Saturday, December 28, 2019
Dear John by Nicholas Sparks Book Review
Dear John is trademark Nicholas Sparks  romantic, sappy, sad, and redeeming. The book revolves around the love story of an army sergeant who falls in love shortly before 9/11. Dear John is one of Sparks most popular stories, and became known to an even wider audience after it was made into a movie in 2010 starring Amanda Seyfried and Channing Tatum. Summary Dear John starts in the present day, in terms of the books timeline, with John watching Savannah from afar. He is thinking about how much he loves her and why their relationship dissolved. Lost in a train of thought, John then takes the reader back in time and narrates the story of their love. The whole book is narrated by John, who joined the army to get away from his reclusive father and to straighten out. While he is on leave at home in Wilmington, North Carolina, he meets Savannah. They soon fall in love, but Johns time in the army post-9/11 weigh on the couples relationship. Review There is, unfortunately, not much more to say about the book other than its a predictable love story. Dear John has a pretty formulaic plot. Sparks writing is smooth and easy, but the characters are not memorable or complex. Furthermore, the love story is not very realistic. That being said, the characters are likable, if not particularly nuanced, and Johns relationship with his father creates a nice subplot. Although Sparks is one of the first to set the age-old boy meets girl love story in the modern, post-9/11 world, he does not delve into how the war affects the characters. In Dear John, it could be any war keeping them apart. This specific war is not important. Overall, Dear John is a quick, easy read that is not painful but also not extremely enjoyable to read. If you need some beach reading, go ahead and borrow it. It will give you a few hours of escape if nothing else. Recommended for those who like sappy romantic comedies, and at times tragedies, but not for those who like a little meat in their reading. If you like previous books by Sparks, you will probably enjoy Dear John.
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Comparison Of Newspaper Websites - 848 Words
Looking at the home pages of three major news organizations, the New York Times, The Montreal Gazette, and the Guardian, it can be noted that there are quite a few similarities. All three of the websites have a very similar home page, with large bolded headlines, and pictures. Although all three sites have a tab bar at the top of their webpages, it should be recognized that the tabs of the Montreal Gazette do not contain an easily accessible world news button. Both the New York Times and the Guardian feature both National and World news on their main page. However, the Montreal Gazette features mostly local news and sports related news. It’s fascinating to see how these three major news organizations frame their sites differently. The†¦show more content†¦This is done through the process of framing, which is a term that became popular between the 1970s and the 1990s. In today’s day and age, it is extremely difficult to find sources that don’t contain som e form of bias due to the way an article is framed, practically every news outlet is guilty of agenda-setting and framing. When reading the NY Times’ article on Henry Weinstein it is obvious that there is a potential for bias based on the fact that the investigation that uncovered this information was conducted by the NY Times themselves. â€Å"The sexual harassment allegations uncovered by The Times stretched back decades and came from actresses as well as former employees of the Weinstein Company and Miramax†(Twohey 2017). This article is driven by harsh words and phrases, all highlighting Weinstein’s guilt. Ms. Konner said, this event will â€Å"scare any man in Hollywood using his power for anything but making movies and television.†In the Montreal Gazette, the article focusing on Harvey Weinstein’s sexual assault charges begins with a bold, straightforward title. It is stated right at the start that Harvey Weinstein’s employment with Weinstein Co. has been terminated immediately due to accusations that he has â€Å"Sexually harassed women for decades†(Astor, 2017). The article seems relatively straight to the point at first glance, however, as one continues to read, it can be noticed that the writing style demonstrates a sense of indifference, with vagueShow MoreRelatedThe Attitude Toward The Publication Of Ugc900 Words  | 4 PagesIn terms of the attitude toward the publication of UGC, this dissertation begins by reviewing publication in print. There were 340 community newspaper website managers who answered the question about the importance generally of publishing UGC. Of those 134, 39.4% of respondents stated publishing UGC was very important, 117, which represents 34.4% stated it w as important, only 3 respondents stated that it was unimportant to allow the public the opportunity to submit UGC. 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Friday, December 20, 2019
