Friday, August 28, 2020
Comedy of Errors free essay sample
â€Å"The Comedy of Errors†Plato expresses that: â€Å"The proportion of a man is the thing that he does with his capacity. †But is this valid? Or then again does it rely upon a person’s cash and assets? Maybe it is the family they were naturally introduced to, or even their sexual orientation. Also, in what capacity would reputation be able to influence your class standing? In â€Å"The Comedy of Errors†William Shakespeare investigates the interchange of these different prospects that can decide a person’s class. Shakespeare gives us that a people family can decide their societal position. Just as influence how they are dealt with. Taking for instance the twin Dromios, they originated from an incredibly poor family. â€Å"A mean lady was conveyed/Of such a weight, male twins, both the same. †(?.?. 54) Because their mom was so poor they were embraced by Egeon, anyway instead of turning into his kids they became hirelings for his natural youngsters (additionally twins) with each twin getting his own follower. We will compose a custom exposition test on Satire of Errors or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page All through the Dromios lives they remained workers, in any event, when they were part separated they remained with their lord. Being workers for various experts implied that they were dealt with in an unexpected way. Dromio of Ephesus was beaten and kept uneducated â€Å"I have a few characteristics of yours upon my pate,/Some of my mistress’ marks upon my shoulders, ( I.?. 83) While Dromio of Syracuse was given an instruction and regarded like a sibling instead of a worker, Antipholus of Syracuse illustrates: A trusty reprobate, sir, that very oft, When I am dull with care and despairing, Lightens my silliness with is cheerful quips. (I. II. 19) If they had well off guardians with substantially more force then they could never have become hirelings and would probably have workers of their own. Another and maybe increasingly normal approach to characterize a person’s societal position is by their riches, that is their cash and possesions. Despite the fact that in our cutting edge society riches has little to do with your economic wellbeing, in William Shakespeare’s time the more cash you had the more influence you had. For instance Adriana and her significant other Antipholus of Ephesus, unmistakably their cash and assets incredibly profited them throughout everyday life. This riches drives them to have an excellent notoriety. In any case if their notoriety gets discolored they will lose their cash and in outcome their capacity: If by solid hand you offer to break in Now in the mixing entry of the day, A revolting remark will be made of it; And that alleged by the basic defeat Against your yet ungalled estimation. (III. I. 47) Looking at this statement plainly if Antipholus proceeds with his danger, his notoriety will be discolored. Thusly he rules against it. â€Å" You have won. I will withdraw in calm/And, in regardless of gaiety, intend to be cheerful. (III. I. 156) An extra model is Solinus the duke of Ephesus. At the point when he is prepared to execute Egeon he utilizes the force he needs to allow him one day of opportunity. Duke: Now trust me, were it not against our laws, Against my crown, my vow, my nobility, My spirit should sue as backer for thee. In any case, thou workmanship decreed until the very end, Yet will I favor thee in what I can. consequently, vendor, I’ll limit thee this day . By allowing Egeon a day of opportunity the duke supports his notoriety in Ephesus as a thoughtful and magnanimous pioneer. At the same time realizing that it is highly unlikely Egeon will achieve his objective. The third and maybe most unmistakable method of characterizing a person’s social standing is their sexual orientation. A factor that is as yet dug in our cutting edge society. In â€Å"The Comedy of Errors†there are numerous commitments ladies need to fill that men don't. For instance as Egeon is recounting to the duke his heartbreaking story he makes reference to that in spite of the fact that his significant other was not in adoration with him and would not like to wed him, they plainly wound up wedded. â€Å"In Syracusa was I conceived and marry/Unto a lady upbeat however for me. (I. I. 37) This statement shows that as a lady one of her commitments was to get hitched, regardless of whether it was to somebody she didn't cherish. This additionally makes clear the reality ladies were not allowed to settle on their own choices. Moreover ladies were frequently viewed as lesser creatu res than men, they were not permitted as much opportunity as their life partner seemed to be. â€Å" Good sister, let us eat and never fret. /A man is ace of his own freedom. †(II. I. 6) This statement features that reality that men were allowed to go back and forth however they wanted ladies were most certainly not.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Bay Area Greats
