Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Rocky and Bullwinkle Affect on Pop Culture in America during the Cold Term Paper
Rocky and Bullwinkle Affect on Pop Culture in America during the Cold War - Term Paper Example Thesis statement: Rocky and Bullwinkle revealed the American attitude on Cold War, acted the role of a rhetorical construction against rhetorical war and political allegory on Cold War sentiment, and influenced Pop culture in America during the Cold War. I. American Popular Culture during the Cold War The multicultural characteristic of the American society is reflected in its popular culture. To be specific, American culture shows acceptance towards all cultures without any partiality. This acceptance deeply influences the amalgamation of different cultural characteristics. Besides, this led to the growth and development of popular culture in America, which reflected the Cold War apprehensions. Within this context, co-operation between USA and Soviet Union, during World War II, did not last much because it eventually led towards mutual suspicion. On the other side, the popular culture in America made use of this continuous tension as its subject matter. From a different angle of vie w, the Cold War era reflected the American influence upon the cultural scenario of the world nations in general. At the same time, the whole world was under the threat of arms race. In short, the American popular culture during the Cold War reflected the fear of communist influence and arms race. Within the scenario of Pop Culture during the Cold War, Rocky and Bullwinkle reflected and molded public opinion on communist influence and arms race. One can identify that Rocky and Bullwinkle are the animated characters in an American Television series, namely The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show. ... Both the characters primarily represent the entertainment value of animated characters. For a different angle of view, both the characters represent some inner meaning, related to the disclosure of American attitude towards communism and arms race. Besides, both the characters represent the rhetorical construction and allegory against rhetorical war (say, the Cold War). In short, Rocky and Bullwinkle is symbolic of the political allegory which molded and represented public opinion in America during the Cold War. A. The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show Rocky and Bullwinkle, animated characters are from two different cartoon series, namely Rocky and His Friends (broadcasted at the end of the 1950s) and The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show (broadcasted at the beginning of 1960s). Both the cartoon series became popular during 1960s because the plot and the theme suited the taste of children and elders. For instance, the content of the cartoon, especially the inculcation of animals like squirrel and Ca nadian Moose as main characters attracted children. On the other side, the theme and plot with political puns attracted the elders in general. The masterminds behind this cartoon series were Jay Ward and Alex Anderson. They made use of Rocky (Squirrel) and Bullwinkle (Canadian Moose) to entertain children and elders. Besides, the animation work was outsourced to an animation company in Mexico, namely Val-Mar Animation. The first broadcast (twice a week) of the animation series was in the year 1959. Browne makes clear that â€Å"Responding to the groundswell of adult interest and affection for Rocky and Bullwinkle, PBS aired an hour-long special, Of Moose and Man: The
The Relativist Doctrine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Relativist Doctrine - Essay Example Thus, the moral principle in a person, which determines what they perceive as truth, is based on an individual’s circumstances, culture, parental guidance and upbringing as well as ones opinions (Underwood, 2001). Thus according to this doctrine, there is no law that is obligatory to be upheld and to exercise control over all men. The law is based upon what a society or a group of people could perceive as suitable during a particular time and dependent on the situation. As the society keeps changing, so does the circumstances and the situations, necessitating the change of such laws ones upheld as the standard of control of the society. Thus, the standard of morality is also amenable to change, as the society and the environment changes (Sulloway, 1996). However, though this opinion is upheld by the doctrine, there arises a question as to whether there are some categories of behaviors, which can be universally acclaimed right or wrong. Truth is defined as saying of what is, th at it is and what is not, that is not (Sinclair, 1937). Thus, truth refers to the conformity to facts and actualities. Different cultures have different truths, meaning that it is the culture, which determines the truth and not the reverse. Therefore, the variance in different cultures creates the variance in different truth components as perceived by a people (Feynman, 1965). However, there is a different perspective held by the opponents of the doctrine of relativism. They uphold that a truth is acceptable universally, and thus its nature overcomes all the barriers, that of culture included, standing as the absolute right. According to the doctrine of relativism, if a person has a different culture form that of another, then the upbringing, the experiences and the perceptual evidences as held by the individual, determines the different values that the individuals attaches to their beliefs, and thus the difference in truths they uphold (Sulloway, 1996). The philosophy of relativism holds that Man is the measure of all things. Therefore, the truth can only be attained through the determination of an individual, based on how the individual perceives the world (Feynman, 1965). When a person gives an opinion regarding an issue, then it is an indication of their standpoint both psychological and personal. The lack of parallel culture affects the psychological make up in different people, creating an avenue through which culture determines the truth. However, the limitation associated with this perspective is the fact that if truth is relative, then the knowledge obtained by individuals, based on their cultures cannot be universally applicable. This raises a question as to why knowledge principles apply to all regardless of their cultures (Sinclair, 1937). In consideration of the philosophy of relativism, then any truth is determined by the reasoning of an individual, based on his culture. Reasoning allows individuals to create a compromise between different cultur es, assessing their similarity in concurring to beliefs and thus judge on their applicability (Underwood, 2001). Therefore, since not everyone’s truths are true, we generate different knowledge from such truths. Since different cultures imparts different values on an individual belief system, then the justification of issues, through reasoning leads to different knowledge upheld by individuals. Thus, with relativism, in value system and truths upheld by individuals and their cultures, comes about the differences in philosophies,
Monday, October 28, 2019
Informative Paper Essay Example for Free
Informative Paper Essay Introduction I. Attention-Grabbing introduction: Staple center, Los Angeles, California. Friday November, 4th 2013 1:24PM The Championship match. After a weekend full of ups and downs, twist and turns it all comes to this. 1 week earlier, the previous Friday thousands have flown down to the heart of it all. Crowded around the event hall doors, people everywhere, spectators itching to get the best seats. Players going over in game builds, timings, and strategies just one more time until the doors finally open. 8 teams of 5 players to a team were seated into the week long tournament and now only two remain. Royal Club and SK Telecom are season veterans of League of Legends and now they sit on opposite ends on top of the world championship main stage. Ready to compete head to head for the grand prize of 1 million dollars in front of 1000s right there in Los Angeles and millions watching from all around the world. II. Topic: These millions from around the world have emitted their love for gaming into a hugely popular phenomena known as Electronic sports or better known as of E-Sports. Viewership has seen explosive growth in 2013 and is still growing with no sign of deterrence. Now with the integration of technology into our culture a new type of athlete has risen. One that doesn’t achieve victory heavily based on the bronze that is armed but with the critical thinking and reflex of the mind. An outsider might find this such a concept laughable but these pro gamers are far from any negative stereotypes you may have. III. Ethos Audience Adaptation: My name is Jonathon Allen and I have been a fan and member of the E-Sports community for nearly a decade. I have had opportunities to play professionally at the MLG North American Regionals in Columbus and New York in 2012 which I have placed 2nd and 3rd in out of 30 teams. Over the years I have also conducting extensive research on E-Sports ranging from players and teams to the technology side of running and mending events in the industry. E-Sports can be a lot to digest for someone looking in for the first time so I’ll explain exactly what and how big E-Sports really is including the potential E-Sports has to expand and grow. Before we go any further I’d like to present this video to visually show you exactly what E-Sports is and most importantly what it feels like. Visual Aid! Body I.This is E-Sports, competition at its finest. Players competing for cash prizes ranging from thousands to millions. Top players make 6 figure incomes and are even sponsored by big corporations such as Monster, Intel, Redbull, Asus, and Kingston. Pro gamers are locked into head to head combat in games like League of Legends. A DOTA-MMO style game that’s played as a team of 5 people VS 5 people. The object of the game is strategizing on how to win by taking the enemies base while leveling up and generating gold. Most games usually last around 40 minutes. II.You may ask; why would someone watch someone else play a video game? That’s simple; the excitement from watching others play video games stands as the same excitement we get from watching other athletes perform at sports such as football. T.J. Heffer from PC gamer Magazine states â€Å"What makes any competition interesting is watching very skilled individuals struggle for victory in a setting where the outcome is uncertain and the moment to moment back and forth keeps you on your toes.†Heffer continuous â€Å"Rather or not you want to call them sports they showcase people with amazing critical thinking, planning, and decision making skills and frankly inhuman reflexes as well. The level of professional level in a game lie League of Legends is mind boggling.†Professional gamers put their heart and soul into the game. They have drive, passion, hard work and dedication just like any professional athlete you can think of. III.As I’m assuming E-Sports may be alien to many of you but in nations like South Korea games such as StarCraft have already become something of a national sport. Paul Tassi of Forbs Magazine said â€Å"Overseas, top players are treated like professional Athletes.†Though South Korea has become atoned to the notion of playing games professionally North America believe it or not is where the biggest interest for pro gaming lies. In North American E-Sports, leagues and organizations have risen and grown in the past 3 years. In of these leagues the biggest E-Sports organization is Major League Gaming or MLG. Founded in 2002 Major League Gaming features numerous tournaments in a year where various gamers fly out to major cities across the US like Columbus to compete. In MLG’s Annual Viewership Report for the 2013 season they reported 15 million unique viewers tuned into watch online during the 2013 season. As those 15 million viewers tuned in last year it’s clear that E-Sports has already landed a very stable footing into the hearts of Americans across the United States. But perhaps even more thrilling and exciting is the growth that E-Sports has already shown. Between 2010 – 2013 MLG has seen a 733% growth in viewership from 1.8 million to 15 Million. Comparing that to the NFLS record growth of 18% in the past 3 years that’s 715% more than the NFL. Let’s not down play the viewership of the NFL which has recorded a record of 28.1 Million viewers for their 2013 – 2014 season. But you start to understand thus to how much potential E-Sports has when MLG a company that’s only been around for 11 years has acquired a viewership of 15 million. Just a little above half of the NFLS record viewer count 28.1 an organization that has been around for nearly a 100 years. Conclusion With these statistics of expansion and with how overseas treats E-Sports like a national sport and with pro gamers possessing the same set of virtues that any professional athlete has along the millions around the globe that already are a part of the community only drives E-Sports. It’s not really a question of is it, it’s really a question of when! When asked about where he sees E-Sports going and what to expect of the industry. MLG Co-Founder Sundance DiGiovanni in a position that puts him at the hell of the entire E-Sports industry told Forbs Magazine in 2012 â€Å"that in 5 years he expects E-Sports to be a globally recognized phenomena. A truly established global sport.â€
The Effects of Dual Diagnosis on a Person’s Life Essay Example for Free
The Effects of Dual Diagnosis on a Person’s Life Essay
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Howard Dean for President :: Politics Political Essays
Howard Dean for President As more and more polls and data seem to indicate the Howard Dean will be the Democratic nominee for president next year (barring a last minute entry by Hillary Clinton) more and more pundits are pulling out their history books to find comparisons to the front-runner. Most point to Dean as an old-school liberal, in the vain of men such as George McGovern, Lyndon Johnson, and Jimmy Carter. An advocate of increased taxes and bigger government, one can find his photo in the dictionary under â€Å"tax and spend liberal†. But while Dean is a member of the Old Left, his entrance in the 2004 presidential election bears stronger to the rise of Barry Goldwater than Michael Dukakis. Dean has been catapulted onto the scene through the efforts of the hard left, anti-war, Bush-hating liberal Democrats which turned out for him in an early summer Internet primary, and won it for him. In 1964, conservative Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater was given the Republican nod for president through the intensive efforts of right-wing grassroots groups like the Young Republicans and Young Americans for Freedom. Like Dean, his critics charged that he was â€Å"unelectable†for his extreme views, and they were proven right when Lyndon Johnson trounced him in the greatest landslide ever. The lesson to be learned from all this is not that the Bush/Rove team can let down their guard in 2004, but that Republicans need to realize, when Dean loses, that it is not the end of the fight. After the 1964 election most pundits declared that extremism was dead, and that all presidential elections would be fought between two moderates. Yet in 1980, Ronald Reagan swept into office on an equally conservative platform. How’d he do it? By using the grassroots forces left in place by Goldwater while presenting himself as a less acidic candidate who would invigorate a stagnant American dream. In 2008 Hillary Clinton will attempt to repeat the success of Ronald Reagan by using the grassroots left behind by Howard Dean while de-emphasizing her own Bush-hating.