Essay The Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant - 2525 Words
The Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant Criticism is Kants original achievement; it identifies him as one of the greatest thinkers of mankind and as one of the most influential authors in contemporary philosophy. But it is important to understand what Kant means bycriticism, or critique. In a general sense the term refers to a general cultivation of reason by way of the secure path of science (Bxxx). More particularly, its use is not negative, but positive, a fact that finds expression in the famous expression, I have therefore found it necessary to deny knowledge to make room for faith (Bxxx). Correspondingly, its negative use consists in not allowing ones self to venture with speculative reason beyond the limits of†¦show more content†¦This interpenetration finds its expression in judgements that are a priori and yet synthetic, on the one hand, and yet synthetic and a priori on the other. Kant thought that he could attain this goal only by way of a changed point of view (Bxvi) referred to as a Copernician revolu tion. On the supposition, thus far considered valid, that all our knowledge must conform to objects (Bxvi), a priori judgements that enlarge Mans knowledge synthetically are impossible. Here, one needs the opposite assumption, according to which we suppose that objects must conform to our knowledge (Bxvi); only in this way we are able to have knowledge of objects a priori determining something in regard to them prior to their being given (ibid.) Consequently, we can know a priori of things only what we ourselves put into them (Bxviii); this means that the process of knowing a priori has to do only with appearances, and must leave the thing-in-itself as indeed real per se, but as not known by us (Bxx). Since, however, all of metaphysics aims at the thing-in-itself, speculative reason, by which, as had been said, we never transcend the limits of possible experience (Bxix), is unable to rise to the metaphysical level. Kants Critique of Knowledge Kant perfects his criticism of knowledge in the Critique of Pure Reason, which moves from transcendentalShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Immanuel Kants Arguements in The Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals†542 Words  | 3 PagesControversies course textbook, Immanuel Kant argues that the view of the world and its laws is structured by human concepts and categories, and the rationale of it is the source of morality which depends upon belief in the existence of God. In Kant’s work, categorical imperative was established in order to have a standard rationale from where all moral requirements derive. Therefore, categorical imperative is an obligation to act morally, out of duty and good will alone. 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However, the public ignored this important piece of work making Hume feel like he was quot;dead-born.quot; After this horrible reaction to A Treatise of Human Nature Hume went back home where he started thinking more about ethicsRead MorePhilosophy Is The Idea Of Knowing One s Mind By Asking The Simplest Question1494 Words  | 6 PagesPhilosophy is the idea of knowing one’s mind by asking the simplest questions. It’s a love of wisdom, which originated in Ancient Greece around 2500 BCE. In philosophy, people undertake a journey to discovering and understanding the fundamental truths about; themselves, the world, and relationships both personal and public. Philosophers like Plato believed that our ideas influence the way we live, and therefore offered a simple yet practical approach to wisdo m. As over time, philosophers haveRead MoreThe Age of Reason1424 Words  | 6 Pages David Hume A. Contributions to the Age of Reason B. Who and what influenced him II. Jean Jacques Rousseau A. What he believed in B. Who influenced him III. Claude Adrien Helvetius A. Influences B. Reasons for contribution IV. Immanuel Kant A. How he made a difference B. Why he made a difference C. What caused him to make a difference V. Johann Fichte A. Influences B. Reasons for contribution VI. Johann von Herder A. Contributions B. What caused him to contributeRead MoreImmanuel Kant And Ayn Rand Essay970 Words  | 4 PagesPhilosophy is amongst the most difficult and challenging subjects anyone can discuss. Philosophy has changed throughout the years and it can be inquiring and critical. Most philosophers have different theories on how the world should be and there are many issues and questions that arise. What is real; what is truth; what is the good; is the mind something separate from the body; and are we free, or are our actions determined so that we no longer have any control or influence? Immanuel Kant and AynRead MoreThe Most Influential Thinkers Of The German Enlightenment Era1119 Words  | 5 PagesImmanuel Kant was born April 22, 1724 in Kà ¶nigsberg. Kant is considered one of the most influential thinkers of the German Enlightenment era. He could easily be labeled one of the greatest and most important