San Francisco has been one of the most well known urban areas in the United States. It's tremendous perspectives and shocking sights have dazzled a great part of the number of inhabitants in the nation and vacationers around the globe the same. There is an intriguing point towards understanding the incredible history of San Francisco and the engineering of the city consistently. This paper serves to examine the 1920s time of San Francisco's design. Most structures that were worked during this decade was joined with the Art Deco style of architecture.ART DECO A well known universal plan development from the 1920s and the 1930s, Art Deco influenced the ornamental expressions, for example, inside structure, mechanical structure, visual expressions, for example, painting, realistic expressions, design and film. In any case, Art Deco's best ramifications was portrayed through design. This style was, one might say, a blend of many differing developments and styles of the mid twentieth cent ury, much the same as the styles of Cubism, Constructivism, Bauhaus, Modernism, Futurism, and Art Nouveau.During the 1920s, Art Deco's acclaim and reputation arrived at its pinnacle and unequivocally carried on in the United States up to the 1930s. In spite of many structure styles or developments being philosophical or political in nature, Art Deco was carefully enriching. During its pinnacle, the Art Deco style was seen as practical, current, and rich. The name of Art Deco was authored in after 40 years, precisely during the 1960s. It was gotten from the 1925 Paris Exposition of Decorative Arts, where the style or development's summit was reached.Characterized by meager, long structures, surfaces that are bending, and designing that is geometric, Art Deco was a style that professionals endeavored to see as the appearance that they thought could communicate the machine age. Running from Skyscrapers to Ocean liners up to adornments and even toasters, Art Deco is a style that impacte d a decent number of elements. Regardless of Art Deco's most acclaimed structures, for example, the Rockefeller Center and the Chrysler Building being situated in New York, a decent number of Art Deco roused structures can be found in the extraordinary straight territory of San Francisco.It by one way or another commanded the zone during the 1920s' uprising of the style. SAN FRANCISCO ART DECO OF THE 1920s San Francisco was in a time of flourishing during the 1920s. It was not really a time of radical advancement. The city likewise articulated the auxiliary stage in the development of a higher and taller horizon that began to eclipse the structures downtown that was Chicago-styled. George Kelham and Timothy Pflueger were San Francisco draftsmen who followed the modelers in Chicago and New York that planned high rises. Workmanship Deco was one European pattern that affected San Francisco during the 1920s.More concentrated on beautiful than building style, Art Deco was roused by cubis t and dynamic artwork and a contribution in themes that are fancy and taken from districts that are outlandish, for example, pre-Columbian Mexico, China, and antiquated Egypt. This style carried a cutting edge component to the plan of American structures, outfitting the planners towards the way of using longer, cleaner lines and surfaces that are progressively dynamic in nature. Test BUILDING 1929, Financial District, Shell Building, 100 Bush St. , San Francisco. Planned by George Kelham.This building was characterized as a Zig-cross Modern high rise. It has a meager, ventured tower clad in earthenware that is shaded rusticated beige. The types of shells are appropriately incorporated into the plan in spite of being about out of sightâ€the shells that are anticipating close to the top conceal lighting that turns the crown to gold at times. Completing the general them of the structure is the passageway hall. The Shell Building by George Kelham, planned in the Modern style of the 1 920s, is a wonderful case of the previous age of skyscrapers.Kelham, one of only a handful scarcely any alumni of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts who made significant jobs to nearby engineering, went to San Francisco in the year 1906 to direct development of the Palace Hotel. He lived in the city, and his work on five significant midtown structures articulated the progress from the Chicago style to Modern structures. He is likewise credited with changing the character of modelers in the structure of business structures by recruiting a general contractual worker. Before general contractual workers were utilized, the draftsman had the obligation regarding employing workers and getting materials.Just like Timothy Pflueger, Kelham's work was propelled both by New York designers who were bringing down their structures due to zoning laws spent during the year 1916 and by the section of Eliel Saarienen in the 1922 Chicago Tribune Tower challenge. In actuality, the above territory of the Shell Bui lding intently appears as though Saarinen's greatly imitated plan. George Kelham focused on verticality during when significant structures rose 10 to 15 stories over their Chicago style partners. Unquestionably, Kelham's structures characterized the furthest reaches of the midtown horizon