Positive Outcomes of the French Revolution Essay -- History, Politics
A common theme of the historical French Revolution of the 1790s is the bloodshed associated with a new execution device, the guillotine. This negative connotation of the Revolution resides in the minds of the French and foreigners alike. However, although the French Revolution has contained a fair amount of bloodshed, its aftermath on the French has been overall positive. To begin, there were several contributing factors to the Revolution. Even though theorists have divergent opinions on the factors that started the rebellion, there are three widely accepted causes: financial status of the country, rapid overpopulation, and the relative unfairness of the French political system (â€Å"French Revolution,†Columbia). The French government was in great debt because it had assisted America in the American Revolution in the 1770s. Moreover, the underclass, made mostly of peasants and manual workers, worked increasing longer hours for less food. In addition, due to France’s bankruptcy, taxes increased, but some upper class citizens and institutions were exempt (Kreis). An increasing lack of food was primarily responsible due to an overpopulation of rural communities in the 1700s – over 80 percent of the twenty plus million French were concentrated in the rural areas (â€Å"Social Causes†). Furthermore, there was a series of rela tive droughts in the late 1700s, and one of the biggest occurred in 1788, just a year before the beginning of the Revolution (â€Å"French Revolution,†Encyclopaedia Britannica 1). Inversely, members of the upper class Bourgeoisie, composed of the nation’s small minority of noblemen, clergy, merchants, and professionals, found increases to their wealth due to an overall economic growth in the 18th century. Because of these tr... ...ol Edition. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. Like the previous entry, this article explains the rising of the revolution and its events, but with more emphasis on the causes of the revolution. Kreis, Steven. "Lecture 11: The Origins of the French Revolution." The History Guide. Steven Kreis, 30 Oct. 2006. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. Steven Kreis created The History Guide for high school and undergraduate students; this particular article focuses on the social factors that sparked the revolution. "Social Causes of the Revolution." Liberty, Equality, Fraternity: Exploring the French Revolution. Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media, 16 July 2001. Web. 29 Oct. 2011. This entry focuses on the negative social causes of the revolution, but with more depth and emphasis on the lower class in France late 1700s.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Back to school event Essay
Back to school event Education is important for everyone in the society. Education ensures the future for young and old, and also the future society. The talk about education is also very relevant on the politically agenda, not only in America, but also in Denmark. Education is nearly always a priority on the agenda. And Obama keeps making speeches about the importance of getting and education. But does the clear American attitude change the message in Obamas’ speech? In the southern state Virginia in a town called Arlington the president of the United States, Barack Obama, held a speech in the year of 2009, on the 8th September. In the speech he stressed the importance of education and learning. It was broadcasted to students all over the country of all ages in order to get his word out: â€Å"If you quit on school – you’re not just quitting on yourself, you’re quitting on your country.†This sentence really sets the agenda for Barack Obama’s speech. By reading this people thinks that the entire future of the country is depending on them and their involvement. And of course this is the reaction that Obama is expecting. The feeling of importance will hopeful motivates students to work harder for a brighter future. The composition is not difficult to understand. The speech has a simple structure, which starts with a short introduction succeeded by the main message of his speech. He is supporting it by using different arguments and form of appeal. He is mixing a great deal of stories about himself and his life as a young student. In the ending there is a short summery of everything that has been mentioned so far. As I have mentioned in the above, the speech is directed towards students of all ages. Therefore is the language simple and understandable for both young and old students. He keeps it formal with a twist of casual. In the beginning of the speech Barack Obama chooses to start out with â€Å"how’s everybody doing toda y?†Here he sets the scene and confirms that he is just not a very powerful man but also that he is equal. By choosing to address directly to the students and mention almost every grade and giving a sense of familiarity, he does not talk down to the audience, and it shows a kind of compassion. It captures the student’s attention. In this sentence there arises attention from Obama to all the students: â€Å"And for those of you in kindergarten, or starting middle or high school, it’s your first day in a new school, (†¦). I imagine there are some seniors out there who are feeling pretty good right now, (†¦)†Obama is also using some quotes, which appeals to the young readers. By telling the story of him when he was a boy and did not want to get up early to be homeschooled by his mother he elucidate that he is not an ordinary man. Once he was like all ordinary students. Such as referring to the Xbox shows that Barack Obama is within the same cultural frame of reference as the young students. The three appeal forms are all used in the speech: pathos, logos an d ethos. Barack Obama uses the pathos to connect with the young students, so he can explain to them how he experiences the important of education. Especial he uses the pathos, when he is talking about some of the students who are having a hard time taking an education. When he tells some of his own stories, he also appeals to the reader’s pathos. By saying that he had a hard time too, the students realize or imagine that it can be possible to obtain something big in their lives. In this sentence the pathos is obviously: â€Å"We need every single one of you (†¦)†Obama also uses logos in his speech; he uses it to appeal to the student’s logic. He says in his speech, that a good education is important for having a good job. At least he uses ethos by stressing how important an education is for the people, but also for the country. The following sentence shows the use of the appeals, especial pathos and ethos: â€Å"The story of America isn’t about people who quit when things got tough. It’s a people who kept going, who tried harder, who loved their country too much to do anything less than their best.†The arguments in the speech are reliable, because he does his duty. He tries to convince people about the important of education, and he is doing a good job. He uses examples from real life, and like I have mentioned before, he convinces the students of that they get to be as Jazmin, Andoni and Shantell, because it is that worth. The message in the speech is very clear and apparent: Work hard! Get a good education! An education is the key to getting a good job and good jobs ensure a future for the individu al and the country. To conclude he states that he is aware of how difficult and harsh life sometimes can be and that he has h ad troubles himself but that it is possible to break the negative social heritage. He admits that someone over other have it worse because of their social, cultural or financial capitals but as Obama declare â€Å"That’s no excuse for not trying†. And if we look on the political part of it, this is a typical American value. As a matter of fact Barack Obama even talks about the American dream, which is based on the saying â€Å"everyone is the architect of his own fortune.†Yes, the speech has a very American attitude and view on life, but as we all the truth is that knowledge shall show the world the way to greatness.