Western philosophers of all time. Kant was born the fourth of nine children to Johann and Anna Kant. His father was a harness maker, and the large family lived a rather humble life. The family practiced Pietism, an 18th-century branch of the Lutheran Church. As a result of this, Kant’s earlyRead MoreThe Evolution of Western Thought Essay1502 Words  | 7 Pagesadvancement in all aspects of society. Western thought progressed over time to help build a more intellectual society. Modern philosophers such as Max Horkheimer and Immanuel Kant incorporated their views of Western Thought into their political writings. Western Thought Western thought is defined as the rational and critical inquiry into basic principles. Western thought is often divided into the four main branches of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and aesthetics. Metaphysics is theRead MoreEssay on Immanuel Kant (1724 - 1804)1093 Words  | 5 PagesImmanuel Kant (1724 - 1804) Author of Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals (1785). The Enlightenment was a desire for human affairs to be guided by rationality than by faith, superstition, or revelation; a belief in the power of human reason to change society and liberate the individual from the restraints of custom or arbitrary authority; all backed up by a world view increasingly validated by science rather than by religion or tradition. (Outram 1995) In the eighteenth centuryRead MoreTranscendentalism and Transcendental Meditation1471 Words  | 6 PagesRomantic philosopher Immanuel Kant. The term refers to the idea that matters of ultimate reality, God, the cosmos, the self transcend, or go beyond, human experience.( Transcendental later developed into Transcendentalism, which is The transcending, or going beyond, empiricism, and ascertaining the fundamental principles of human knowledge. Kant (1724-1804) was born and educated in East Prussia. He founded critical philosophy and Transcendental Logic. Kant made significant
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
The National Incident Management System - 1579 Words
The National Incident Management System is a systematic guideline on how to effectively plan, mitigate, respond and recover, from significant incidences especially those that encompass diverse interest and involves all levels of governments. It works hand in hand with the National Response Framework, which provides structure for incident management while NIMS provide the guide for all departments and agencies at all levels of government, nongovernmental organizations, and the private sector to work flawlessly during incident management to reduce loss of life and property (U. S. Department of Homeland Security, 2008). The core aspect of the National Incident Management System during incident response is the Incident Command System (ICS),†¦show more content†¦Also, there are some challenges involves in mobilizing and deploying response teams in some special incidents. For instance, during the 2010 Deepwater Horizon (DWH) Incident, there were reports of â€Å"some delay in a chieving a fully functioning, effective and efficient Incident Command System†(Florida Commission on Oil Spill Response Coordination, 2012, P.33). As such some questions like why should city emergency management personnel use the National Incident Management System rather than developing their own command and control system often arises. This paper will try to answer or clarify this question by examining the advantages and disadvantages of the NIMS; endeavor to see if there is any advantages and disadvantages, of developing and using an ad hoc system to manage emergency; And then compare the advantages and disadvantages both systems; finally try to justify the use of the National Incident Management System as opposed to emergency management personnel developing an ad hoc command system for each individual emergency or disaster situation. Advantages of the NIMS The National Incident Management System (NIMS) which was created in 2003 based on existing structures provides framework for all types of incidence throughout the country. It aimed at uniting all those involves in incident management together for a common goal of successful management of incidents. Some notable benefits of NIMS include integration of incident
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Molecular Biotechnology In Life Essay Example For Students
