities between ministries, sectors, localities and communities society.They also need to be urgently overcome the weaknesses in the overall investment structure and the overall budget for child protection; research established the National Commission on children to contribute to prevention of violence against children in the future. The authorities and relevant agencies should also consider the problem as a factor in the development of local society. Moreover, we should focus on building child protection system in which to strengthen and consolidate the team of civil servants, social workers engaged in the protection, care and forming services social protection young to be systematic and professional.System policies and laws on the protection and care for children should be completed quickly, clearly defining the responsibilities of all levels and branches in this area, can even study the construction of the law. For localities should do better propagation and dissemination of knowledge and education on violence against children and raise awareness of parenting for parents. Parents also must quickly try to correct the pragmatism that is affecting families, such as overly pampered children or children at the mercy †¦ And each family member should review yourself, do not blame each other.Need to devote more time to stay inside their loved ones, to understand and share with each o ther, especially when conflicts occur. Despite many difficulties and challenges, but in the next period by the resolution of legal, judicial, administrative and other measures of education, social conformity to stop and eventually reverse the violence power, abuse of children. In summary, to prevent violence against children requires the close coordination, synchronization between the three family environment, school and society. CHAPTER IV. CONCLUSION ReferencesAppendix Questionnaires used for the research: That survey researches about child abuse in Vietnam. This survey questionnaire aims to find out your knowledge child abuse. Therefore, your help is not only useful for me to complete my research, but also useful for futher this problem. Please complete all the following questions. Thanks you for your help! I. Personal Information (Please circle your choice) NAME: †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. DOB:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 1. Gender? Male Female 2. What is your age-group? 18-23 24-54 over 54 II.Multiple choice: Choose and circle the best answer 1. What do you think about reality child abuse in Vietnam? Very serious Normal Other answer 2. Who did talk to you about the event about child abuse in Vietnam? The mass media People around me Don’t pay attention 3. If you are in one of the child abuse. At this time happen, did you feel? Always calm (Luon binh tinh ) feeling scared It never happened to me 4. If you suspect or know of a child being abused. What would you do? Nothing Intervene and dissuade (Can thi? p va ngan c? n) Report to political power (Bao cao v? quy? n l? c chinh tr? ) 5. Child abuse- who is having responsibility about child abuse? Family and Social Themselves Both A and B III. Short answered questions: Give short answer of these below questions 1. In your opinion, what is cause of child abuse? 2. What should you do if you are young and you think you are being abuse d by your parent? 3. What do you say to a teen who is telling you that they are being abused? 4. Many parents think that spare the rod, spoil the child. What do you think about that opinion? Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Chaos in the Caribbean Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Chaos in the Caribbean - Case Study Example In addition, Avey’s responsibilities as the Jamaican government expertise witness involved giving forensic examination and audit assistance. He employed professional examination techniques to carry out an investigation in a way that his findings would be relevant when presented to a court of law (De-Carmoy, 1990). An alert expert witness declaration is essential in any investigation. Avey had an adequate comprehension of the legal course, regulatory and statutory issues of compliance, and pertinent rules of evidence. This made him the most suitable candidate to be appointed by the Jamaican government. Moreover, he investigated evidence that regarded affirmations. This was to determine the evidence association to ascertained criteria performed as required by a court of law. Avey carried out his research on the basis of reliable principles of accounting. This assisted him hastily find out misdealing in Blaise Merchant Bank and Trust Company where finances were lent from a single Blaise financial unit to corporations managed by its main shareholders. In the case involving Century National Bank and its associated financial units, he established dishonesty was the main reason for the issues (McLaughlin, 2006). Question 2 Avey employed professional forensic accounting techniques to investigate the link between Blaise Merchant Bank and Trust Company, Eagle Merchant Bank, and Century National Bank and its associated financial units. Avey may have used source and application of funds technique. This method is utilized when enormous amounts of finances are used for personal gain or growth as a substitute of buying investments or assets. For example, in the Century National Bank and its associated financial unit’s case, the bank used depositors’ money to obtain assets like real estate for the possible personal benefit of the people who managed the financial institutions instead of the benefit of the institutions (McLaughlin, 2006). In addition, the ap plication of funds technique may have been applied in the Eagle merchant Bank case. Here, instead of the depositors’ funds being used for the benefit of the financial institution, the money was misused. This was in connection with the building of a hotel that was intended as an apartment complex with 130 room suites. Avey may also have used analytical tools during his investigation. Forensic accountants make use of trending to examine financial numbers within a period (De-Carmoy, 1990). Trending entails performing indicators ratio analyses, for example, working capital and inventory turnover to ascertain deceitful financial statements. Avey used trending to detect self-dealing in Blaise Merchant Bank and Trust Company. In this case, finances were given out from a sole Blaise financial unit to corporations managed by key shareholders. Donald Panton and his wife’s funds were utilized to finance the institution’s owners businesses. Question 3 The troubles in the fi nancial sector began when Blaise Merchant Bank and Trust Company was temporarily managed by the Finance and planning minister.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Entry into foreign market Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Entry into foreign market - Assignment Example Analyzing the market condition in Myanmar, have shown ample opportunity for the foreign companies to expand and enter Myanmar. Investing in Myanmar can sound very lucrative as the market is surrounded with diverse range of business opportunities and is rich in natural and mineral resources so Cameron International Corporation has all the valid reason to expand its business and expand into oil and gas resources in Myanmar. However with opportunities of the company to enter Myanmar, the foreign country is also associated with risk such as low economic growth. The economic growth is rated below the potential growth about 6% in the fiscal year 2012-2013 which is driven by FDI in sectors such as infrastructure, oil and energy. Consumption seems to remain stable built it does not contributes towards the economic growth due to the population under the poverty line. Inflation is expected to reach about 5.8% in 2012 and 2013 and this is because of the inability of the central bank to induce m onetary growth. The GDP is also expected to deteriorate along with the service sectors. Further Myanmar had in the past two set of exchange rates which recently changed into a single exchange rate which aims to remove distortion of market favoring the mode of entry through FDI. Myanmar is among the emerging market and has been undergoing economic as well as political reform and doing business in Myanmar are subject to risk and thus Cameron International Corporation should thoroughly investigate the conditions of the market. before entering the market. But Myanmar has huge opportunity and it is feasible to enter the market. VRIO Analysis The VRIO framework was initiated by Barney and VRIO stands for Valuable, Rare, and Inimitable and organized (Kazmi, p.127). Valuable: If Cameron International Corporation enters Myanmar, it will be valuable for the company as Myanmar is well versed in natural and mineral resources and the company entering the market with its oil and gas will proved t o be valuable for the company and the economy as a whole. Therefore it can be said that the entry into Myanmar market is valuable and should be encouraged so that better opportunity and business prospective are developed and leads to economic growth. Rare: Cameron International Corporation provides flow equipment and pressure control equipment for both land and sea oil rigs and incurs revenue of $6,134.8million along with net profit of $562.9million in 2010. Since Myanmar has huge natural and mineral resources, the company will be able to utilize it effectively. Inimitable: the work done by the companies are hard to imitate as it requires heavy capital and huge brand name. The company has a huge brand name and is able to generate