Methods of storing records and the benefits Essay
â€Å"Databases†are a very useful way of storing records, uses a database called Oracle ‘People System’. The database keeps individual records and what courses have run. It can be accessed by managers and the L&D team, we can produce quick reports. Once information have been entered into the system can always be found. The information that we can get from the database report: †¢Who has attended or cancelled courses †¢What kind of training has run in certain periods (Management, Personal Development, Commercial, and Editorial). †¢What kind of training employees have done †¢What courses are on demand †¢External trainers used â€Å"Spreadsheets†this is another very useful way of storing information, such as budget tracker which can automatically calculate costs if you put the right formula in. particular cells can be filtered to find precise information, you can turn data into charts Identify types of data to be collected and explain how each supports â€Å"Specific Learning needs information’’ this helps to identify the learning needs of individuals and departments. This allows us to have correct courses and external trainers. We can identify strengths and weaknesses of individuals at, we collect information from managers which help identify training needs. Everyone needs Personal Development skills which can help identify problems, line managers will tell us what the problems are for example it could be struggle with conversations with clients or helps with sales meetings or product selling. We will analysis this information and design courses, I would recommend courses that we have at Tough conversation, make meeting happen or face to face selling courses. â€Å"Organisational Information’’ this helps to identify what the business needs from the L&D team, and what the current and future plans are. How can we develop the new skills that the business requires. Knowing what the business needs helps us to plan and priorities and design courses.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
History of Fast Food Essay
Fast food has been a growing phenomenon for since its introduction in 20th century. The changes in American culture pushed the fast food industry into a staggering growth arena and have changed the way consumers purchase and eat forever. â€Å"The fast-food industry that now extends throughout the world has its roots in the United States. Fast-food restaurants are often regarded as emblematic of a new global culture, but the industry has indisputably been shaped by its American origins. †(Leidner 8). Fast Food has developed from being a convenience to a necessity, widened the financial gap and became an international phenomenon. The first drive-in restaurant, Royce Hailey’s Pig Stand in Dallas, Texas, was opened in 1921, and offered pulled pork BBQ and introduced Texas Toast. As one southern fan of Royce Hailey’s pig stand put it: â€Å"Folks went hog wild when the first Pig Stand opened in Dallas in 1921. Agile â€Å"car hops†leaped onto running boards of Model-Ts to deliver â€Å"curb service†to a generation on the go. It was the age of the automobile, and Pig Stands multiplied across America faster than you can say â€Å"soooo-eeee. It took the Great Depression of the ’30s to slow â€Å"The Pig†down. †(Sowa). Drive-in services were not very popular at this time because automobiles were expensive and few and far between during the Great Depression. Then nearly three decades later the drive-in restaurant enjoyed a degree of success during the 1950’s. Drive-ins celebrated the cultural importance of the automobile and â€Å"Drive-in restaurants proved (to be the) most popular, places where carhops served customers directly in their parked automobiles†(Young, and Young 29). This convenience which enabled people to order their food and eat it in the open air without having to unbuckle their seatbelts changed American fast food forever (Woloson). â€Å"Car hops, as they were also called, became familiar congregation centers for teenagers as well†(Woloson). The rise of the fast food restaurant would not have been possible without constant changes in American culture. The 1950’s brought about American lifestyle changes. With the end of the war Americans had saved money and moved to the suburbs. For the first time in history middle class married women with women with children were entering the work force. â€Å"Married women comprised the majority of the growth in the female work force throughout the 1950s, and between 1940 and 1960 there was a 400 percent increase in the number of working mothers; by 1960, women with children under the age of eighteen accounted for nearly one-third of all women workers†(Coontz 161). The working women and the decrease of free time may be a direct contributor to the growth of the fast food industry. The development of an affordable automobile and the simultaneous governmental support of new road systems physically reinforced this cultural melding, enabling car owners, especially, to go to places they had never been before. There was a boom in the tourist industry in the 1950’s and 1960’s. The â€Å"key to the expansion of tourism demand was the rise in disposable incomes in the 1950s and 1960s. †(Beauregard 225). Travelers, who once went by rail, boat, or horse, were now moving faster by car. Consumers began to value things such as speed and convenience as part of their trips. Fast food restaurants began making their food faster and faster and â€Å"Americans love the convenience of letting someone else do the cooking,†especially when they are vacationing (Bijlefeld, and Zoumbaris 51). As travelers not only did they need affordable and reliable places to stay they needed quick, convenient, and inexpensive eateries. The need for fast, reliable, affordable, and convenient food, along with an increasing acceptance among Americans of more fast pace culture, led to the rise of the fast food industry. Fast food restaurants sprang up in both urban areas and along the nation’s highways in record numbers after the introduction of the fast food phenomenon known as McDonalds. â€Å"The first fast food restaurant (was) opened by the two McDonald brothers in 1937 in Pasadena, California. Their established restaurant had experienced high demand at specific times (for example, workers’ lunchtimes) and they responded with a circumscribed menu (burgers) and were able to serve large numbers at high speed and low price. The assembly line procedures, with food preparation and serving made into simple repetitive tasks, combined with a specialized division of labor for each stage, have been recognized as constituting the first ‘fast food factory’†(Beardsworth, and Keil 120). This enabled people to get their food faster and set the standards for the future of the fast food industry. As the McDonalds chain grew and other chains started to sprout up people began to accept the new culture of food service. The working-class food held largely in disrepute. The gaining widespread popularity of fast food made it a staple food in diets of many Americans diets. The most successful of these stands quickly multiplied, taking advantage of the growing popularity of this new â€Å"fast†food and applied industrial principles of standardization to its development. McDonald’s is considered the first fast food restaurant and recognized the potential of this relatively fast and simple food. The organization of McDonalds created standardized methods in its production. The history of White castle dates back to the 1920’s is seen as the first and most influential restaurant chain (â€Å"White Castle†). â€Å"White Castle is credited for beginning the franchise system that inspired many â€Å"(Woloson). White Castle set standards, began standardization of the cooking line, and created the first restaurant which duplicated the original. In retrospect it can be said that White Castle was the start and set high standards for all the other franchise restaurants in the United States. The hamburger fulfilled economic as well as cultural needs for inexpensive food. Although there was not a food shortage during the great depression food was expensive and affordable food options like the local hamburger stand was a blessing. By the end of 1930, White Castle had sold over 21 million hamburgers and then by the end of 1937, this number had increased to over 40 million (Woloson). Fast food began to make a steady incline towards the end of World War II. â€Å"Franchises were not unique to the 1950s; they had been around since the early decades of the twentieth century, patronized by a public increasingly used to and insistent upon the supposed reliability and trustworthiness of branded goods†(Woloson). White Castle, A & W Root beer, and Howard Johnson’s, were some of the first and most successful restaurant franchises. Although it took the ideals of postwar culture to wholly support the fast-food franchise it laid the foundations for the companies to make billions of dollars. In 1955 Ray A. Kroc, a Chicago Milkshake salesman, discovered the McDonald’s restaurant in California and saw a goldmine. He partnered with the McDonald’s brothers, opening 228 franchises by 1960. Kroc happily bought out the McDonalds’ shares of the company in 1961. Kroc, an incredible entrepreneur, wanted to make the customers to identify with the restaurant and make it seem homey. â€Å"By 1988, McDonald’s had opened its ten thousandth restaurant and today there are over 30,000 McDonald’s restaurants worldwide†(â€Å"History of Franchising†). â€Å"Kroc’s success lay in his approach not specifically to cooking individual food items, but in conceiving of his franchise operation in its entirety†(Woloson). The methods and success of McDonald’s Franchises have set a tone for the fast food industry. Although â€Å"White Castle was the first restaurant that encouraged carry-out for those customers on the go the restraint developed standard floor plans and architectural designs that could be easily duplicated†and set these standards for others in the industry (Woloson). McDonalds uniform restaurants, kitchens, dining rooms, and methods of standardized cooking techniques set this great restaurant apart and distinguish it from the other fast food restaurants. Ray Kroc had some competition with the introduction of popular fast food restaurants such as Taco Bell, Wendy’s, and Burger King. One may say ethnic food could be considered a genre for the fast food franchise system, Taco Bell originated in 1962 and was the first ethnic franchise restaurant, paving the way for many more. â€Å"Wendy’s, specializing in bigger, better, and more expensive hamburgers and introduced the first drive-thru windows at their restaurants, which were so popular that Burger King and McDonald’s had to follow suit†(Woloson). As an industry fast food will continue to grow, change, and adapt to the needs of the culture around it. Expanding to international markets the fast food industry offers cultural acceptable products. â€Å"Multinational fast-food chains have now become household names, and in terms of sales and units tend to dominate national markets. Indeed, the industry is becoming more internationalized with brands like Burger King being bought by the British multinational Diageo; and McDonald’s has recently bought a stake in Pret a Manger. However, some of the largest brands in this sector are still American-owned, such as McDonald’s, KFC, Pizza Hut, and Wimpy†(Royle and Towers 3). One great concept is international fast food chains often support the local economy, buying local products, but sticking to the same well known recipes to get desired results. The fast food franchise of the 20th century has set and defined a world-renowned concept of the way people order, eat, and enjoy the food that they purchase. The fast food industry is one of enormous power and economic strength. Fast food restaurants represent America’s cultures and, in many ways, how other cultures strive to be like America.