Molecular Biotechnology In Life Essay If you have had a can of soft drink, ate a fruit, or took some head ache medicine this morning then its very likely you have used a genetically enhanced product. Genetics is a part of biotechnology that manipulates biological organisms to make products that benefit humankind. Biotechnology is essential in our life, but there are some concerns regarding its safety. Although, biotechnology may pose some danger it is proving to be very beneficial to humankind. The first applications of biotechnology occurred approximately around 5000 BC. Back then people used simple breeding methods. Chains of plants or animals were crossed to produce greater genetic variety. The hybridized offspring then were selectively bred to produce the desired traits. For example, for about 7000 years, corn has been selectively bred for increased kernel size and additional nutrition value. Also, through selective breeding, cattle and pigs have become the major sources of animal foods for human (Encarta 99). The modern era of biotechnology started in 1953 when British biophysicist Francis Crick and American biochemist James Watson presented their double-stranded model of DNA. DNA is an extensive, chain-like structure made up of nucleotides, and in a way it looks like a twisted rope ladder (Drlica 27). In 1960 Swiss microbiologist Werner Arber had discovered restriction enzymes. This special kind of enzymes can cut DNA of an organism at precise points. In 1973 American scientists Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer removed a specific gene from one bacterium and inserted it into another using restriction enzymes. This achievement served as foundation to recombinant DNA technology, which is commonly called genetic engineering. Recombinant DNA technology is a transfer of a specifically coded gene of one organism into bacteria. Further, the host bacteria serve as a biologic factory by reproducing the transferred gene. Today biotechnologys applications are used in a variety of areas. Its used in waste management for creation of biodegradable materials, in agriculture for higher yields and quality, in medicine for production of advanced pharmaceuticals, cloning tissues and curing genetic diseases. However there is a down side to genetic engineering. It deals with dangerous bacteria which could escape the boundaries of a lab and possibly cause epidemics. Moreover, if a transgenic organism escapes, it could eliminate a range of species and thus disrupt natural balance. Since biotechnology is a necessity, some government guidelines were established for strict regulation of recombinant DNA experiments (Encarta 99). Agriculture is the largest business in the world, with assets of approximately $900 billion and about 15 million employees. Back in the 80s, there was a concern, based on population growth rates, that by the turn of the century traditional agriculture would be in a serious trouble (Hanson 68). But due to the revolutionary development of biotechnology during last couple of decades agriculture has drastically advanced. Sensational achievements were made in both plant cultivation and animal husbandry. The modification of plants has become one of the most important aspects in agriculture. Increased crop yields can be achieved through the increase of land, or increased yield per tract. Land is expensive and should be used efficiently, to do so large quantities of fertilizer, herbicides, pesticides and frequent irrigation may be necessary. Due to the increase in petroleum cost prices for nitrogen fertilizers continuously rise. Herbicides and pesticides are considered to be hazardous and very costly materials. Moreover, recurrent irrigation gradually leads to serious damage of the soil due to the salt accumulation. Eventually, increased amounts of salt in the soil result in large losses of crops (Hanson 69). Biotechnology can incorporate genes that are resistant to environmental stress, viruses, and insects. Such modified plants will be resistant to the same factors as the incorporated gene. Crop plants could be genetically engineered to manufacture functional insecticides so that they are immanently tolerant to insects. No hazardous and costly pesticides are needed for such plants resulting in very low crop maintenance costs. Moreover, biological insecticides are highly specific for a range of insects and considered to be harmless to humans and other higher animals (Glick and Pasternak 341). Plant viruses very often attack crops and cause significant damage and loss of crops. .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2 , .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2 .postImageUrl , .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2 , .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2:hover , .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2:visited , .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2:active { border:0!important; } .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2:active , .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2 .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubb57d44bab166e48e29c6c6ec65918c2:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Arpanet (629 words) Essay Recombinant DNA technology offers a few ways to obtain natural virus resistance: viral transmission can be blocked, development of the virus can be blocked, or viral symptoms can be bypassed or resisted (Glick and Pasternak 345). Biotechnology also contributes to the development of plants with higher tolerance to environmental changes. Plants cannot avoid hazardous environmental conditions such as heat, drought, and UV radiation, so they have developed physiological ways to deal with .