during the 1920s.The structure's ornamentation shows a blend of disconnected shell plans with Egyptian themes, ideally the pinnacle's lotus blossoms. The Shell building was one of San Francisco's best Modern plans of the 1920s. It was depicted by the Architect and Engineer as having the focal pinnacle of the Russ Building, the penthouse of the Telephone Building, Gothic verticality, and its own conclusive treatment of the eight upper floors. It was additionally depicted as a structure that follows Eliel Saarinen's Chicago Tribune Tower Competition model entry.The ornamentation of the Shell Building was likewise joined with â€Å"Egyptian heritage and with an advanced flare†. It incorporates a detailed structure of disconnected shells, a joining with the proprietor of the structure. The pinnacle's upper part with its fancy fixation, was significantly unique with floodlight around evening time. The inside of the structure additionally conveyed fancy detail, including the structure anteroom, all lift halls, and the workplaces of the officials. Structured with portable parcels were the workplace floors.The building's enormity can likewise be closed with its record-breaking time of culmination. The entire structure was additionally developed utilizing Steel outline development. Today, it stays as one of San Francisco's most particular work locales. The Shell building won the 1994 San Francisco Architectural Heritage Award for the greatness in design conservation. It was characterized as a structure firmly affected by Art Deco and its establishing father which is George Kelham. The Shell Building with now is the right time regarded engineering, contemporary workplaces and ex emplary luxuries has caught the best of both worlds.It is a San Francisco milestone. End San Francisco's Art Deco style during the 1920s has delivered rousing works of engineering up to today. The strength of the Art Deco style during the 1920s aided San Francisco in pivoting and turning out to be as one of the most famous places in the United States. The Shell Building for instance, has made an extraordinary feeling of distinction and prominence because of the Art Deco impact. San Francisco and Art Deco by one way or another appeared to be fit for one another and as one visits San Francisco, the Art Deco style is one style that generally spellbinds the eyes.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Internet usage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Web use - Essay Example Today, the negative effects of expanding web use decrease the extent of web to a striking degree. This paper will play out a circumstances and logical results examination of the web utilization. Impacts of web utilization According to Wilder, one of the most perceptible impacts of expanded web use is that it advances socialization, which is a powerful learning process whereby people and associations change after some time (204). Since web impacts social changes, this worldwide system fundamentally adds to the pace of socialization. Since web permits clients to cooperate with individuals from different societies, people acquire the chance to get familiar with various social practices, standards, and convictions. In any case, it is frequently seen that individuals use web to mishandle different societies sincerely as opposed to receive from the great parts of those societies. Henceforth, some of the time web advances a negative socialization process because of its uncalled for use. Obv iously, high pace of web use has incredibly profited individuals to be free as it encourages individuals to achieve information with no outer help. Today, educators don't have to give instructing notes to understudies since there is a heap of pertinent data accessible in the web. In spite of the fact that this condition may improve students’ scholastic proficiency, overdependence on web would at times bring about unfriendly scholarly outcomes. For example, each snippet of data gave in the web may not be right or precise as each individual is allowed to post his works or individual perspectives on the web. Henceforth, off-base or misdirecting data would frequently make inconveniences an individual’s scholastic vocation. Another constructive advantage of web is that it gives work to a large number of individuals. Because of the expanded web use, the extent of web based employments is as yet expanding and this circumstance offers would like to a worldwide economy battling from the ongoing worldwide downturn. At some specific levels, the negative impacts of web exceed the internet’s beneficial outcomes. To outline, digital psychological warfare fundamentally reduces the extent of web. The web based fear based oppressor exercises, for example, intentional interruption of PC systems cause genuine results in the digital world. Proficient programmer groups use PC infections to acquire unapproved access to an organization’s or a country’s classified information. Under such conditions, the casualty may continue genuine harms or misfortunes which thus would exceed the foreseen profits by those information. Likewise, examines bring up that