Media Stereotypes of Asian American Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Media Stereotypes of Asian American - Essay Example For centuries Asian Americans have faced the severe stereotyping from the rest of America. They have been shown portraying a typical role in the media especially in movies and sitcoms. The minority presence of this group of people makes it even more difficult to cut through the stereotypical behavior of the natives of the country. The media which is the major source of projecting the image of the Asian American can be called biased when showing the traits and personalities of this group of people in their movies. They show them rowdy and ill-mannered through the roles in their movies. The women are merely shown as desperate housewives and the males are shown as involved in some street crime or a terrorist activity on local and international level. The Asian men as shown in the US media lack self confidence and intellect. They are shown as outrageous people with desire for violence and are low in intelligence quotient as compared to the rest of the US male population. These Asian Amer icans are shown either unemployed or in a non-glorified job. They are mainly shown as working in small stores as salesperson where they are abused by the customers or driving taxis etc.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Classroom-based Learning Experience Research Paper
Classroom-based Learning Experience - Research Paper Example e worst classroom-based learning experience has been in the form of my ability to differentiate between what I should have grabbed over a period of time, and what I was unable to do so within this time frame. I believe that when I lost out on the adoption of the technological basis, my classroom-based learning experience deteriorated immensely, which was something that I feel unhappy about (Michael, 2012). I detest the moments when I was unable to showcase my true abilities and skills, which were indeed some of the more strong points that I achieved ever since I took on the Internet technological basis within my folds. The things that made it a good experience included the hard work and conviction as well as the belief of our teachers in the students’ abilities. The things that made it a bad experience comprised my lack of intent to make sure that this process continued for a long period of time as well as my shortcomings in the wake of upgrading myself
Television Advertisements Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Television Advertisements - Research Paper Example The paper realizes the prevalence of such behavior and in that acts as a measure to find a solution to the previously answered problem. The research question seeks to address the issue on a producer’s and a television company perspective. It aims to ensure that the involved stakeholders understand their social responsibility in protecting the children by developing relevant measures to combat the adverse effects on the children. The question relates to the significant problem of the various impacts of TV advertisements on children but adopts a different approach from the previous studies. This discussion declares that the concern will not be a regulation by the prevailing regulative bodies, but an undertaking by advertisement houses and television companies meant to limit the effects of these ads on the children. The answer would work towards improving the overall health of the American population since there will be reduced cases of obesity and smoking among the children. Obesity and smoking are some of the primary causes of heart-related diseases and lung cancer in the United States and other areas in the world. Eliminating the negative influence of TV ads on the children will create a direct effect on the reduction in the prevalence rate of the associated diseases such as lung cancer and heart diseases. The outcome can be included in the commercial television industry code of practice that will ensure the children are not influenced negatively by the ads and that parents are assured of their children’s safety.
The Benchmarking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
The Benchmarking - Research Paper Example Among the many quality tools being used, benchmarking is the tool or approach â€Å"that is accelerating among many firms that have adopted the total quality management (TQM) philosophy.†(â€Å"Benchmarking†, n. d.). Benchmarking helps the organizations to find the correct solutions by following the best practices of other organizations. That is, by evaluating the best or even the relevant practices of the other organizations that operate in their organizational sector or in other sectors, and which has faced similar challenges and situations, a particular organization can find their own solutions. This approach is being followed by many real organizations, and many of them are getting sizable benefits, although there some limitations to it. This paper focusing on the quality tool of Benchmarking will discuss its historical background, working principles, main benefits, and limitations, even while elaborating about its application by case studying two organizations, Xe rox and Southwest Airlines. Although, benchmarking, as the term and as an approach, is being used in various organizational sectors from Information technology to various technologically advanced sectors, it seems ironic that it could have been originated from the manual labor-centric shoemaking industry. That is, in earlier times, cobblers would place a client’s foot on a â€Å"bench†and â€Å"mark†it out to make the pattern for the shoes, and also to measure the sizes, and â€Å"this pattern became a reference point for the cobbler and helped ensure a better fit.†(Ohab, 2011). From those beginnings, this practice of checking the best practices of others, and replicating it was carried out by various people and organizations throughout the 20th century, irrespective of the sectors. For example, Henry Ford created the assembly line in his car manufacturing units, â€Å"after taking the tour of a Chicago slaughterhouse and watching carcasses hung on hooks mounted on a monorail mo ve from one workstation to another†.
Personal Development Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Personal Development Plan - Essay Example This article gives an answer why getting into a Masters Degree in the University College of London program entails a different set of skills and abilities. Author gives an example of her skills and abilities demanded for this program. The University College of London (UCL) is known to be one of the world’s best universities. This is the ultimate reason why I have decided to apply for a master’s degree program with UCL. Its academic programs are known to be one of the best in UK. UCL, being a public research university, offers affordable education without sacrificing quality. This is another reason for choosing UCL. I can comfortably attend to my studies without worrying about the costs. Furthermore, this university is also proximal to my area of residence. In the Chinese history, Liu Bang was the founder and first emperor of the Han Dynasty, and Xiang Yu was a political figure during the same period with Liu. There was a famous battle between them, which is known as Chu-Han Contention. Xiang got 400,000 very strong soldiers. However, he failed in the war by fighting with only Gao's 100,000 soldiers. The reason of Gao's success was because he put the right people in the right place from this ancient example, we can know how important the enterprise management would be. In 2011 and 2012, I took the internship in CITIC Securities Ltd and PWC respectively. In these two periods, I further my understanding about the significance of enterprise management since I was connected closely with the staff within management from the first day I came in to the last day I left. In the very beginning, the representative of enterprise management provided all the interns with primary training for a half day in order to familiarize all the routines during our work. In the preceding time, I needed to frequently contact with them, not only handing in my time sheet but also reporting them any particular personal issues such as a sick leave. From ancient example and my personal experience, I see that enterprise management has played and will continue to play an essential role in a company or even a nation. Without it, the enterprise would never survive especially in present society with such an intensive competition. Essentially, Enterprise Management develops in a person the skill to look into business management from a holistic and integrated perspective. That is why I have been intrigued by enterprise management. To me, it is a higher level of understanding business
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Are we really running out of oil Research Paper