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Introduction to Application Design
Questions: 1.What are all the steps, in your mind, required to take an app from idea to publication? And what is required during the "publication" stage of the app when you're configuring your app on the App Store? 2. Why does every project need graphics or a graphical designer? and what is the difference between "graphics" and the "user interface"? 3. What is "cross-platform", and why is it common, which type of apps support cross-platform? And can we use web technologies for cross-platform apps explain your answer? 4. What do you see your speciality being? Team lead, programmer, graphical designer, marketer? Or Several of these roles, explain? 5. Why does software always have versions? Why isn't software just written once and left at 1.0 for its entire lifecycle? And in your opinion when it comes to mobile apps what do users expect in terms of updates explain? Answers: 1. Steps which are required to take an application from idea to publication: Step 1: The existing application in the market should be researched: The competitors application should be taken under research. The development of the new application involves the study of the existing application (Johnsons, 2009). Step 2: Measuring the investment on the application: The decision should be taken at the early stage of developing the application in relation with the cost associated with the project. The major aim is to focus on how to achieve the return on investment (Senay, 2015). First method is that the customer should pay for using the application and the second method is that application is available free for the customer to use; the payment is to be taken from banners and advertisement companies. Step 3: Writing of the application Idea: The idea should be written on paper. The designing of the application should be associated with the unique user interface. It should be measured that the written application is able to satisfy the requirement of the customer or not. Step 4: Selection of the right development partner: The non-disclosure agreement should be signed with the partner if the idea of the application in new and unique. From the research it has been analysed that the project should be given to the local company for development because they can give better discount and good quality of the product. Step 5: Project Expectation: The complex application takes 6 to 9 month for completion of the project. Step 6: Promoting the application: The marketing strategy plays an important role for maximising the success of the application. Step 7: How can we help: The end to end services should be provided to the customers. Requirement of the Publication stage: The requirement varies with the platform used for deploying the application. The platform used for deployment can be Android, Apple iPhone, and others. The decision should be taken at the early stage of developing the application in relation with the cost associated with the project. 2. Role of Graphics and Graphics Designers: The graphic design helps in increasing the sale of the application in the market. It helps in keeping the application ahead of its competitors. Graphic design plays an important role in the promotion of the application and developing relationship with the customer. The graphic designer is the art director of the application who works on determining the scope of the project (Belokar, 2012). The responsibilities of the graphic designer are to understand the latest graphic program which can run on the operating system. They develop the strategies to get knowledge about the requirement of the customers. They work on creating the images which helps in identifying the products. The knowledge is accumulated in the area of XML, HTML, and scripting language. Graphical design helps in bringing identity to the corporation. Graphics, audio, and video effects helps in attracting the new customers towards the application. The focus should also be given on colours, font size, text, and layout of the design. Difference Between Graphics and user Interfaces: The user interface is defined as interaction which established between users and machines (Perkins, 2015). The user interface helps in carrying out the operation and controlling the machine. The user interface is the combination of hardware and software components. Graphics are the visual images which are displayed on the computer screen. Graphical user interface is the interaction which makes use of graphics Icon and visual indicators for using and controlling the application. 3. Cross Platform: Cross Platform can be defined as the ability to run the developed application on different platform for writing the code only once (Mark, 2011). Cross platform software are implemented on multiple computing platforms. The cross platform application requires simple exchange of request and response associated with the data. Cross platform software are implemented on multiple computing platforms. The cross platform software is divided into two categories. The first category focuses on compilation of the platform and the other category focuses on running the application on any platform without making any special preparation. It is common because it makes use of abstraction process. The construction of the cross platform software depends on the pre-existing software which allows the hiding of differences which exist between different platforms. The application which can run on different computer architecture and operating system make use of cross platforms. We can use web technologies for cross platform application because they can be accessible by various web browsers which can run on different operating system. The application should use client-server architecture for reducing complexity and functionality of the system (Andrew, 2009). The cross platform application requires simple exchange of request and response associated with the data. Cross platform software are implemented on multiple computing platforms. We can use web technologies for cross platform application because it makes use of abstraction process. 