Raw rubber from Malaysia is delivered to the factory in ‘bales’
During the time the way squash balls manufactured has developed into a highly sophisticated process. Here is investigated how balls are made. To begin with, raw rubber from Malaysia is delivered to the factory in ‘bales’ of about 25kg – sufficient to make about 1,200 balls. In its natural state rubber is very stiff and difficult to work, so it is first ‘masticated’ to a softer consistency.A variety of natural and synthetic materials and powders are then mixed with the rubber to give it the required combination of strength, resilience, and colour as well as to enable it to cure (or ‘vulcanise’) later in the process. The manufacturer’s ‘recipe’ is a no less closely guarded secret than that of Coca Cola, and different combinations of ingredients (as many as 15 are used, including polymers, fillers, vulcanising agents, processing aids, and reinforcing materials) produce fast (blue dot), medium (red dot), slow (white dot), and super slow (yellow dot) balls.The current WSF Specification for the Standard Yellow Dot Championship Squash Ball determines the permitted diameter, weight, stiffness, seam strength and rebound resilience of the championship ball. No specifications are set for other types of ball, â€Å"which may be used by players of greater of lesser ability or in court conditions which are hotter or colder than those used to determine the yellow dot specification†. (http://www. squashplayer. co. uk) Thus, we don’t have any exact data (parameters) for red and blue balls.We only can use data available for yellow ball and modify the possible parameters that red and blue balls may have. Out of all specifications of a ball we are interested in its weight and rebound resilience. Rebound resilience is a measurement of the height a ball bounces off a hard surface. The data given in the table above mean that if one drops ball from a height of 100 centimetres (1 meter) onto a concrete floo r then at 23oC the yellow balls must rebound at 12 centimetres; at 45oC between 26 and 33 centimetres.At 23oC the red ball must rebounds at 15 centimetres; at 45oC between 33 and 36 centimetres. At 23oC the blue ball must rebound at 17 centimetres; at 45oC between 36 and 38 centimetres. For our study we will take that if one drops ball from a height of 1 meter, then at 23oC the red ball must rebound at 15 centimeters; at 45oC – at 34. 5 centimeters. at 23oC the blue ball must rebound at 17 centimeters; at 45oC – at 37 centimeters.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Piebald Argument
Dapple/Piebald Argument Free Online Research Papers Let me start by saying, the following information is my personal opinion and response to other, unnamed websites. You can take what I have to say at face value. If you do not like it, that is fine, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. If you understand my reasoning, great, if not, that is your choice. I would like to say, dont believe everything you read on the web. For every one website with logical, clinical, and actual correct information, you can find at least one with incorrect information or information where people try to present their personal opinions as gospel without stating that the information is ONLY their opinion. Ok I am going to pick out quotes from some websites that I have found and refute those comments. Please understand, I am not attacking the person(s) who put these comments on their websites. I am just giving my opinion about the information that is out there. On one website I found someone who says: Any dapple piebald dachshund puppy has clearly come from a puppy mill/commercial puppy producer or backyard breeder. Well to this I have to say BS! There are breeders who actually breed for this color. Yes, it is an unusual color and at the moment AKC does not accept it, but there was a time when AKC did not accept other patterns and/or colors. Who knows, maybe someday they will. If you have a dappled piebald, it is true that your dog be shown through AKC, EVEN if your dog is PERFECT in every other way. The ONLY reason it cannot be shown through AKC is because this pattern is not recognized by the organization. Still, just because a dachshund is showing a mixed pattern does no t mean it is not a quality and/or well bred dachshund. I do not actually breed for this pattern but I have had 2 puppies in 8 years that have both patterns. Each of the puppies produced are 100% healthy and neither of them have any hearing or sight problems. I breed for beautiful, healthy, quality, happy, puppies and I believe that I have stood by and accomplished that goal and will continue to in the future. The same webpage that supports the comment above says: Only experienced breeders should attempt double dapple breeding, as deaf and partially deaf puppies may result from this breeding. Come on, give me a breakwhy does it matter if someone off the street is breeding two dapples together or if they are being bred by an experienced breeder. Does an experienced breeder have some way to insure that there is NO chance that the puppies will have ANY genetic problems because of the duel dapple genes? Do they have a way of placing the correct genes where they want them on the puppys DNA so they can be sure the pup comes out normalif they do, gosh spread it around, I would like to know how to play genetic god. In my opinion, if the author of the website that says that dappled piebalds come from bad breeders or puppy mills then how could he/she possibly condone the breeding of double dapples? In addition, the webpage that I am getting these quotes from says: GOOD piebalds that truly look like Dachshunds ARE rare. What the heck does that mean? There are some awesome piebalds out there that have perfect stature for the dachshund. What the heck does the piebald pattern h ave to do with conformation? It is a PATTERN! He/she says: Piebald is not a pattern which is described by the AKC Official Standard of the Dachshund, but it is an old pattern which has existed from the breeds early origins. Ok. so if this pattern has been around this long, than why does it not hold the same genetic cues for stature as the black and tan or the red. Geez, this person really makes NO LOGICAL SENSE! This comment is like saying 2+2 equals 4 but it looks like 5 because it has been around so long. *Quotes taken from a website. I will not disclose this website due to the fact that I do not wish to disrespect the author of the website where I got the quoted information. I am just refuting the website author’s information because I choose to disagree with the arguments that are presented. Research Papers on Dapple/Piebald ArgumentGenetic EngineeringAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyCapital PunishmentWhere Wild and West MeetMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesResearch Process Part OneArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)
Quagga Facts and Figures
Quagga Facts and Figures Name: Quagga (pronounced KWAH-gah, after its distinctive call); also known as Equus quagga quagga Habitat: Plains of South Africa Historical Period: Late Pleistocene-Modern (300,000-150 years ago) Size and Weight: About four feet high and 500 pounds Diet: Grass Distinguishing Characteristics: Stripes on head and neck; modest size; brown posterior About the Quagga Of all the animals that have gone extinct over the past 500 million years, the Quagga has the distinction of being the first to have had its DNA analyzed, in 1984. Modern science quickly dissipated 200 years of confusion: when it was first described by South African naturalists, in 1778, the Quagga was pegged as a species of genus Equus (which comprises horses, zebras, and donkeys). However, its DNA, extracted from the hide of a preserved specimen, showed that the Quagga was actually a sub-species of the classic Plains Zebra, which diverged from the parent stock in Africa anywhere between 300,000 and 100,000 years ago, during the later Pleistocene epoch. (This shouldnt have come as a surprise, considering the zebra-like stripes that covered the Quaggas head and neck.) Unfortunately, the Quagga was no match for the Boer settlers of South Africa, who prized this zebra offshoot for its meat and its coat (and hunted it just for sport as well). Those Quaggas that werent shot and skinned were humiliated in other ways; some were used, more or less successfully, to herd sheep, and some were exported for display in foreign zoos (one well-known and much-photographed individual lived in the London Zoo in the mid-19th century). A few Quaggas even wound up pulling carts full of tourists in early 19th century England, which much have quite been an adventure considering the Quaggas mean, skittish disposition (even today, zebras are not known for their gentle natures, which helps to explain why they were never domesticated like modern horses.) The last living Quagga, a mare, died in full sight of the world, in an Amsterdam zoo in 1883. However, you may yet have the chance to see a living Quagga- or at least a modern interpretation of a living Quagga- thanks to the controversial scientific program known as de-extinction. In 1987, a South African naturalist hatched a plan to selectively breed back the Quagga from a population of plains zebras, specifically aiming to reproduce the Quaggas distinctive stripe pattern. Whether or not the resulting animals count as genuine Quaggas, or are technically only zebras that look superficially like Quaggas, will likely not matter to the tourists that (in a few years) will be able to glimpse these majestic beasts on the Western Cape.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Quotations for Bonding With Your Sister
Quotations for Bonding With Your Sister I grew up with two sisters. As kids, we had our share of squabbles and catty fights, just like any other siblings. However, I didnt feel that our parents ever favored one over the other, or interfered in our quarrels. They let us settle our own matters. I always found that when tempers flared, my younger sister would say something cute, and make us all laugh. Our quarrels never lasted for more than a day, often lasting only for minutes. Brothers Are Different From Sisters As a mother of two boys, I see a different type of relationship between my two sons. Boys squabble over different issues than girls. The way two brothers bond with each other is different from the way sisters bond. I watched my sisters grow up into beautiful, capable and confident women. My overprotective older sister grew up to be cautious and risk-averse. She made calculated moves, ensuring that she protected her family at every turn. My younger sister went about her business with an air of nonchalance, seeking new adventures even at great personal risk. She achieved her ambitions early in life, which fueled her aspirations. I often wonder how despite our common childhood experiences, we developed different skills and perspectives. Your Sister and You Have a Shared Childhood Many sisters bond over shared childhood experiences, and how these experiences impacted their life. Your sister has shared your journey of life during childhood; the time when personalities get formed. Your sister has seen you in your most vulnerable moments. She knows you nature inside out. She understands you even better than you understand yourself. Who better than your sister to confide your darkest secrets? Sisters Hold the Mirror Up to Your Face Need a reality check? Go to your sister. She will mince no words when she has to tell you that you are a boneheaded egomaniac. However, you can rest assured that she is on your side, and she means well. Your arguments with your sister will enable you to think through your decision and make the right move. Sisters Can Shield You From the World The best thing about sisters is that they give you room to make your own mistakes. While your sister may still dangle the threat of squealing to your mother, she will help you when you need her the most. She will protect her family honor by defending you against your enemies. What Makes Sisters Special Sisters are Gods greatest blessings. You are lucky if you have a sister. Make your relationship special by sharing intimate childhood experiences with your sister. Walk down memory lane as you recount your good and bad childhood memories. Share your views about each other, and get a fresh perspective about yourself. Build an everlasting bond of friendship with these sister quotes. Cherish this bond of sibling love and make your life complete. Cute Sister Quotes Cali Rae TurnerThe best thing about having a sister was that I always had a friend.Linda SunshineIf you dont understand how a woman could both love her sister dearly and want to wring her neck at the same time, then you were probably an only child.Pam BrownSisters annoy, interfere, criticize. Indulge in monumental sulks, in huffs, in snide remarks. Borrow. Break. Monopolize the bathroom. Are always underfoot. But if catastrophe should strike, sisters are there. Defending you against all comers.Barbara AlpertShe is your mirror, shining back at you with a world of possibilities. She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and best, and loves you anyway. She is your partner in crime, your midnight companion, someone who knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press agent, even your shrink. Some days, shes the reason you wish you were an only child.Pam BrownIf your sister is in a tearing hurry to go out and cannot catch your eye, shes wearing your best sweater.Victoria SecundaTo have a loving relationship with a sister is not simply to have a buddy or a confident; it is to have a soul mate for life.Margaret MeadSisters are probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once sisters are grown, it becomes the strongest relationship.Marion C GarrettyA sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost.Carol SalineWhat sets sisters apart from brothers and also from friends is a very intimate meshing of heart, soul and the mystical cords of memory.Charles M SchulzBig sisters are the crab grass in the lawn of life.Isadora JamesA sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.Louise GluckOf two sisters, one is always the watcher, one the dancer.Carol SalineSisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other.Gail SheenyHusbands come and go; children come and eventually they go. Friends grow up and move away. But the one thing thats never lost is your sister.Pam BrownA younger sister is someone to use as a guinea pig in trying sledges and experimental go-carts. Someone to send on messages to Mum. But someone who needs you who comes to you with bumped heads, grazed knees, tales of persecution. Someone who trusts you to defend her. Someone who thinks you know the answers to almost everything.