Are we really running out of oil - Research Paper Example The OECD is made up of about 28 countries as of 2010, including countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, Korea, Japan, Canada, Germany, France, and Australia. The European Commission also â€Å"participates†in the work of the IEA as written or reflected in the IEA documents. From the perspective of the IEA, the summary situation is that â€Å"global production will peak one day, but that peak will be determined by factors affecting both supply and demand†(IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010 Executive Summary, 6). IEA data and forecasts indicate that oil demand (excludes demand for biofuels as opposed to fossil fuels), will continue to grow steadily to reach 99 million barrels per day (mb/d) by 2035 or 15 mb/d higher from 2009. In the IEA estimate, all of the net growth will come from non-member of the OECD, about half from China alone. The rise in demand from non-OECD member countries will be mainly driven by demand for transport fuels (IEA, World Energy Outloo k 2010 Executive Summary, 6). Given the estimated rise in demand to 99 million barrels per day by 2035, global oil production will only reach 96 million barrels per day (mb/day), 3 mb/d of which will come from gains in processing efficiency (IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010 Executive Summary, 6). ... ation of Petroleum Exporting (OPEC) countries to rise continuously up to 2035 under the â€Å"New Policies Scenario†(IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010 Executive Summary, 6). The increasing production from OPEC will boost OPEC’s share in total world oil production by about one-half (IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010 Executive Summary, 6). Iraq will account for the largest share in the increase of OPEC oil output, â€Å"commensurate with its large resource base†(IEA, World Energy Outlook 2010 Executive Summary, 6). The statements from the IEA suggest that the immediate decreases in output in oil production will be coming from the non-OPEC countries rather than from the OPEC countries. In clarifying what it means by â€Å"global production will peak one day, but that peak will be determined by factors affecting both supply and demand,†the IEA clarified that in the â€Å"New Policies†scenario, total world production does not peak before 2035 (although it will be â€Å"close to doing so†). However, according to the IEA, production can peak at 86 mb/d just before 2020 because of weaker demand that falls briskly thereafter because of lower prices (World Energy Outlook 2010 Executive Summary, 6). The scenario of a weak demand can come about because of environmental concerns related to global warming. In summary, the IEA said that â€Å"if governments act more vigorously than currently planned to encourage more efficient use of oil and development of alternatives, then demand for oil might begin to ease soon and, as a result, we might see a fairly early peak in oil production†(World Energy Outlook 2010 Executive Summary, 6). The IEA strongly emphasized that the early peak in this scenario will not be caused by resource constraints but by dwindling demand and price realignments
Topic on the assignment sheet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Topic on the assignment sheet - Essay Example Climate change is here, with us to stay due to the reality that, even if corrective measures to reduce the rate of emissions, climate change will still exist (Gov. UK, par 7). Climate poses a lot of risks to the environment, with a potential of totally changing the climatic conditions of the areas affected. Climate change increases the vulnerability of the regions adversely affected to risks, dangers or disasters. This influences the processes of decision making in that, the risks vulnerable regions are more likely to be protected from further degradation as they may cause loss of lives and the destruction of properties. The aspect of protection of the environment is highly considered in addressing the possible outcomes of climate change in the regions of the world (Duncan, par 3). The protection of the people from the adversity of the impacts of climate change will imply the changes in the ways to handle the future probable (Duncan, par 4). The inculcation of the future in the plans is in line with the trends of climate change in the world and specifically in the effect of the future. Methods must be put underway to address the issues that causes climate within the societies. The government and the NGOs together with some stakeholders can be involved in the decision making on what amounts of wastes should be generated while per households. if the possibility of climate change posing future impacts to the people and environment, the decision making process should not be flawed. Climate change presents problems that are exhibited in the current ecosystems and the problems they o posses. Through the impact is hard to determined and approximate in the near future the problems, the trends can be realized and therefore the spread can be gauged to be very detrimental to the people. The policy makers therefore will have to incorporate the well need to plant tree planting as a means to
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Peers Review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Peers Review - Essay Example s fulfil the assignment on the use of technology in education, the relationship between the statement and the course is related to the course theme and it makes a reasonable claim which is also arguable. This makes it a legible assignment. 2. Discuss the paper’s scope and focus. Does the introduction give enough contexts for the argument? Are there clear â€Å"boundaries†to what the author is discussing in the paper? Can you tell that the author is responding to a research question appropriately? In the introduction, can you see where the paper is going, and can you track the thesis throughout the paper? The scope of the paper is primarily on the effects of technologies on how students take their studies. It is very easy to follow on the student’s argument throughout the essay and it is related to the topic statement. The flow of the paper is also seamless 3. How does the paper flow? Are the author’s points easy to follow? Are there any places where the author could make stronger transitions between points? Do the paragraph breaks make sense? Is the author relating individual points to one anotherâ€â€AND back to the thesis? Does every paragraph in this paper follow from the thesis? The flow of the paper is also seamless. The points are easy to follow and the paragraphs breaks make reason. This makes the points to relate to one another easily. The conclusion on the essay is also well formatted with the author referencing to the papers thesis. The author can make the conclusion more captivating to the reader through better examples 4. Does the author provide a conclusion with an effective restatement of the paper’s thesis? Does the conclusion end the paper on a convincing note? Do you have ideas about ways the author might make the conclusion more interesting to the reader? 5. Discuss the author’s use of evidence from research sources. Is the author using reliable sources, or are any of the sources potentially unreliable? Are there places where more
Monday, September 23, 2019
Organizational Terminology and Concepts Paper Essay
Organizational Terminology and Concepts Paper - Essay Example Organizations these days strive to inculcate a healthy organizational culture that is composed of a diverse workforce with fair treatment of employees, enthusiasm towards work, equal distribution of rewards on the basis of performance, equal opportunities, right policies and investment in development of employees (Ulrich, 1996). It would be correct to say that leadership of the organization has the most impact on an organization’s culture and the practices and norms flow from upwards. An honest leader who prefers fairness in all acts would produce honest diligent and friendly managers while a Machiavellian leader would produce the same crop of employees under him. Organizational Behavior Organizational behavior is the study of behavior or practices exhibited by employees in the organization, it simplifies the relationship between organization and the employee with emphasis on enhanced relationships between individuals, teams, departments and the whole organization ultimately c ontributing to the fulfillment of individual, departmental or organizational goals and objectives. Organizational behavior drives the organizational culture and is itself regulated by organizational values and policies. Based on the organizational behavior certain motivation techniques are designed within the organization sometimes based on rewards and sometimes on authority and power. The most known organizational behavior models prevalent in organizations today are autocratic, informal, supportive and collegial. While different organizations use different techniques and relationship models amongst its practices in workforce, it is a collective agreement that the field of organizational behavior is a collection of many fields including sociology, psychology, communication and management. By applying certain methodologies and techniques from these fields professionals belonging to the field understand, predict and manage the human behavior in the organization (Ulrich, 2009). A su ccessful leader understands its workforce and the required motivators that drive and motivate them to do the best for the organization and achieve objectives with a smile on their face. Diversity: Every human being is a different person; certain similarities may exist but differences are inevitable, differences that may be visible or invisible. Most visible differentiating factors among the workforce are protected by the law, such factors are caste, race, physical condition, gender, religion or beliefs and age etc. Organizations these days give much importance to the invisible factors of a diverse workforce such as culture, background, working style, weight, height accent or language and others (Ulrich, 1996). A diverse workforce brings diverse experiences and ideas, with more opportunities to learn and grow. Successful organizations not only discourage discriminating acts of any kind but they consciously create a diverse workforce to achieve maximum efficiencies and innovative prac tices. Communication Communication is a two way process, in an organization communication holds much importance and it is the nature of