pornography sites and other brutality advancing components in web bring about social just as social crumbling. At long last, the developing fame of interpersonal interaction sites like Facebook causes time wastage, and henceforth the general profitability decays. As Lukoff brings up, â€Å"exposing ki ds and youth to video games and the web frequently doesn't draw in their significant learning style that is through their sensorimotor framework, and in this manner effectsly affect their intellectual development†Lukoff, 104). Reasons for web utilization While talking about the significantly expanding web perusing information, it very well may be without a doubt expressed that need of data is the most significant factor boosting overall web use. Plainly web is a potential hotspot for each sort of data under the sun. The web meets the data needs of every single class of individuals,
Life and Work of Herbert Spencer
Life and Work of Herbert Spencer Herbert Spencer was a British scholar and humanist who was mentally dynamic during the Victorian time frame. He was known for his commitments to developmental hypothesis and for applying it outside of science, to the fields of theory, brain research, and inside humanism. In this work, he begat the term endurance of the fittest. In expansion, he built up the functionalist point of view, one of the major hypothetical systems in humanism. Early Life and Education Herbert Spencer was conceived in Derby, England on April 27, 1820. His dad, William George Spencer, was a dissident of the occasions and developed in Herbert an enemy of dictator demeanor. George, as his dad was known, was the author of a school that utilized unusual showing techniques and was a contemporary of Erasmus Darwin, granddad of Charles. George concentrated Herberts early training on science, and all the while, he was acquainted with philosophical thoroughly considering Georges participation in the Derby Philosophical Society. His uncle, Thomas Spencer, added to Herberts training by teaching him in science, material science, Latin, and unhindered commerce and libertarian political reasoning. During the 1830s Spencer filled in as a structural architect while the railroads were being built all through Britain, yet in addition invested energy writing in radical neighborhood diaries. Vocation and Later Life Spencers vocation got concentrated on scholarly issues in 1848â when he turned into a manager for The Economist, the now generally read week after week magazine that was first distributed in England in 1843. While working for the magazine through 1853, Spencer likewise composed his first book, Social Statics, and distributed it in 1851. Titled for an idea of August Comte, in this work, Spencer utilized Lamarcks thoughts regarding development and applied them to society, recommending that individuals adjust to the social states of their lives. Along these lines, he contended, social request would adhere to, thus the standard of a political state would be superfluous. The book was viewed as a work of libertarian political way of thinking, yet additionally, is the thing that makes Spencer an establishing scholar of the functionalist point of view inside human science. Spencers second book, Principles of Psychology, was distributed in 1855 and made the contention that normal laws oversee the human brain. At about this time, Spencer started to encounter critical psychological wellness issues that constrained his capacity to work, interface with others, and capacity in the public arena. In spite of this, he started take a shot at a significant endeavor, which finished in the nine-volume A System of Synthetic Philosophy. In this work, Spencer expounded on how the standard of advancement had been applied inside science, yet in brain science, humanism, and in the investigation of profound quality. Generally speaking, this work suggestsâ that social orders are living beings that progress through a procedure of advancement like that accomplished by living species, an idea referred to as social Darwinism. In the last time of his life, Spencer was viewed as the best living thinker of the time. He had the option to live off of pay from the offer of his books and other composition, and his works were converted into numerous dialects and read everywhere throughout the world. In any case, his life took a dull turn during the 1880s, when he turned situations on a large number of his notable libertarian political perspectives. Perusers lost enthusiasm for his new work and Spencer got himself desolate the same number of his peers passed on. In 1902, Spencer got a designation for the Nobel Prize for writing, yet didn't win it, and kicked the bucket in 1903 at 83 years old years old. He was incinerated and his remains buried inverse the grave of Karl Marx in Highgate Cemetery in London. Significant Publications Social Statics: The Conditions Essential to Human Happiness (1850)Education (1854)The Principles of Psychology (1855)The Principles of Sociology (1876-1896)The Data of Ethics (1884)The Man Versus the State (1884) Refreshed by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.