4. I want to be the graphical designer because it is the profession which makes use of graphic design and art. I have efficient skills in the area of typesetting, development of the user interface, illustration, development of the web design, and others. I am well versed in presenting the information which is the core responsibility of the graphical designer. The knowledge is accumulated in the area of XML, HTML, and scripting language. Graphical design helps in bringing identity to the corporation. I can create the images which help in identifying the products. Graphics, audio, and video effects helps in attracting the new customers towards the application. The responsibilities of the graphic designer are to understand the latest graphic program which can run on the operating system. The knowledge of the adobe Photoshop, InDesign, and illustrator play an important role in the profession of graphic designer (Brown, 2011). The focus should also be given on colours, font size, text, an d layout of the design. The graphic designer is the art director of the application who works on determining the scope of the project. Graphic design is an important part of an application because it is used for attracting customers for using the application which results in the enhancement of profit earned by the organization. 5. Software always has Version because it helps in reducing the vulnerabilities associated with the launching of the application over the web. The exposure of application on the network leads to security threats. The development of version works on eliminating the unnecessary customization. The strategies are developed for enhancing the functionality of the proposed application. It also support optimization and maximization related to time and efficiency of the application. The rapid increase in the trends and technologies enforces the updating of the application (Christini, 2011). It helps in making the software compatible with the availability of the updated technologies in the market. The innovation in the software helps in the keeping the application ahead of their competitors. The software is not written just once because the development of the version helps in combating threats of cyber space; unnecessary customization can be eliminated, improving the efficiencies and functionality of the application, and innovation. The strategies are developed throughout the entire life cycle of the project for enhancing the functionality of the proposed application and keeping the application ahead of their competitors. The mobile application needs update because mobile company initially validate their proposed ideas and then added features in the later version of the mobiles. The bugs which occur only limited stock of the mobiles. The requirement of the user changes with time and technology. The functionality and features of the mobile can be enhanced. The need of updating the application arises with the rapid increase of trends and technologies. The launch of a new mobile in the market gives birth to the new security threats. The addition of functions and feature brings a revolution in the mobile and helps in fulfilling the requirement of the customer. References: Johnsons, S. (2009).How to get your application written and published. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]. Senay, A. (2015).How to publish in scholarly journal. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]. Belokar, R. (2012).What is the difference between GUI and UI. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]. Perkins, J. (2015). Graphic Design Process. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]. Mark, S. (2011).Evaluating Cross Platform development approaches for application. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]. Andrew, L. (2009). Analysis of native and cross platform methods for developing application. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]. Brown, V. (2011).What are the duties and responsibilities of a graphic designer. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016]. Christini, O. (2011). Reasons you need to adopt the latest software. 1st ed. [ebook] Available at: [Accessed 17 Dec. 2016].
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Facilitating Learning Vocabulary Meaning †
Question: Discuss about the Facilitating Learning Vocabulary Meaning. Answer: Introduction Appropriateness refers to whether the word is suitable for the context it is applicable in within the language. It is the fundamental aspect of language but the extreme complex concern in the decision concerning how to spell things depending on understanding what is exactly right as well as the context within the culture. Besides, appropriacy within the use of language remains to be the condition as well as precise fittingness of a particular word or expression to a given context, even when the choice of the word is from the number of close synonyms. The crucial aspects of appropriateness are influenceable by the sociocultural competence as the section of the socialization in the language and other cultures. However, the capacities of people to critic appropriateness correctly do not entail that they will always operate properly (Fujita Satoshi 194). The availability of inconsistent standards in their other languages may guide to mindful or unconscious deviation from the suitable pa tterns within the specific language. Appropriateness in language usage is just the use of