7.Discuss womens position (in general) during 3 time periods Essay
7.Discuss womens position (in general) during 3 time periods - Essay Example Since the pre-Islamic Arabia was highly diverse, this influenced the role of women and their position in society. Before Islam, the core unit of the society in Arab was the tribe. Each tribe consisted of a clan, which further comprised of ‘hayy’ members, similar to today’s family members. Members of a tribe were related by blood, and headed by a chief, who also was charged with settling conflicts in the tribe. It is believed that most tribes bore feminine names, showing that the pre-Islamic Arabia was probably a matriarchal society (Muslim Women’s League Web). Diversity in pre-Islamic Arab led to different laws and customs among the people, depending on their communities. Therefore, it might be impossible to explain the position of women during this time using a single account. Different indications have pointed to the fact that women during this period were highly influential and allowed higher leadership positions in society. In this period, women had an upper hand in decision-making in different spheres of their personal life, as well as those issues that affected the society. This includes marriage and divorce, inheritance, and leadership, among others. However, despite this, women also were faced with challenges in society, including how men perceived them, and some were detrimental to womanhood. A major negative practice in pre-Islamic Arabia, which affected women adversely, was female infanticide. This mainly was performed on young girls, who would be buried alive upon birth. The main reason for female infanticide in pre-Islamic Arabia was for population control. Girls were chosen mainly because they were considered unproductive in society, except for their beauty. In addition, this would reduce the rate of poverty and famine during dry periods, since there would be no extra mouths to feed (Muslim Women’s League Web). With regard to marriage, men married women to increase the population of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Workforce Effectiveness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Workforce Effectiveness - Essay Example Thus in doing his job, the human resources manager is supposed to be aware of why and how he/she is supposed to carry out his duties. In order to be effective the manager needs to be highly motivated, realistic and visionary among many other characteristics. In developing a security policy organization wise the human resources manager will have to address the issue of constraints on the behavior of workers as well as the constraints imposed on the adversaries by mechanisms such as locks, walls, doors, keys etc. In terms of systems, the security policy is supposed to address constraints related to functions and flow among them. Thus, constraints on access by adversaries and external systems including access to data and programs by un-authorized persons will have to be addressed. The communication system should be highly advanced to prevent illegal tapings on the organizations employees. This would be to protect not only the organizations employees but also the organizations information. This is because this being a call-center business the level of external communication will definitely have to be higher as compared to normal businesses. To safeguard the premises as well as the employee's physical safety, the human resources manager will have to setup a scanning process for all person... In doing this there will be a need for all visitors to explicitly, identify themselves. In addition, the visitors will have to be given visitors passes that can only open doors in the specific floor they are going. In addition to this, employees will have to be issued with gate passes that clearly identify who went where and how. To prevent software, information, or data theft all computers would have to be fitted with biometric mousse. This will limit the number of people who can use certain workstations. To top this up all employees should be scanned for the luggage's they bring in and out to prevent theft of office and organizational tools and information. 3) Parking safety: The parking system should be such that it is clearly visible from the monitoring center. Additionally all vehicles entering the employees parking should be officially registered with the security team and in addition all vehicles parked either at the employees parking or the visitors parking should always be checked to make sure no unwanted materials are smuggled inside the premises. 4) The central locking system: The central locking system should be well programmed to make sure that it gives details of all persons still not logged out from their workstations and floors at their supposed time of business closure. This will go a long way in preventing the actions of certain employees or visitors remaining in the offices at times when they are not supposed to be there. 5) Localized digital monitoring: To ensure maximum internal and external surveillance of the work place, there is need to set up a digital system of video surveillance. This system will have to be operational on a
Pervasive Developmental Disorders Essay Example for Free
Pervasive Developmental Disorders Essay The pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs) represent a spectrum of difficulties in socialization, communication, and behavior. Autism is the best recognized and most frequently occurring form of a group of the PDDs. Because most of the research in areas related to communication has been done on autism, we will focus here on this particular PDD. However, we should be aware that autism is probably not the most common disorder on this spectrum. Other types of PDDs include Retts Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Aspergers Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, or PDDNOS (Twachtman-Cullen 1998). This work will also discuss the distinctive features of Aspergers syndrome, which is believed to be genetically related to autism. Much of what can be said about certain features of autism and PDDNOS applies to other forms of non-autistic PDD. The goal of this research is to provide a framework for understanding cognitive development in children with PDDs. The study will cover criteria for early PDDs diagnosis. The best-known type of PDDs is autistic disorder (variously called autism or infantile autism). The symptoms of autistic disorder typically increase gradually through the childs second year, reach a peak between 2 and 4 years of age, and then show some improvement. Young children with greater cognitive ability who receive very early intensive intervention may show dramatic improvement at this age, whereas those who are more impaired will make more modest changes. Persons with autistic disorder exhibit major deficits in their ability to relate to others. The child with autistic disorder often appears content to dwell in a separate world, showing little empathic interest in parents or siblings. Unlike the normally developing baby, the child with autistic disorder may not raise his arms to be picked up or may stiffen in protest when his parents try to cuddle him. The childrens lack of social interest may make some of these babies seem like â€Å"easy babies†because they do not seek parental attention, and appear content to remain in their cribs, watching a mobile or staring at their hands. As they get older, such lack of demandingness is recognized for the relative indifference it actually reflects. The child with autistic disorder may not seek others for comfort when she is hurt or upset, finding little consolation in the gentle words and hugs that are so important to other children. Not only do the children not ask for comfort, they typically are quite indifferent to other peoples distress and do not seem to share their joy. A siblings tears or a parents happiness may elicit no response from the child with autistic disorder. Children with autistic disorder show little interest in the domestic imitation that most children enjoy. For example, unlike the normally developing child, the child with autistic disorder usually does not use his miniature mower to cut the grass like mommy or pretend to shave while he watches daddy. This lack of interest in imitation interferes with one of the primary channels for learning by young children: their ability to model adult behaviors and master them through role play. Social play is one of the primary activities of childhood. A few simple toys can create the backdrop for long hours of companionship. The child with autistic disorder does not know how to join this kind of play, sometimes completely ignoring other children, or perhaps standing on the sidelines, not comprehending how to become part of the group. Not surprisingly, given the range of social deficits they exhibit, children with autistic disorder are very impaired in their ability to make childhood friends. Within