Comparing Societies 1500 1800 essays
Comparing Societies 1500 1800 essays During the period from 1500 to 1800, religious and political unity was strongest in Islamic Empires and East Asia; while Europe was in complete turmoil with no religious and political unity. The Catholic Church during this time had become a very corrupt institution, and there was hardly any town in Europe during the late Middle Ages which did not have complaints against their clergy. There were complaints of maladministration, concubinage, or fiscalism of clergy, and the church was involved in selling of important ecclesiastical posts to the highest bidder and imposing regular indulgences on people, not only to remit their sins, but, the sins of their dead ones. All these factors accumulated to lay the foundation for the Protestant Reformation, which was to leave Europe in a political and religious turmoil for over three centuries. (Craig, Pg. 424 426) Although Martin Luther was the first one to start Reformation in Germany, almost all different nations had their own versions of Reformation, which were not related to each other. For example, the Reformation in Geneva was led by John Calvin, while the Swiss Reformation was led by Ulrich Zwingli. Although all the Reformation Movements had the basic idea of returning to early Christianity and boycott the corrupt practices of Catholic Church, still instead of combining together as one force against the Catholic Church, they had their own issues amongst themselves and in the long race developed a hatred for each other. This was evident from The Marburg Colloquy, when Landgrave Philip of Hesse, sought to unite both Swiss and German Protestants in a mutual defense pact. However, his efforts were foiled as the leaders of the two Reformation Movements had a disagreement over the nature of Christs presence in the Eucharist. (Craig Pg. 429) Although the different movements were not able to combine together, still the movement was overall a success. With the expansion of Prote...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Biography of Andrea Yates, Murderer of Her Five Children
Biography of Andrea Yates, Murderer of Her Five Children Andrea Yates (born Andrea Kennedy; July 2, 1964) was suffering from extreme postpartum depression when she drowned her five children in a bathtub in 2001. She was convicted of murder at her first trial in 2002 and sentenced to life in prison, but a second trial found her not guilty by reason of insanity. A psychiatrist who testified at her first trial said Yates was â€Å"among the five sickest patients she had ever seen. Fast Facts: Andrea Yates Known For: Drowned her five children in a bathtubBorn: July 2, 1964 in Houston, TexasParents: Jutta Karin Koehler, Andrew Emmett KennedySpouse: Rusty YatesChildren: Noah, John, Paul, Luke, and Mary Early Life Andrea Kennedy was born on July 2, 1964, in Houston, Texas, the youngest of five children of Jutta Karin Koehler, a German immigrant, and Andrew Emmett Kennedy, whose parents were born in Ireland. She graduated from Milby High School in Houston in 1982. She was the class valedictorian, captain of the swim team, and an officer in the National Honor Society. She completed a two-year pre-nursing program at the University of Houston and graduated in 1986 from the University of Texas School of Nursing in Houston. She worked as a registered nurse at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center from 1986 until 1994. Meets Rusty Yates She and Rusty Yates, both 25, met at their apartment complex in Houston. Andrea, who was usually reserved, initiated the conversation. She hadnt dated until she turned 23, and before meeting Rusty she was recovering from a broken relationship. They eventually moved in together and spent much of their time in religious study and prayer. At their marriage on April 17, 1993, they told their guests that they planned on having as many children as nature provided. In their eight years of marriage, the Yateses had four boys and one girl. Andrea stopped jogging and swimming when she became pregnant with her second child. Friends said she had become reclusive. Her isolation appeared to increase after they decided to homeschool their five children: Noah, John, Paul, Luke, and Mary. Rusty took a job in Florida in 1996, and the family moved into a 38-foot travel trailer in Seminole, Florida. In 1997 they returned to Houston and lived in their trailer because Rusty wanted to live light. The next year, Rusty purchased a 350-square-foot renovated bus as their permanent home. At this point, they had four children, and living conditions were cramped. Michael Woroniecki Rusty purchased their bus from Michael Woroniecki, a traveling minister whose religious views influenced Rusty and Andrea. Rusty agreed with only some of Woronieckis ideas, but Andrea embraced even the most extreme. He preached that a womans role was derived from the sin of Eve and that bad mothers who are bound for hell create bad children who also go to hell. Andrea was so totally captivated by Woroniecki that Rustys and Andreas families were concerned. Suicide Attempts On June 16, 1999, Andrea called Rusty and begged him to come home. He found her shaking involuntarily and chewing on her fingers. The next day, she was hospitalized after she tried to commit suicide by taking an overdose of pills. She was transferred to the Methodist Hospital psychiatric unit and diagnosed with a major depressive disorder. The medical staff described Andrea as evasive in discussing her problems. On June 24 she was prescribed an antidepressant and released. Once home, Andrea didnt take the medication. She began to self-mutilate and refused to feed her children because she felt they were eating too much. She thought there were video cameras in the ceilings and said that the characters on television were talking to her and the children. She told Rusty about the hallucinations, yet neither of them informed Andreas psychiatrist, Dr. Eileen Starbranch, who later told the court at Yates first trial that she ranked her â€Å"among the five sickest patients she had ever seen. On July 20, Andrea put a knife to her neck and begged her husband to let her die. Risks of More Babies Andrea was again hospitalized and stayed in a catatonic state for 10 days. After being treated with injections of drugs that included Haldol, an antipsychotic, her condition improved. Rusty was optimistic about drug therapy because Andrea appeared more like she was when they met. Starbranch warned the Yateses that having another baby might bring on more psychotic behavior. Andrea was placed on outpatient care and prescribed Haldol. Andreas family urged Rusty to buy a home instead of returning Andrea to the cramped space of the bus. He purchased a nice home in a peaceful neighborhood. Once in her new home, Andreas condition improved to the point that she returned to past activities such as swimming, cooking, and some socializing. She also interacted well with her children. She expressed to Rusty that she had strong hopes for the future but still viewed her life on the bus as her failure. Mental Illness Continues In March 2000, Andrea, at Rustys urging, became pregnant and stopped taking the Haldol. On Nov. 30, 2000, Mary was born. Andrea was coping but on March 12 her father died, and her mental state regressed. She stopped talking, refused liquids, mutilated herself, and would not feed Mary. She also frantically read the Bible. At the end of March, Andrea was admitted to a different hospital. Her new psychiatrist treated her briefly with Haldol but discontinued it, saying that she did not seem psychotic. Andrea was released only to return again in May. She was released again after 10 days and in her last follow-up visit, her psychiatrist told her to think positive thoughts and to see a psychologist. Tragedy On June 20, 2001, Rusty left for work and before his mother arrived to help, Andrea began to put into action the thoughts that had consumed her for two years. She filled the tub with water and, beginning with Paul, systematically drowned the three youngest boys, then placed them on her bed and covered them. Mary was left floating in the tub. The last child alive, her firstborn, 7-year-old son Noah, asked his mother what was wrong with Mary, then turned and ran away. Andrea caught him and as he screamed, she dragged him and forced him into the tub next to Marys floating body. He fought desperately, coming up for air twice, but Andrea held him down until he was dead. Leaving Noah in the tub, she brought Mary to the bed and laid her in the arms of her brothers. Conviction During Andreas confession, she explained her actions by saying that she wasnt a good mother, the children were not developing correctly, and she needed to be punished. Her controversial 2002 trial lasted three weeks. The jury found Andrea guilty of capital murder, but rather than recommending the death penalty, they voted for life in prison. Andrea would have been eligible for parole in 2041, at the age of 77. Retrial Ordered In January 2005 a Houston appeals court granted Yates a new trial, ruling that a prosecution experts false testimony about the television program Law Order required a retrial. The expert, Dr. Park Dietz, a psychiatrist, had testified that Yates was psychotic at the time of the murders but knew right from wrong, meaning she wasnt insane under Texas definition of legal insanity. On cross-examination, Dietz, a consultant on Law Order, a program Yates was known to watch, said the show had aired an episode regarding a woman with postpartum depression who drowned her children in the bathtub and was found insane, and it was aired shortly before the crime occurred, according to The New York Times. There was no such episode, a falsehood discovered after the jury convicted Yates. After learning about the false testimony during the sentencing hearing, the jury had rejected the death penalty and sentenced Yates to life in prison. On July 26, 2006, at the second trial, a Houston jury of six men and six women found Yates not guilty of murder by reason of insanity. She was sent to Kerrville State Hospital in Kerrville, Texas, for an indefinite stay and has consistently waived a review of her status, the only way she could be released. Legacy The case ignited a national debate about mental illness, postpartum depression, and the legal definition of insanity in Texas. One of Yates lawyers called the verdict in the second trial a â€Å"watershed event in the treatment of mental illness.†True crime author Suzy Spencer’s Breaking Point, which dealt with the Andrea Yates case, was initially published just after the murders and was updated in 2015. Spencer said in an interview that Yates attorneys claimed after the second trial that a public better educated about postpartum depression was one reason the new jury found her not guilty by reason of insanity. Sources Andrea Pia Yates. Trial for a Mother Who Drowned 5 Children. The New York Times.Where is Andrea Yates now?