words to fit the specified purpose, occasion, or individuals among other factors. Therefore, the main target of this document is to show what is meant by the term appropriateness in language use. In the world of linguistics as well as communication studies, relevance continues to be the extent to which the people perceive utterance to be suitable for the particular function. Appropriateness is also understood to be statements for the specific audience within the specified social setting or context. Appropriateness allows all the speakers regardless of the dialect they speak or tailor their discourse together with choices of linguistics to meet societal convections for interactional along with linguistic relevance. Within the logical perspective, many foreign language programs as well as teaching aids based on the linear model that follows the technique of language appropriateness. For the use of language to be appropriate, an individual require to judge cautiously about their option of words. The selection of words in language use remains to be an essential factor in the communities (Fisher 1). For instance, for the use of language to be appropriate, an individual is not perm ittable to use contractions or shorter forms of words because such words tend to signal informality. The proper selection of words leads to the formation of appropriate language in the formal context. For the essay to achieve appropriateness in the use of language, articles must be clear and straightforward (Comajoan 216). Therefore, individuals must ensure that the choice of words in an essay or speaking must be precise and correct as this makes the written language to be concise. Appropriateness of language use focuses on the use of formal vocabulary and use of appropriate transitions. The appropriateness also concentrates on the need to avoid redundancy as well as making an individual beware of commonly misused words. Appropriateness in language usage aids in convincing readers and listeners that a detailed work is severe and significant (Lu 169). However, improper usages of language use, vague and wrong, the prospects are that listeners or readers could remain puzzled concerning the matter of the spoken words and essay. Therefore, the audience might think that the work by publishers or speakers who use inappropriate language may not be worth listening to or reading. Use of formal vocabulary Appropriateness is the major factor in language usage. Certain words are frequently in daily communication might not seem satisfied for the application in speaking or academic essay. The words that are unsuitable for usage in the academic essay, reports, or memos include the words that are informal and normallyutilized in verbal English only. However, the use of formal language to be appropriateness language use does not denote that it becomes substandard to informal dialect systems (Brown 41). It just refers to that are some words are always more appropriate than other words for use in every writing or speaking contests. Features of informal words that are not appropriateness in language usage include the contradictions, slang words, abbreviations, and cliches, together with colloquialisms among other features. The relevance of language uses that result because of formal vocabulary. The individuals that use formal vocabulary always have the reliable choice of verbs. By the use or selection of active verbs, appropriateness allows most academicians to utilize proper strong verbs to phrasal verbs that include the verb and preposition. The use of verbs and prepositions in forming appropriateness language is always common in the oral or more casual application of English (Scholtz 37). Appropriateness of language use allows the academicians to use the terms such as for establishing instead of setup, tolerate in place of put up with, and produce instead of giving out, along with assembling in place of put together. Additionally, the choice of formal vocabulary depends on the selection of specific verbs. The selection of specific verbs to attain appropriateness in language usage allows people to utilize the diversity of verbs that suits their functions before utilization of some specific words such as say, show, or report all the time. The people are also able to focus on appropriateness in language use by the use of more particular verbs within the academic reporting procedures (Doll et al., 592). Appropriateness of language use allows people to concentrate on the use of critical terms for coveraging what they have collected in their consequential survey such words comprise of claim, assert, illustrate, reasonable, and postulate. Use of appropriate transitions Appropriateness of language use focuses on the ideal application of appropriate changes in the statements. The use of transitions performs the essential roles in the creation of the essays and reports. The use of appropriate transitions assists in the creation of the sense of coherence. Appropriate changes also offer indication for various readers to trail a string of writers or ideas and thoughts of publishers (Bueno-Alastuey et al., 517). Therefore, ideas of choosing the proper transition in language sector that create the logical connection tend to ensure that the audience such as the readers and listeners understand the spoken words or text in the manner the author or speaker had intended. Appropriateness of language use must avoid cases of redundancy. The consistency forms a nark of the best academic work like writing and speaking. The need for writing or speaking effectively by an individual needs the concern of understanding how to write and speak precisely and concisely. The use of various words is vital in conveying what an individual wants to say. Appropriateness of language use ensures that people do