the communication domain, impairments are present in a number of linguistic and nonverbal areas, the most fundamental of which are pragmatics and semantics (i. . , the social usage and explicit or implicit meaning of language and gestures). Although linguistic capability varies greatly across the spectrum (from a total absence of speech to highly sophisticated and erudite language), significant impairments in pragmatics and semantics are universal among individuals with PDDs. They communicate primarily to express needs, desires, and preferences, rather than to convey sincere interest in others, or to share exp eriences, excitement, and feelings. Even among those possessing highly sophisticated and complex language, compliments, words of empathy, and expressions of joy in the good fortune of others are very rare. There is little reciprocity, mutuality, or shared purpose in discussions. In addition, speech and gestural forms of communication are poorly integrated, often resulting in awkward and uncomfortable social interactions. Implicit, subtle, and indirect communications are neither used nor perceived. Expressive communication tends to be explicit, direct, and concrete. During discussions, persons with autism often fail to prepare their speaking partners for conversational transitions, new topics, or personal associations. This can result in digressive, circumstantial, and tangential comments and discussions. It would appear as though persons with autism assume that others are implicitly aware of their experiences, viewpoints, attitudes, and thoughts. The fashion in which these deficits are manifest is influenced by age, overall cognitive level, temperament, and the presence of sensory or physical limitations. In toddlers, for example, impaired pragmatics may be manifested by significant limitations in reciprocal eye contact, responsive smiling, joint attention (mutual sharing of interests and excitement), and social imitative play. In addition, socially directed facial expressions, instrumental and emphatic gestures, and modulation of speech prosody (intonation, cadence, and rate) are rarely used to complement speech, communicate feelings and attitudes, or moderate social discourse. Among preschool children, impairments in symbolic functioning (e. g. , language) are accompanied by serious limitations in pretense (e. g. ymbolic, imaginative, creative, and interactive play). Pragmatic impairments among adolescents with Asperger’s syndrome may be manifested by one-sided, pedantic discussions, with no attempt to involve speaking partners by acknowledging and integrating their experiences, ideas, and viewpoints into conversations. Sincere attempts by others to engage in reciprocal conversations may be met with a lack of acknowledgment, annoyance, and disinterest. Comments or questions that are â€Å"snuck in†by the listener may be experienced as rude interruptions, prompting the directive, â€Å"Wait! Im not done talking yet†(Bernabei, Camaioni Levi 1998). The result is a monologue or lecture that often includes abrupt changes of topic and the introduction of unexplained personal associations. This lack of conversational reciprocity suggests that persons with AS and high-functioning autism inherently assume that the listener is implicitly aware of their own experiences, viewpoints, and intent. Because the relaying of factual and concrete information is the primary goal of â€Å"social†dialog among those with ASD, the communication of subtle attitudes, viewpoints, and emotions (particularly secondary emotions, such as embarrassment, guilt, and envy) are largely irrelevant and superfluous. Therefore, emphatic gestures, informative facial expressions, and vocal modulation lack essential meaning for them. The result is that persons with autism generally disregard nonverbal cues and fail to incorporate them into their own discussions. Because this component of social communication often conveys essential information regarding feelings, attitudes, and opinions, an inability to identify, interpret, and produce nonverbal cues can have a highly detrimental effect on social interactions and relationships. Given these impairments, it is not surprising that verbal and nonverbal aspects of communication are poorly integrated, and that subtlety and nuance are rarely conveyed. Figurative and inferential language is another area of communication that is impaired in autism, largely due to a combination of deficits in abstract and conceptual thought, social reciprocity, and appreciation of the subtleties of social communication. Persons with ASD are highly literal and concrete in their language and thought processing, typically failing to understand metaphor, irony, sarcasm, and facetiousness. As a result, comments are often misinterpreted and discussions misunderstood. In addition, in an effort to remain true to the facts, comments and questions are often presented in an overly direct, straightforward, and â€Å"brutally honest†manner, lacking appropriate tact and sensitivity (Szatmari, Jones, Fisman, Tuff, Bartolucci, Mahoney 1995). This can cause embarrassment and distress for the listener and confusion for the speaker with AS. Both may become angry and resentful; the listener, because of emotional distress and perceived mistreatment; the speaker, because of the seemingly unjustifiable overreaction and a negative attitude displayed by the listener. From the perspective of the person with AS, the listener responded in a rude and ungrateful manner to comments that were intended to be informative, useful, and corrective. The emotional distress, embarrassment, and attack on self-esteem experienced by the listener are relatively foreign to the individual with autism. Interestingly, principles, rules, and codes of behavior can be interpreted in a highly concrete and rigid manner. This can result in insensitive and hurtful comments and behavior, because exceptions to the rule, adjustments to unexpected social contingencies, and appreciation for the spirit (not simply the letter) of the law are relatively foreign to those with autism. There is little awareness that rigid adherence to unavoidably flawed rules can result in a situation that is antithetical to the underlying intent of the rule itself. One of the dinning features of autism and Asperger’s syndrome is that of rigidity and inflexibility in response to minor change and transition in the environment and daily routines. This insistence on sameness and invariance can be highly impairing, because the precipitants of these reactions often are of little social significance and do not disturb the smooth functioning of the social world. It is as though persons with autism depend on these inanimate markers of space and time because the social priorities that typically direct schedules and routines have little meaning and significance for them. Aspergers Syndrome has been associated with cognitive strength since Hans Asperger first described the disorder in the 1940s. When he wrote of children who sounded like â€Å"little professors,†Dr. Asperger (1944/1991) was describing not only their pedantic tone but also their cognitive abilities. The assumption of adequate cognitive skill was reiterated when the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) stated that individuals with Aspergers Syndrome show â€Å"no clinically significant delay in cognitive development†(Willey 2001). Aspergers syndrome (AS) was added as a new â€Å"official†diagnosis when DSMIV and ICD-10 were published. In the past, children with AS were sometimes referred to as having schizoid personality, or schizotypal personality, and PDD, NOS. It is now recognized as distinct from autism. AS differs from autism in a number of key ways: first, children with AS may not be detected as early because they may have no delays in language, or only mild delays. In fact, it is usually not until parents notice that their childs use of language is unusual, or their childs play is also unusual, that concern sets in. Unlike autism, where the vast majority of children also experience some degree of mental retardation, children (and adults) with AS are rarely mentally retarded although many have low-average intelligence. Children with AS are sometimes described as â€Å"active, but odd†not avoiding others the way autistic children often do, but relating in a more narrow way, usually centering activity around their own needs and peculiar interests. In fact, having one or more areas of narrow, encompassing interest is highly characteristic of those with AS. Parents often ask whether AS is the same thing as â€Å"high-functioning autism. Research studies have addressed this question, and the answer is â€Å"no†(Fombonne, Simmons, Ford, Meltzer Goodman 2001). One main difference is that children with AS tend to have fairly comparable verbal and nonverbal levels of intelligence, while higher functioning (that is, less cognitively impaired) autistic children tend to have nonverbal IQs that are markedly higher than their verbal IQs. Another key feature of AS is the presence of intense, preoccupying interests that generally are unusual in nature and highly restricted and narrow in scope and breadth. An impressive store of factual knowledge is accrued on relatively esoteric topics; however, this knowledge is rarely utilized for functional, socially meaningful purposes. Rather, factual knowledge is pursued for its own intrinsic value to the AS individual. In addition, children and adults with AS tend to be physically awkward, uncoordinated, and poor in judging