Prefixes and How to Use Them
Prefixes and How to Use Them Prefixes and How to Use Them Although we’ve got nothing on German, the English language sometimes involves putting different â€Å"parts†of words or even whole words together to make a new term. And prefixes are a big part of this. But what exactly are prefixes? And how do you use them in your writing? What Are Prefixes? A â€Å"prefix†is a group of letters placed at the start of a word to change its meaning. We can even see how this works using the word â€Å"prefix†itself, which is a combination of â€Å"pre-†and â€Å"fix†: â€Å"Pre-†is a prefix meaning â€Å"before†or â€Å"in front of.†â€Å"Fix†is a verb meaning â€Å"attach.†Combined, then, the word â€Å"prefix†indicates something we â€Å"attach†to the start of a word. There are many different prefixes in English. Some common examples include: Prefix Meaning Example Anti- Against or opposed to Antisocial, antiviral Auto- Related to the self or spontaneous Automatic, autobiography De- Reverse or reduce Devalue, decode Dis- Reverse or negate Disobey, disappear En- Cause to be or put into Enact, encase Ex- Out of or former Extract, ex-girlfriend Il-, Im-, In- or Ir- Not or negate Illegal, immobile, insufficient, irresponsible Mis- Incorrect Misbehave, misspell Post- After, later or behind Postseason, postscript Pre- Before or in front of Prefix, prefrontal Pro- Favoring or promoting Proclaim, pro-democracy Re- Repeat or restore Refresh, rewrite Sub- Below or less than Submarine, substandard Trans- Across or beyond Transatlantic, transgender Un- Reverse or negate Unzip, undo When to Hyphenate In the table above, you may notice that we hyphenate the words â€Å"ex-girlfriend†and â€Å"pro-democracy.†This is because you should use a prefix with a hyphen in certain cases, including: In most cases after â€Å"ex-†and â€Å"self-†(e.g., self-assessment) When combined with a proper noun (e.g., anti-Nazi) To prevent using the same vowel twice in a row (e.g., anti-inflammatory) To clarify meaning (e.g., to â€Å"recover†is to return to strength or regain something, but if we said we had â€Å"re-covered†something we would mean we have covered it again) There are exceptions to these rules (e.g., â€Å"cooperate†is usually spelled without a hyphen despite the double â€Å"o†). But they are useful guidelines when you’re not sure whether to use a hyphen. Tricky Prefixes Finally, a quick warning. The English language has borrowed lots of words from lots of places, so it is common for similar words to have different meanings. And the same applies to prefixes. For example, the â€Å"in-†in â€Å"inaccurate†is a negation, so it is the opposite of â€Å"accurate.†However, the word â€Å"inflammable†means the same as â€Å"flammable,†not the opposite! This is because the â€Å"in-†from â€Å"inflammable†is from the same root as â€Å"en-†in words like â€Å"enrich†or â€Å"entrust.†It therefore means â€Å"cause to be,†which is very different from negating something. As such, be careful when using prefixes, as they may not mean what they seem! And if you’d like help checking your prefix use, just let us know.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Lean management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Lean management - Essay Example r strategy assists firms to get rid of the issues associated with excessive inventory, which is very common with the traditional make to stock strategy. Dell Computers is an example of a corporation that employs the MTO production strategy. The Assemble to Order (ATO) is also a business production strategy by which quick actions are taken on orders placed by customers, and these products are customizable to a certain extent. Under this production strategy, the basic parts of the products are already built but not assembled yet. Once the customer places an order, these parts are assembled quickly to deliver products that are customized to the buyer’s specifications. It is to be noted that the ATO strategy is a hybrid between the make-to-order strategy and the make-to-stock strategy. Finally, the Make to Stock (MTS) is a traditional business strategy used by organizations to match production with consumer demand forecasts. Under this strategy, particular stock levels are maintained to meet the forecasted demand levels. This business production strategy can be efficient only if the product demand is forecasted accurately. However, inaccurate demand forecasts would end up in financial losses resulting from excessive inventory or stockouts. Fleuren, H., Hertog, D & Kort, P. (2006). Operations Research Proceedings 2004: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society. US: Springer Science & Business
Effectiveness of motivational activities in tesco expresses in part Literature review
Effectiveness of motivational activities in tesco expresses in part time staff context - Literature review Example The questionnaire includes questions that are related to job satisfaction, employee motivation and factors that stimulate the same. The feedback to those questions will enable researcher to understand the perception of individual employees and implications of management techniques in terms of enhancing employee motivation. By gathering required feedback, the researcher will be able to do a comparative analysis by studying the extent to which ideas and theories mentioned within the empirical literatures are consistent with the practical situation. This is where relevance of an in-depth literature review lies. The groundwork will also allow researcher to identify any gaps that may exist in empirical researches and thereafter, fill the gap by conducting a relevant research. Similar to any other concept that can be described in a variety of ways, motivation too has several definitions. However, it is pivotal to focus on a particular definition that is associated with motivation factor in a workplace. A thorough understanding of the meaning of motivation will enable managers to decide upon actions that can be taken in order to enhance the level of engagement among employees. The explanation of the term motivation starts with the primary word motive. Motive is defined as a factor that influences a person to act. Hence, according to Frey and Osterloh (2002), motivation refers to the act of providing incentive that influences an individual to act. It depends on an individual whether or not he or she would be motivated by the act of someone else. This leads the researcher to come up with another conclusion that the extent to which an individual will be motivated or not depends upon a number of factors (Wigfield and Eccles, 2002). These factors, nevertheless, are not common and vary according to places. For example, an individual might be motivated by the positive behaviour
Records Management System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Records Management System - Essay Example This study outlines that the best source of information about the benefits and pitfalls of database management and the manner in which it can be successfully implemented is through the wisdom gleaned from the efforts of other corporations in this area. Moreover, another aspect that arise sin connection with the generation and maintenance of records of data is the ethical aspects, since records helps to keep track of the activities of individuals in the firm and helps to introduce higher levels of accountability and good governance within a firm. Destruction of such data that traces a person’s activity could give rise to issues of ethics, since fraudulent activity may be masked by destruction of documents. Therefore it is vital that data be preserved. However with the constraints of space, it is also necessary to seek those kinds of measures and methods that will help in the maximum efficiency in utilization of space for storage while also ensuring that data is protected and re mains accessible. Significant findings presented in this report are the link between corporate governance and data/records management. Furthermore, there is a need to streamline and reduce the generation of paper documents and to seek alternative methods of offline storage such as microfiche or other devices where large volumes of data can be compressed and stored in small spaces. Another important aspect that is highlighted in this report is the need or accuracy in data generation, since wrong data could prove harmful to an organization and also result in colossal wastes of effort, time and money.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Marketing. Firms gain competitive advantage Case Study
Marketing. Firms gain competitive advantage - Case Study Example For many years, logistics inefficiencies have been criticized and scrutinized in order to increase productivity. There has been little close examination of possible savings in the area of physical distribution, now known as logistics. There is a movement towards a closer analysis of all aspects of logistics. This is particularly important where selling and distribution costs are high. One of the new methods in logistics is wireless technologies used by UPS and FedEx which help them to create state-of-the-art solutions for difverse customer groups. In other words, firms are a sum of their activities and not just comprised of a series of discrete functions. Logistics is therefore not just about managing functions, but managing linkages between those functions. More will be said about the integration of various facets of the value chain in the discussion on implementation strategies. FedEx Executive says: "Wireless data connectivity is something we've done for many years. But we had to provide our own bandwidth and we had to develop technology to manage it" (Gruman 2006). At this stage, what is important is to understand how logistics companies can analyze current position along various dimensions of the value chain - in essence, their strengths and weaknesses. ... real-time data to manage their operations, and the only way for the companies to get this near-real-time information is through the use of wireless technology in the field and in their facilities" (Gruman 2006). UPS and FedEx take into account internal and external factors that influence location of the goods. The Concept of 'Place' and its Role in New Logistics Looking at the concept of 'Place' from a total viewpoint, may indicate that some parts of the system can operate at less that the optimum in order to make the whole system more effective. For example the production manager may need to schedule shorter runs, or the transport manager more frequent deliveries, if it benefits the total logistics system. Acceptance of the new logistics concept implies a recognition of the fact that an action affecting one part may affect all others (Chase, Jacobs 2003). So a united approach is needed in order to maximize overall effectiveness. One of the main innovations used by UPS and FedEx is that: 'The two companies are exploiting new wireless technologies in their differing attempts at aiding the two main components of their operations: pickup/delivery and packaging/sorting" (Gruman, 2006). In order to produce or provide quality service to a required quality level, at an appropriate time and within acceptable financial constraints, logistics create a number of functions that are essential. For instance, using UPS and FedEx new logistics flexible organizations have the potential to maximize benefits from different locations and national economic conditions through a variety of means: locating businesses in markets where factor conditions are favorable leading to cost advantages and efficiency; operating in non-domestic markets where "demand conditions are more favorable"