not adjoin some vocabulary just to extend their essays as well as to develop imagine terms. Therefore, it is distant most significant to attain the communication of an individual across well (Van Compernolle 51). The aim of achieving appropriateness in language use aid in weeding out redundancy as a person concerning what they have printed is meaningful to full sense they intended to converse. For instance, in paper writing on ideas of euthanasia, the learner can decide to write on the topic about deliberate suicide. Therefore, there is a need for every individual t o understand the commonly misused words that can make the use of language to be inappropriate. Conclusion Every individual has the duty of checking on the use of formal vocabulary, use of appropriate transitions, and avoid redundancy when addressing audiences that consist of readers and listeners. Appropriateness in language use results due to the right choices of words that accurately convey the intended meaning of words. The people within the society must ensure that their transactions create best logical sense as well as enhancing the coherence of the text. However, in some cases, people must be ready to face some states of doubt or confusion. The greatest conduct that individual must rely on achieving appropriateness in language use is the real dictionary that offers the example of right words. The focus on the correct use of language leads to relevance. Works Cited Brown, Lucien. "Questions of Appropriateness And Authenticity In The Representation Of Korean Honorifics In Textbooks For Second Language Learners." Language, Culture And Curriculum, vol 23, no. 1, 2014, pp. 35-50. Informa UK Limited, doi:10.1080/07908310903474246. Bueno-Alastuey, M.C., and M.V. Lpez Prez. "Evaluation Of A Blended Learning Language Course: Students Perceptions Of Appropriateness For The Development Of Skills And Language Areas." Computer Assisted Language Learning, vol 27, no. 6, 2013, pp. 509-527. Informa UK Limited, doi:10.1080/09588221.2013.770037. Comajoan, Lloren. "The Aspect Hypothesis: Development Of Morphology And Appropriateness Of Use." Language Learning, vol 56, no. 2, 2016, pp. 201-268. Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1111/j.0023-8333.2006.00347.x. Doll, Jacob A., and Manesh R. Patel. "Self-Regulation In The Era Of Big Data: Appropriate Use Of Appropriate Use Criteria." Annals Of Internal Medicine, vol 162, no. 8, 2015, p. 592. American College Of Physicians, doi:10.7326/m15-0418. Fisher, early years consultant and, Julie. "Transitions: Part 3 - Developmentally Appropriate Practice." Nursery World, vol 2010, no. 7, 2010, Mark Allen Group, doi:10.12968/nuwa.2010.20.7.1094902. Fujita, Atsushi, and Satoshi Sato. "Measuring The Appropriateness Of Automatically Generated Phrasal Paraphrases." Journal Of Natural Language Processing, vol 17, no. 1, 2010, pp. 183-219. Association For Natural Language Processing, doi:10.5715/jnlp.17.1_183. Lu, Minhui. "Effects Of Four Vocabulary Exercises On Facilitating Learning Vocabulary Meaning, Form, And Use." TESOL Quarterly, vol 47, no. 1, 2013, pp. 167-176. Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/tesq.79. Scholtz, Desire. "The Appropriateness Of Standardised Tests In Academic Literacy For Diploma Programmes Of Study." Language Matters, vol 48, no. 1, 2017, pp. 27-47. Informa UK Limited, doi:10.1080/10228195.2016.1271350. Van Compernolle, Rmi A. "Native And Non-Native Perceptions Of Appropriateness In The French Second-Person Pronoun System." Journal Of French Language Studies, vol 25, no. 01, 2014, pp. 45-64. Cambridge University Press (CUP), doi:10.1017/s0959269513000471. Zhang, Qi. "The Research On The Appropriateness In Teaching Of Chinese As A Second Language." Chinese Language Education And Research, vol 20, 2014, p. 27. Korean Association Of Chinese Language Education, doi:10.24285/cler.2014.12.20.27.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Persuasive Essay About Caesar free essay sample
Breaking the law Good or Bad Many people break the law. Some do it for fun; others do it for personal benefits. However, Julius Caesar broke the law to gain control of Rome. He stated, â€Å" If you must break the law, do it to seize power; in other cases, observe it â€Å". With this statement a person can benefit society heavily if they break the law to seize power with the right intentions. To begin with, breaking the law is not bad if lots of good comes from it. One way is when a country is created from a revolution from another country. Example of this is the United States of America. The USA was a colony of Great Britain back in the day. Much conflict arose between the two and eventually a revolution was started by the colonies. This was technically high treason to Britain, but the USA was able to win and gain its own power and has become one of the greatest countries in the world. We will write a custom essay sample on Persuasive Essay About Caesar or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Without a doubt, amazing things can come from breaking the law to obtain power. Some people though might argue that some of the people who seize power become tyrants and dictators. This is true that many dictators have came to power in the world with their own revolution, but many of these leaders are starting to lose their power. Reflection of this were the recent events in Libya and Syria. There are huge revolutions to dethrone the tyrants that are in command. Which again this would be consider treason even though it is beneficial to the people of those countries. As one can see, to seize power by breaking the law is overall a good thing. If a person has the right intentions for society, breaking the law to seize power can be extremely beneficial.
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