visual-spatial perspective (often failing to maintain comfortable interpersonal space during social interactions). With regard to neuropsychological functioning, verbal abilities are generally much better developed than are nonverbal abilities (e. . , perceptualmotor, visual-spatial). In a majority of cases impairments are present in executive functions, including working memory, organization, and cognitive-set flexibility. Although children with AS are thought to show no general cognitive delay, there is actually a great deal of variability in the specific abilities of individuals. In spite of mass media suggestions that individuals with AS grow up to be scientists or software engineers, we do not yet have data to support this connection. For most children, the PDDs last a lifetime. Although early intervention for many young children with autistic disorder, Asperegers disorder, and PDDNOS has produced major developmental changes, the technology has not yet reached the point where the majority of children make the degree of change that allows them to blend imperceptibly into their peer group. As a result, although most children with PDDs benefit in important ways from treatment, many still become adults with PDDs or some significant residuals of PDDs. There are no details of what causes PDDs. There appears to be a genetic contribution to at least some kinds of autistic disorder. For example, Fragile X syndrome is a chromosomal disorder than long has been linked to mental retardation and more recently has been shown to be related to autistic disorder. This disorder gets its name from a narrowing near the end of the long arm of the X chromosome that sometimes makes the tip fragile. Fragile X syndrome shows an X-linked (sex gene-linked) recessive pattern of inheritance. As a result, this disorder typically is transmitted to boys by their mothers. Fragile X syndrome accounts for a small but significant number of boys diagnosed with autistic disorder. General support for the notion that the symptoms of autistic disorder reflect underlying physiological dysfunction comes from research showing that autistic disorder occurs more often than would be predicted by chance among children whose mothers had German measles during pregnancy, that these children experienced a higher than expected rate of problems during pregnancy or birth, and that they are at greater risk for seizures than other children. Findings such as these raise important questions about where in the brain abnormalities may occur and how these neurochemical, biochemical, or neurological factors may be linked specifically to the development of the language, social, affective, and behavioral symptoms that characterize autistic disorder and the other PDDs. The process of accurate diagnosis and classification is an essential endeavor in medicine, because it is key to ensuring validity and reliability, enabling etiological research, and identifying effective methods of treatment. Although ASDs are not medical illnesses in the classical sense, they do result from neurodevelopmental abnormalities that affect social, communicative, and behavioral functioning in fundamental ways. The autism is not a unitary condition with a single etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, and treatment approach; rather, it is a group of related conditions that share many clinical features and underlying social-communicative impairments. The fundamental purpose of arriving at an accurate diagnosis is to promote meaningful research that will eventually lead to effective treatment and an ultimate cure. Accurate diagnosis also enables investigators, clinicians, educators, and parents to communicate clearly, effectively, and efficiently. Ideally, a valid and reliable diagnosis should convey a great deal of information about developmental strengths and weaknesses, short- and long-term prognosis, and treatments that are most likely to be effective. Both basic and applied research endeavors are enhanced by improvements in diagnosis and classification. During recent years, efforts have been made to identify ASD as early in life as possible, in order to begin implementing educational and treatment interventions; providing families with education, support, and community resources; and reducing the stress and anxiety families experience as a result of incorrect or misleading diagnoses. The importance of an early diagnosis is supported by findings of improved linguistic, cognitive, and adaptive functioning as a result of intensive early intervention. Studies have begun to appear in the research literature assessing the reliability and stability of autism diagnoses made during the early preschool years. Experienced clinical investigators have demonstrated that an accurate diagnosis of autism can be made in the second and third years of life. However, accuracy depends on the completion of a comprehensive, interdisciplinary assessment, one that includes the use of standardized diagnostic instruments in conjunction with clinical expertise. Nonetheless, even among experienced clinicians and investigators, false positive and false negative diagnoses are sometimes made. Investigators have begun to examine clinical variables that may be predictive of treatment response and general prognosis. For example, Handleman Harris (2001) found that preschool children with autism who exhibited low baseline levels of social avoidance experienced significantly more social and linguistic progress than did their high-avoidance counterparts following 6 months of intensive incidental teaching and pivotal response training (provided in an inclusive setting). A complementary strategy for assessing the validity of AS is to examine the pattern of associated symptomatology. In this regard, a recent study investigated emotional and behavioral disturbance (psychopathology) in 4 to 18-year-olds with HFA and AS. The Developmental Behavior Checklist (DBC), an informant-based instrument completed by parents and teachers, was used to assess psychopathology. The DBC contains the following six subscales: disruptive, self-absorbed, communication disturbance, anxiety, antisocial, and autistic relating. Children and adolescents with AS exhibited high levels of psychopathology, particularly disruptive behavior, anxiety, and problems with social relationships. The best documented approach to the treatment of people with PDDs is a form of behavior therapy called applied behavior analysis. Since the mid-1960s, when Ivar Lovaas and his colleagues demonstrated that children with autism responded to carefully planned applied behavior analytic techniques, there has been extensive research on the use of these methods to treat the PDDs, especially for autistic disorder, Aspergers disorder, and PDDNOS (Durand 1990). Three decades of research have contributed to the development of a substantial array of specific behavioral treatment techniques and of documentation to support the efficacy of these methods in treatment of PDDs. This research also has demonstrated the essential role that parents can play in the treatment of their children by providing consistency of intervention between home and school, or even in some cases as the childs primary therapist.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
NaCl solutions Essay Example for Free
NaCl solutions Essay The different concentrations of NaCl solutions led to the net movement of water molecules in the samples through osmosis. The samples soaked in higher NaCl concentrations, 0. 75 M and 1 M, slightly increased in mass due to less absorption of water. Samples soaked in less NaCl concentrations, on the other hand, became bulky due to considerably high absorption of water. As discussed by Bowen (2000), water molecules flow from the solution with low solute concentration to the part with higher concentration of the solute. Thus, there was a higher net water movement towards the fruit in solutions with low NaCl concentrations than in solutions with high NaCl concentrations. Therefore, water flows in response to the differences in molarity across a samples’ membrane. When sufficient water molecules moved to equalize the NaCl concentration on both sides of the membrane, equilibrium is reached and the net flow of water ceases. The Effect of Solute Concentration on Plant Cells The process of substance’s diffusion across the cell membrane is called osmosis. Osmosis is important to plants because low water content in their cells causes withering. This happens when water moves out of the cells by osmosis. Without enough water there is little pressure inside the cells (turgor pressure) through the vacuoles, thus, the plant sags. By, watering the plant, its cells become engorged with water, giving a firmer body for the plants. The Effect of Solute Concentrations on Red Blood Cells When red blood cells were placed in distilled water, it rapidly absorbed water until it bursts (plasmolysis), hence, cloudy appearance was observed. The distilled water represented hypotonic solution, hence, its molecules moved into the cells. This is the reason why plasma, the liquid portion of our blood is made of water with dissolved salts and proteins to prevent the unnecessary gain or loss of water by our blood cells. Discussion and Conclusions Diffusion in a Solid and in a Liquid Based on the results of this experiment, the rate of diffusion of solid particles is affected by its molecular weight. Since methylene blue has a higher molecular weight than KMnO4, it diffused slowly. The medium on which the