Presidents Day Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Presidents Day - Essay Example However from January 1, 1971 onwards instead of February 22, Presidents day started to celebrate on every third Monday of February. Since then Presidents day never happened in Washington’s actual birth day (February 22) as third Monday of February occurs in between February 15 and 21. In this year or 2011, Presidents day was on February 21. Thus, at present presidents day lost its significance as the actual birth day of America’s first president since it is celebrated based on the day rather than the date. Today, people celebrate Presidents day to mark their respect towards the entire Presidents of America, but most significantly George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. â€Å"The official US holiday is meant to honor only George Washington, but many people consider President's Day a day to honor both George Washington (born on Feb. 22, 1732) and Abraham Lincoln (born on Feb. 12, 1809)†(Activities, Worksheets and Crafts for Presidents Day).The story behind fixing t he presidents day as the third Monday on February is interesting. According to the Gregorian or "New Style" calendar that is most commonly used today, George Washington was born on February 22, 1732. But according to the Julian or "Old Style" calendar that was used in England until 1752, his birth date was February 11th. Back in the 1790s, Americans were split - some celebrated his birthday on February 11th and some on February 22nd.When Abraham Lincoln became president and helped reshape our country, it was believed he, too, should have a special day of recognition. Tricky thing was that Lincoln’s birthday fell on February 12th. Prior to 1968, having two presidential birthdays so close together didn't seem to bother anyone. February 22nd was observed as a federal public holiday to honor the birthday of George Washington and February 12th was observed as a public holiday to honor Abraham Lincoln’s birthday (Himiac). The confusion over the significance of Presidents day is still prevailing in America. Some people celebrate it for honoring first president George Washington whereas some others use it to honor Abraham Lincoln. In order to avoid confusion or controversy some people celebrate the entire week for Presidents day celebration. Some of the America schools and colleges conducting regular classes currently even on Presidents day. At the same time, many other schools in America often been closed for the entire week. In other words, Presidents day is celebrated or observed differently by the academic community. Even though Congress had made federal legislation for celebrating Presidents day, still individual states are keeping their preferences while observing Presidents day. States like California, Idaho, Tennessee and Texas started to use the term "President's Day rather than Presidents’ Day. The confusion about the Presidents day helped the business community to exploit it. Business people interpreted presidents day differently with t he help of different advertising campaigns and currently people’s perception about president day has been changed a lot. Instead of honoring the Presidents, current people use this occasion for shopping and enjoying. Presidents day is currently celebrated more by the business community. They use this occasion to boost their sales just like other significant occasions like Memorial Day, Christmas Day, Veterans Day, Columbus Day etc. Earlier most of the American shops were remain closed
Advanced financial reporting and regulation Essay
Advanced financial reporting and regulation - Essay Example The important characteristic of intangibles is that they lack physical substance. It is very difficult to estimate the value of intangibles and there is a high degree of uncertainty regarding the length of time over which they will provide future benefits. IAS 38 clarifies that intangibles should not be recorded as other assets. Also this standard does not apply to intangible held for sale in the normal course of business of the entity. Similarly differed tax assets, leases, assets arising from employee benefits, financial assets, mineral rights, and other exploration and evaluation assets, and most importantly goodwill arising from business combinations do not fall the preview of IAS 38. The identifiable assets should be separable. The entity is in a position to sell, transfer, and license, rent or exchanges the intangibles. It is important to note that intangibles should be clearly distinguishable and controlled separately from the goodwill. Such identifiable intangibles may have arisen from contractual or other legal rights, whether those are transferable or not, or separable from the entity or other rights and obligations. The initial accounting for intangible is largely dependent on whether they are purchased or developed internally. When intangibles are purchased from others, they are initially recorded at their cost. The amount capitalized will include the purchase price and, like other assets, costs of preparing them for their intended uses. As a result, costs of registration or legal fees related to acquisition are also capitalized. When intangibles are purchased in a business combination, the cost to be recognized is the fair value at acquisition. When intangibles are acquired free of cost or received as a grant, the fair value or nominal value and directly attributable costs of such intangibles is recognized. All other costs of intangibles are charged to revenue. Internally generated intangibles are not recognized as
Nursing management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Nursing management - Assignment Example Thus, it is the perception of members in relation to the features of an organization like decision-making, leadership, and ethics at work. Hall (2005) notes that an organizational has a lot of impact on nurses’ achievements. For instance, there is evidence is links the organizational climate to the behavior, motivation and attitudes of clinicians. The orientations and behaviors can in turn affect the quality process and clinical outcome with regard to performance. Stone et al. (2010) note that studies within and outside the healthcare sector reveal that employees experience greater job satisfaction, and less stress, and burden when working under organizational climates that have empowering and supportive leaders, and structured organizational arrangements, and positive groups. In addition, employees’ satisfaction and commitments to their work have been found to reduce turnover and absenteeism. These findings have valuable implications for clinicians and healthcare centr e managements. For instance, stable health care environments that empower and support nurses are more likely to boost nursing staff satisfaction and commitment. ... Based on Toffler's description of the reasons for generational differences, propose an approach for stabilizing the conflict. Generational differences at the workplace are one aspect that causes a lot of concern between the young and the old. However, Toffler argues that all generations irrespective of age, have similar values, it is only that they express these in different ways. As such, there is no need for these differences since both the old and the young have responsibilities to play at the workplace. Toffler proposes a number of ways by which the two different generations can stabilize and eliminate the conflicts between them. Firstly, he argues that everyone irrespective of age wants respect. Therefore, it is important that the two generations respect one another as this will help stop antagonism between them (Deal and Center for Creative Leadership, 2007). Secondly, the two generations should develop mutual trust between each another without one side despising the other. Bot h the old and young nurses should trust one another at the work place irrespective of the level of experience that one has. This will help mitigate the conflict between the two groups. Deal and Center for Creative Leadership (2007) note that intergenerational conflicts are exaggerated by organizational politics. It is, therefore, important that the nurses, old or young, refrain from engaging in divisive politics as this only increases the rift between the two generations. This will see a reduction in conflicts between nurses from the two divergent generations. 3. During a floor meeting, the head nurse on a unit explains to the staff that evaluations are going to be late because she had to take a fill in for the unit secretary, who was on vacation for a week, and then had to take a
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Discussion Boards Questions 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Discussion Boards Questions 5 - Essay Example It’s also a field where people determine what they want to earn and the benefits they want to enjoy from their employers. With this in mind, I was determined to follow my ambition and resigned from my previous position. Following Jesus implies accepting him as the forgiver of sins and thereafter following his ways by living a righteous life that is in line with his teachings. It is a journey with both joyful and challenging moments that involves life time commitment. A new Christian should seek guidance from spiritual leaders, read the word of God as well as interact with fellow believers for him or her to grow spiritually. Olympics are international sporting events that attract audience across the world. One of the ways that the managers of Olympics emulate to create strong awareness is the use of advertising through social sites. One of the key 2012 London Olympics commercials that motivated me to visit their social media sites was the use of torch relay that was undertaken from May 19 to July 27. By the use of colored images and young athletes, the commercial was a symbol of peace, love and unity that the world should emulate. Having been sponsored by Coca-Cola Company, the Olympics flame was a success in the sense that it attracted large number of audience across many countries in the world. Many people decided to visit London while others viewed the Olympics via their television sets in their homes or in the street of the big cities across UK and other countries. Coca cola is leading worldwide beverage company with wide range of products that can be consumed by people regardless of their age and social status from rural and urban areas. It has brands that compete among themselves. In one of its commercials, Coca-Cola depicts young people playing basketball but once one of their friends appears drinking a Sprite brand, the young people in the basketball field stops to play and run towards the young person who was taking sprite. This is a
Global Warming and Agriculture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Global Warming and Agriculture - Essay Example Biologists believe that the agriculture practices represent a very carefully designed natural pattern in which the production is limited by a specific amount of natural growth. If these limits were pushed too far beyond, their natural allowance then, the cycle would be destroyed leading to a decline in productivity in general. However, with the increase in global warming, and drastic undefined climate change and decrease in agricultural produce proves the dilemma that both the variables work negative to each other, (negative correlation) and shows how vulnerable the entire system is upon the external changes such as the climate. Thus, it destroys the basic concept of sustainable agriculture, as this system was supposed to have an â€Å"adaptive capacity, as the ability to adjust to climate change, to moderate potential damages, to take advantages of opportunities, or to cope with the consequences†(McCarthy et al., 2001). Climate is the most significant variable of agriculture, whose even the slightest variability has pertinent effects upon the crop produce. The climate may have a stronger impact through indirect factors such as soil, water and terrain which influence the yield are actually produces of the weather conditions, and even slight variability in it, can have a massive impact upon the crop yields, which might be positive or negative, but certainly varying the regular pattern of production. Sustainability was the idea, which wanted to enhance the economic development of the world, in lure of the future generations. The ecologists were concerned with the increasing soil erosion, water depravity and its contamination, pest attacks and their immunity to chemicals, and foremost the social and economic equity all arising t and from the lack of production and its increasing variability. Ecologists worldwide through the analysis of historical data of crop yield suggest that mankind had through decades
Extreme sports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Extreme sports - Essay Example Hatfield (2011) uses the analogy of triathlon to explain the difference between those perceived to be elites and non-elites by explaining that their distinct differences stem the fact that goal is vital after which being competitive follows. Mountain (2006) argues why these individuals live on the edge. Extreme sports are usually perceived by the public as acts of taking risks in an irresponsible manner. Mountain (2006) claims that they often burden the public especially the taxpayers in the event that an individual taking irresponsible risk is injured or even in need of being rescued. Interestingly, in public debates and discussion, rarely will you find individuals incorporating the negative implications of limiting accessibility to risky sports. Mountain (2006) further asserts that suppose these sporting activities are suppressed, these persons are likely to find outlet of their energy in a way that may even be more burdensome to the society. Despite the fact that extreme sports do not appeal to majority of the public, there are quite a number of persons who these activities fulfill part of their lives. Mountain (2006) points out that differences between people in the society makes the society interesting besides contributing to the diversity of cultures across the globe. It is indeed true that every person needs some level of adventure for the purpose of fulfillment. However, others need more to do so for their life excitement. According to Mountain (2006), these individuals have a personality trait referred to as Type T. Amazingly, these type of personality are not only risk takers but also the best in various fields such as entrepreneurship, innovation, management et cetera. The progress of the society can hugely be attributed to these individuals who are always willing to take risks. Unfortunately, person possessing such traits