particles diffuses, also affect the rate of diffusion. Liquid medium favors diffusion more than hardly vibrating solid particles. This is the reason why KMnO4 diffuses faster in liquid medium than in agar. Moreover, the temperature which denotes kinetic energy of the particles affects the particle movement. Particles in high temperatures or with high kinetic energy, move and diffuse faster that particles in low temperature. The Effect of Solute Concentration on Plant and Animal Cells The net movement of materials in and out of the cell is affected by the concentration of the solute. Based on concentration gradient, water flows from area of low solute concentration to region of high solute concentration. Thus, when the plant cells were exposed to a solution of low solute concentration (hypotonic), water flowed into the cell. The swelling of elodea plant in distilled water is an indication of the high solute concentration in its cells. Meanwhile, the cloudy appearance of the red blood cells in distilled water indicates plasmolysis or bursting due to the excessive absorption of water. The cell membrane protected the plant cells from bursting. References All About Agar. (n. d. ). Science Buddies. Org. Retrieved October 30, 2008, from http://www.sciencebuddies. org/mentoring/project_ideas/MicroBio_Agar. shtml Bowen, R. A. (2000). Osmosis. Retrieved October 30, 2008, from http://arbl. cvmbs. colostate. edu/hbooks/cmb/cells/pmemb/osmosis. html McCandless, Jr. J. R. (1997). Diffusion, Osmosis and Cell Membranes. Science Education Connection. Retrieved October 30, 2008, from http://biology. arizona. edu/sciconn/lessons/mccandless/reading. html Senese, F. (2007). Matter. General Chemistry Online. Retrieved October 30, 2008, from http://antoine. frostburg. edu/chem/senese/101/matter/index. shtml
Celiac Disease: Symptoms, Causes and Effects
Celiac Disease: Symptoms, Causes and Effects INTRODUCTION TO CELIAC DISEASE (definition, overview); Celiac disease or celiac sprue is a common disease that occurs in people digestive system. The people with this condition have adverse reaction to food containing gluten. Gluten is a type of protein that commonly can be found in three types of cereals such as wheat, rye and barley. It also can be found in food such as bread, pasta and biscuit. In the case of celiac disease, the immune system of the body treated one of substances that make gluten, gliadin, as a threat to the body and negatively react to it. The immune system produces antibodies to fight the supposed to be harmful substance. This antibodies cause surface the intestine become inflamed, disrupting the ability of the body to absorb the nutrient from the food lead to malnourished condition to people with the celiac disease. If this condition happened to infant or toddler, it will make them failed to thrive, in term of the weight and height. In older, the malnourished condition can lead to late blooming. In United States, 1 in every 100 to 200 people has this condition[1], while in UK it affects 1 in every 100 people[2]. The number might be higher because some milder cases may go undiagnosed or misdiagnosed and treated as other disease. The disease may affect to all people at any age. Women with celiac disease are two to three times higher than men[3] from all the cases that were reported. The symptoms have high probability to develop during early childhood – between 8-12 months old and usually it takes several months before correct diagnosis is made or in later adulthood – between ages of 40 to 60 years[4]. Due to adverse reaction to gluten, people with this condition should avoid gluten in their diet. Cause There is no exact science what conditions that can develop the celiac disease. The two condition that probably cause this is the genetic and environment. The risk is approximately 10% with family history[5], compared with 1% person with no close relative that has this condition. In identical twin, the risk can go up to 85% if the other twin has this condition.[6] Other factor that can cause celiac disease is the environmental factor. Having previous infection in the digestive system or wrong diet when someone was a children play part in developing celiac disease. Introduce gluten to the diet of less than three months old baby can increase the risk of developing celiac disease. Experts agree that parents have to wait until their baby is six months old or older to introduce gluten to the baby diet. When the baby is introduced to gluten, there is also high chance that they still develop celiac disease if they are not breastfeed. Some number of health conditions can also increase the risk to develop celiac disease such as ulcerative colitis – inflammation of colon cause by some digestive condition–, type-1 diabetes and neurological disorders such as epilepsy.[7] Symptom Although celiac disease is hard to be recognized, there are several symptoms that may lead to celiac disease diagnosis. When a person eat food containing gluten, several conditions can be happened: Indigestion Occasional change in bowel habit such as diarrhea or constipation Bloating and flatulence Anemia, a condition where someone lack iron in blood and cause tiredness, breathlessness and an irregular heartbeat Abdominal pain Loss of appetite Weight loss Feeling tired all the time – as result of malnutrition Children not growing to expected rate. Tingling and numb in the hands and feet Vomiting, usually happen on children Hair loss, usually happen on adult Note that the symptoms are often intermittent, start and stop interchangeably and sometimes appear unrelated to the diet and digestive symptoms. The symptom in mild case celiac disease sometimes unnoticeable, and is detected during testing for another disease. It is suggested that, although it is a mild condition, complication can still occur. The symptoms for severe celiac disease is the same as the regular symptom, except in more severe level such as stomach cram, muscle spasm, diarrhea which often happen at night and swelling in the hand, feet, arms and legs caused by buildup of fluid or edema. The stools (feces) can also contain high levels of fat, which can make them greasy, foul smelling and frothy. They also can make it hard to flush the toilet. IMPORTANCE OF READING ABOUT CELIAC DISEASE; The symptoms of celiac disease sometimes are not apparent. The cause of the disease for children can be harmful and cause long-term damage. If the disease is untreated, it can lead to malnourished because the body cannot digest the food in the right way. The body will feel tired and lack of energy. Malnutrition in children will lead to failure to grow at expected rate, in term of height and weight and for older children; it can lead to delayed puberty. Because of the long term and damaging effect of celiac disease, proper knowledge of this condition should become a common awareness. An untreated or undiagnosed celiac disease in a person that still eats gluten can cause more serious effect. Eating a tiny amount of gluten can trigger the symptoms of celiac disease and increase the possibility to develop complications such as osteoporosis, malnutrition, lactose intolerance and even cancer. Osteoporosis Osteoporosis is a condition where the bones become weak and brittle. The bones need mineral and vitamin to make it keep strong. Because of the digestive condition of a person with celiac disease, the damaged intestines prevent it to absorb nutrient from the food that needed to be given to the bones. Osteoporosis usually has no symptoms, until someone had an accidental fall or something similar and end up breaking a weakened bones. Osteoporosis can be treated by consume enough vitamin D and calcium. Malnutrition The damage in the intestines prevent is to absorb enough nutrient for the body. These malnutrition conditions can makes the body cannot function normally or recover in the event of infection or wounded. Severe malnutrition can cause fatigue, dizzy and confused. The muscles become languish and it is very difficult to keep the warm of the body. In children, the malnutrition can hamper the growth and late development. The malnutrition can be treated by additional supplement or eating enough calories in the diet. Lactose Intolerance Someone with celiac disease has high possibility to also develop lactose intolerance, where the body is not enough producing enzymes to digest milk sugar (lactose) found in dairy products. Celiac disease symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating and abdominal discomfort are caused by lactose intolerance. Lactose intolerance does not damage the body, but rather cause the above discomfort, the gastrointestinal symptoms, because the body cannot digest the lactose properly. Lactose intolerance can be treated by not drinking or eating dairy product. Additional supplement such as calcium might be needed because dairy product is one of the main sources of calcium for the body. Cancer It is suggested in some research that having celiac disease can raise the possibility to develop certain type of cancer, including bowel cancer and lymphoma, cancer in the lymphatic system, part of the immune system. Based on research, it is estimated that people with celiac disease has two times higher possibility to develop bowel cancer than general population[8]. The highest risk to develop cancer is thought in the first year after diagnosis, and drop to normal after the gluten free diet take effect. Whether or not someone has celiac disease, it is important to be aware to the symptom of bowel