Annotated Bibliography - Does Illegal Immigration Help or Hurt the US Essay
Annotated Bibliography - Does Illegal Immigration Help or Hurt the US Economy - Essay Example The author realizes that illegal immigration persists in the United States since old times. Those who enter the United States illegally come from various nations, such as Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and the Caribbean. In particular, the author notes that in recent years illegal immigrants from China, Mexico, and other European countries increase dramatically in the United States. In that sense, Sadowski-Smith is one of the various thinkers and analysts who try to tackle the subject of illegal immigration in the United States, trying to push the country to adopt strict measures to control this negative phenomenon. According to the author, the current illegal migration from Chinese and European countries much exceed the case of Mexico, which was long believed to be one of the major producer of illegal immigrants to the United States. In that sesne, this article takes a comparative view in attempting to study the negative consequences of illegal immigration on US economy. As stated cle arly by the author, the main goal of this article is to â€Å"examine European and Chinese migratory movements as precursors to and contemporaries of Mexican undocumented immigration.†In trying to analyze Sadowski-Smith’s article, one may realize that the author makes a good job analyzing many of the negative consequences of illegal immigration to the US. ... Also, Sadowski-Smith puts much of the blame on US businessmen and companies, which seek to hire unskilled labor among illegal immigrants to pay them low wages. In this context, she cites the example of U.S. railroad companies, which â€Å"asked entrepreneurs to help them recruit unskilled labor from China in the mid-1870s.†Accordingly, Sadowski-Smith, in this article, succeeds in determining and analyzing some of the historical factors that have led to the severity of the phenomenon of undocumented immigration in the US. Samers, Michael. â€Å"’Here to Work’: Undocumented Immigration in the United States and Europe.†SAIS Review, Volume 21, Number 1, Winter-Spring 2001, pp.131-145. Published by The Johns Hopkins University Press Michael Samers, in this article, makes a close and significant link between the phenomenon of illegal immigration to the US and the increase of informal labor in the country. To enrich his argument, the author makes a comparative study between the statuses of illegal immigration in the US to the case in Europe. In this context, Samers argues that â€Å"the United States and the European Union have witnessed a historically relative transnationalization of their economies and societies,†and this aspect is strongly marked by â€Å"a demand for low-skilled production and service workers.†In addition, the author also realizes that regional integration, in both cases of US and Europe, plays a significant role in spreading the phenomenon of illegal immigration in both the United States and Europe. In the case of the US, regional integration is embodied in NAFTA, while in Europe, it is embodied in the European Union. As the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Discussion Boards Questions 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Discussion Boards Questions 5 - Essay Example It’s also a field where people determine what they want to earn and the benefits they want to enjoy from their employers. With this in mind, I was determined to follow my ambition and resigned from my previous position. Following Jesus implies accepting him as the forgiver of sins and thereafter following his ways by living a righteous life that is in line with his teachings. It is a journey with both joyful and challenging moments that involves life time commitment. A new Christian should seek guidance from spiritual leaders, read the word of God as well as interact with fellow believers for him or her to grow spiritually. Olympics are international sporting events that attract audience across the world. One of the ways that the managers of Olympics emulate to create strong awareness is the use of advertising through social sites. One of the key 2012 London Olympics commercials that motivated me to visit their social media sites was the use of torch relay that was undertaken from May 19 to July 27. By the use of colored images and young athletes, the commercial was a symbol of peace, love and unity that the world should emulate. Having been sponsored by Coca-Cola Company, the Olympics flame was a success in the sense that it attracted large number of audience across many countries in the world. Many people decided to visit London while others viewed the Olympics via their television sets in their homes or in the street of the big cities across UK and other countries. Coca cola is leading worldwide beverage company with wide range of products that can be consumed by people regardless of their age and social status from rural and urban areas. It has brands that compete among themselves. In one of its commercials, Coca-Cola depicts young people playing basketball but once one of their friends appears drinking a Sprite brand, the young people in the basketball field stops to play and run towards the young person who was taking sprite. This is a
Global Warming and Agriculture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Global Warming and Agriculture - Essay Example Biologists believe that the agriculture practices represent a very carefully designed natural pattern in which the production is limited by a specific amount of natural growth. If these limits were pushed too far beyond, their natural allowance then, the cycle would be destroyed leading to a decline in productivity in general. However, with the increase in global warming, and drastic undefined climate change and decrease in agricultural produce proves the dilemma that both the variables work negative to each other, (negative correlation) and shows how vulnerable the entire system is upon the external changes such as the climate. Thus, it destroys the basic concept of sustainable agriculture, as this system was supposed to have an â€Å"adaptive capacity, as the ability to adjust to climate change, to moderate potential damages, to take advantages of opportunities, or to cope with the consequences†(McCarthy et al., 2001). Climate is the most significant variable of agriculture, whose even the slightest variability has pertinent effects upon the crop produce. The climate may have a stronger impact through indirect factors such as soil, water and terrain which influence the yield are actually produces of the weather conditions, and even slight variability in it, can have a massive impact upon the crop yields, which might be positive or negative, but certainly varying the regular pattern of production. Sustainability was the idea, which wanted to enhance the economic development of the world, in lure of the future generations. The ecologists were concerned with the increasing soil erosion, water depravity and its contamination, pest attacks and their immunity to chemicals, and foremost the social and economic equity all arising t and from the lack of production and its increasing variability. Ecologists worldwide through the analysis of historical data of crop yield suggest that mankind had through decades
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Zimbabwes economy in the past years and now Essay - 1
Zimbabwes economy in the past years and now - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that during the past few decades Zimbabwe has faced major political and economic problems that have contributed to an almost dual figure negative growth in her economy. These factors have also contributed to an enormous rise in inflation, disregard of the rule of law and market breakdown. The country’s GDP has been a victim of decline since 1990. According to the macro economic figures researched by IMF in 2008, Zimbabwe’s GDP dropped from 7 % in 1990 to negative 6 % in 2007. This negative growth can be attributed to adverse weather conditions which led to the worst decline of negative 10 % GDP growth in 2003 which was a contribution of a major drought that was witnessed in 2003. These figures have however shown an encouraging growth since 2003. Currently, three major problems face Zimbabwe’s economy notably; scarcity of food, less fuel delivery, and power load-shedding as a result investors shy away. It is worth noting that the major cause of these problems dates back to the era where the country’s commercial farms were nationalized. Nationalization of commercial farms has seen its effect on a reduced export earnings and low food production. This means the country has to cater for expenses on an importation of food and consequently reduced earning in foreign currencies. In addition, foreign banks’ and donors’ withdrawal of financial aid, as well as credits, has worsened the state of the economy in Zimbabwe.
Illegal Immigration's Destructive Impact on the Economy of the United Research Paper
Illegal Immigration's Destructive Impact on the Economy of the United States of America - Research Paper Example This essay discusses that much debate has raged over immigration policies in the United States. In the past, the United States had reached out with open arms to immigrants coming from distant shores who want to make this country their home. As a result of this, we have seen America become a melting pot of cultures, offering its embrace to the poor and downtrodden. In many instances, however, the picture was far from pretty. The famous book â€Å"The Jungle†, written by Upton Sinclair, was seen by many as a shocking expose into the sordid world of the meatpacking industry and the abysmal working conditions of the meatpackers, who were composed mainly of immigrants desperate for livelihood opportunities in what for them was a completely new frontier. Few saw it for what it was meant to be: a compelling saga of the poverty hopelessness, and crime that attended the lives of the working class immigrants of America from the period spanning the end of the Civil War to the beginning o f the First World War. Unfortunately, that story takes place even today, as illegal immigrants find themselves caught in a life of poverty, dependence and crime. There are plenty of illegal immigrants in the United States, many of whom are from nearby Hispanic countries, most notably Mexico. It has been found that when the purchasing power of the dollar increases in Mexico, illegal immigration increases, suggesting that illegal immigration is brought on by economic reasons.... We refer to those who engage in drug trafficking, in human trafficking, in illegal possession of firearms, in petty crimes. The big debate therefore is what to do with these illegal immigrants. Do we send them to our jails and thus spend taxpayer’s money for their care and upkeep, or do we institute deportation proceedings and send them back to their home countries? This paper will argue that illegal immigrants who have been arrested, charged criminally and found guilty by our criminal justice system should be subjected to deportation proceedings rather than be imprisoned in domestic jails. I will argue first on the resources aspect, and will discuss how keeping them in our jails drains this country of much-needed resources especially during a time of recession. Second, I will argue on the social-economic aspect, and look into how keeping them in domestic jails can possibly worsen the crime problem, because it will still allow them to operate criminal cells here in the country . In turn, this is a problem for the economy because it encourages the black market and the criminal enterprises and syndicates that render markets imperfect. Then, I will also argue how the immigration problem is unduly clogging the dockets of the courts, making it difficult for judges and prosecutors to focus on crimes such as robbery and murder, and thus leaving communities unsafe and vulnerable and affecting local economic activity. Finally, I will argue that on the political- economic aspect, it is only deportation that can send a strong, zero-tolerance message against illegal immigration – of particular importance at a time when illegal immigration is siphoning off much-needed jobs from the local population, and is draining the nation’s coffers by using up
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