cancer which includes unexplained weight loss, blood in stools (feces) and change in the normal bowel habit lasting more than four weeks. SIGNIFICANCE OF A COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH TO CELIAC DISEASE The symptom of celiac disease sometimes unrecognizable or people think that it is the symptom to other disease. Take the right approach to find the disease and how to react to it seems necessary. The approach to celiac disease can be divided into two categories, the correct diagnosis and correct treatment. Diagnosis Routine screening for celiac disease is not recommended unless someone has the potential to develop them. If someone have symptom that already explained above, then it is recommended to test for celiac disease. Testing is also recommended if someone have the following condition: Type 1 diabetes Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) Underactive or overactive thyroid gland Dermatitis herpetiformis, a skin condition that causes blistering In other circumstances, testing is also recommended if someone has this condition: Addision disease, where certain gland in the body are attacked by immune system Down Syndrome, an abnormal physical and mental development that is caused by genetic condition Epilepsy Lymphoma, a type of cancer Bone diseases such as rickets, the softening and weakening of the bone Persistent of unexplained constipation Repeated miscarriages Sjogren’s Syndrome, a condition where the tear and saliva gland are attacked by the immune system Turner Syndrome, infertility and delayed growth affecting a woman because of a genetic condition Unexplained fertility The screening to diagnose celiac disease involves two steps. The first step is the blood test, to help identify the people who may have celiac disease and then biopsy as the second test to confirm that people have celiac disease. In the blood test, the general practitioner will take sample of the blood and then test it for antibodies that usually can be found in the bloodstream of people with celiac disease. Before and during the test, the people that will be diagnosed should not avoid gluten in their diet as this can lead to inaccurate test result. If the test is positive, mean that there is a celiac disease antibodies found the blood, it is recommend to take second step of the test, biopsy. Sometimes, someone has celiac disease but the blood test result is negative, mean that no antibodies found in the blood. If the symptoms of celiac disease keep coming, the doctor usually will recommend taking biopsy test. The second step, biopsy test usually carried out in a hospital and is performed by gastroenterologist, a specialist that treats any conditions in the stomach and intestines. Before the procedure, local anesthetic will be given to the patient to numb her throat or sedative to make her relax. An endoscope, a thin and flexible tube with a light will then is inserted in to her mouth and gently pass down to her small intestine. A tiny biopsy tool will be passed through the endoscope to takes sample of the lining in the small intestine. The sample will then be inspected under microscope to confirm the presence of a celiac disease. If someone diagnoses with celiac disease, she may also need to take other test to assess how the celiac disease has affected the body so far. She may need to do another blood test to check the level of iron, vitamins and mineral in the blood. This test will help to determine whether she already has anemia due to poor digestion. A skin biopsy may need to be taken if she appears to develop dermatitis herpetiformis, a gluten intolerance condition marked by an itchy rash in the skin. I other cases, a DEXA scan may also being recommended. This test will particularly see the condition of the bones. The DEXA scan is some kind of X-ray to measure the bones density to see if she have the risk of bone fracture when she getting older. This test may necessary if the doctor suspects that the celiac disease has already affected the bone and cause osteoporosis. Treatment The simplest way to explain the treatment celiac disease is by move away from food contains gluten. Do not eat it even just a small amount of it. This action will prevent the damage of the lining in the intestines or gut that is caused by gluten, and its associated symptom such as diarrhea and stomach pain. Someone with celiac disease should avoid gluten in their diet for life because this protein, if is consumed will cause the symptom to comeback and cause long-term damage to the health. This may looks worrying and daunting, but help is always available from the doctor or dietician about how to manage the diet. Few weeks after starting gluten free diet, the symptom will improve considerably. However, it may take quite long time; up to two years before the digestive system heal completely. As mentioned above, a dietician might be endorsed by the doctor to give advice about healthy diet without gluten. They will also help to check the balance of the nutrient in the new diet. Someone with celiac disease will no longer able to eat foods that contain wheat, barley or rye. Even if they eat just a spoonful of pasta, the celiac symptom will start to emerge, such as the unpleasant intestinal sensation. If gluten is ate regularly, in the long run it will increase the risk to develop osteoporosis or cancer in later life. The good news is, as protein, gluten is not essential to the diet and the replacement can be found in many other foods. Alternatives for gluten-free foods are widely available in store, supermarket or healthy food shops, including pizza, pasta and bread. Wide ranges of gluten-free food are also available on prescription. Many basic foods such as vegetables, rice, cheese, potatoes and meat are naturally gluten-free so to put them in the personal diet of someone with celiac disease is not a problem. To give a brief picture about which food contain gluten or not, the list below will show you some of the food with gluten and without gluten. Food containing gluten Do not eat the following food unless it has label as gluten-free version: Bread Pasta Cereal Biscuit or crackers Cakes and pastries Pies Gravies and Sauces It is important to always check the label of the food that being bought. By law, food labeled as gluten-free can contain no more than 20 ppm (parts per million) of gluten. [9] Most people can accept this amount trace of gluten, but very few people cannot tolerate even very small of it. For those type of people, they really need to eat gluten-free food. Many foods, mainly those that are processed may contain gluten in additives, such as modified food starch and malt flavoring. Gluten may also found in some non-food product such as lipstick, postage stamps or some type of medication. Cross contamination can occur if gluten-free food is processed together with same utensils with the food that contain gluten. Gluten free food The following foods naturally do not contain gluten: Rice Potatoes Fruit and vegetables Fish and meat Most dairy product such as milk, butter and cheese Gluten free flour such as corn, soy, rice and potato Oats is also an example of gluten-free food; nevertheless many people with celiac disease avoid eating them because they can become contaminated by gluten from other cereal. To eat oats, someone with celiac disease should carefully check that the oats is pure and no gluten contaminations have occurred. It is recommended to eat oat when the gluten-free diet already taken full-effect. If the symptom emerges again, stop eating oats. In early prevention of celiac disease to be developed in people, it is advised to not introduce any diets that contain gluten to less than six months old baby. Breast milking the baby is the best way to feed them since the breast milk does not contain gluten. The baby milk formula is also gluten-free. Besides eating gluten free diet, other treatments are also needed especially if the celiac disease already affecting the body. For the first six month after diagnosis, additional supplement might be needed to ensure that the body have enough nutrient its needed before the digestive system repair itself. Taking supplement can also remedy any deficiencies such as anemia. In the case where the celiac disease causing the spleen work less efficiently, which makes someone vulnerable to infection, an additional vaccination should be applied. The vaccinations include influenza and HIB/MenC vaccine which protect against meningitis, pneumonia and sepsis or blood poisoning. Pneumococcal should also be taken to protect against infections caused by the Streptococcus Pneumonia bacterium. For some people, celiac disease can also cause an itchy rash in the skin called dermatitis herpetiformis. Taking a gluten free diet as treatment is usually enough to clear it up. In some cases, it takes quite long time to clear up the rash. Medicine called Dapson might be prescribed by the doctor to help the body speed up the clearing of the rash. However, side effects such as depression and headaches should be expected, so it usually will be prescribed in the lowest effective dose. Celiac disease has a long run damaging effect to the body. It is suggested that comprehensive approach, which include diagnosis and treatment as explain above should become common knowledge for people, especially someone with the higher risk to develop the disease because of family genetic or other factor. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
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