Computer technology and the networked organization (Case) Essay
PC innovation and the arranged association (Case) - Essay Example Land region inclusion of the business strongly affects the decision of system choice. Besides, the PC organizing structure grouping relies upon its physical topology (Bonaventure, 2011). In this paper, the spotlight has been rendered on the systems administration structure and the advances appropriate for a medium measured food store to maintain its business confronting least correspondence obstacles. The decision of system structure and its connection with the innovation utilized assumes a crucial job to monitor the business progress, absent a lot of human mediation and twisting. Conversation Networking Architecture In today’s world, PC arrange framework isn't only an interconnected gadget. It is generally used to overcome any barrier between the two parts of the bargains channel, for example the communicator and the recipient. The decision of the system configuration relies upon the business structure and its fundamental expectation. The system setups utilized by association s regularly incorporate shared or the customer/server structures (Bakardjieva, n.d.). The distributed system is utilized when there are under ten PCs associated with one another in a working environment to share the records, word archives, printers, and access to web inside a little geological region for example in an equivalent floor. It has no server; subsequently, the PCs interface with one another as a workgroup to share documents (Bakardjieva, n.d.).
Friday, August 21, 2020
Alibrandi essay Essay
In the film Looking for Alibrandi, chief Kate Woods utilizes numerous procedures to assist you with understanding the fundamental character, Josie. A portion of these strategies are interior exchange and voice-over portrayal, dream arrangements and shading upgrade. Every one of these strategies help watchers to have a superior comprehension of Josie’s character. The principal method that Woods utilizes that is exceptionally compelling shows up in a significant piece of the film. Inner exchange is utilized so we can hear how Josie is feeling about the things she is experiencing. A case of this is in the initial scene when it is the Italian community’s â€Å"Tomato Day†and Italians get together to strip and stew tomatoes for tomato sauce. From voice-over portrayal we can hear Josie’s interior exchange and comprehend that Josie doesn’t relate to this good old social affair by any stretch of the imagination. We hear precisely what Josie considers it: â€Å"You may think this is all peculiar and charming, however I discover it truly humiliating. You would think we were still in Sicilly, however they left there 50 years ago†¦ I’ve got the opportunity to leave! So consequently voice-over portrayal is a shrewd method for helping watchers comprehend that Josie doesn't relate to her Italian-Australian legacy or the conventions they follow, and this is especially valuable in the initial scene since it clarifies what may lie at the core of Josie’s difficulties and clashes to follow. The subsequent strategy utilized by the executive to assist us with seeing progressively about Josie is the fantasy grouping. At whatever point Woods need the watcher to comprehend that Josie is having a fantasy the film is in moderate movement and in sepia tones. A case of this is when Josie really likes John Barton, who is from a private boy’s school. She envisions herself remaining alongside John who is presently the Premier of Australia and that she is Mrs Alibrandi-Barton. Cameras are snapping, tickertape is flying and columnists are needing to address her. Another case of a fantasy grouping is when Josie is observing Carly, an exceptionally rich and ruined little girl of a supremacist argue have, escaping the vehicle on the primary day of school. We can tell its fantasy in light of the fact that out of nowhere Carly is strolling gradually and waving like a famous actor. This scene gives us that Josie is exceptionally envious of Carly in light of the fact that she is lovely, rich and her family is companions with John’s. So thusly, Woods has helped watchers to comprehend that Josie has a solid creative mind and how Josie feels about John Barton and Carly. At long last, Woods utilizes shading upgrade to assist us with seeing progressively about Josie. This is the point at which the chief uses solid Sepia tonesto give us that Josie thinks what's going on is antiquated. At the earliest reference point of the initial scene watchers are given a panning shot of Josie’s Italian family hectically making tomato sauce. We are given the feeling this is set previously. When Josie begins talking the shading changes to full shading. From this strategy we discover that Josie doesn’t view ‘Tomato Day’ as a feature of her reality, or the universe of present day Australia. So along these lines Woods’ utilization of solid sepia tonings directly toward the start of the initial scene helped us comprehend that Josie was stressing against articulations of her Italian-Australian legacy. In the end scene it is â€Å"Tomato Day†again however the entire thing is shot in full-shading with Josie partaking in the blending and hitting the dance floor with Nona. Rather than getting away to the sea shore, she welcomes her companions in. This causes us comprehend that before the finish of the film, Josie is OK with her Italian-Australia legacy and has thusly beaten some significant individual clashes about her character. Taking everything into account, in the film Looking for Alibrandi, chief Kate Woods had the option to assist watchers with understanding primary character Josie’s feelings and clashes through the verbal procedures of interior exchange and voice-over portrayal, and visual methods of dream successions and solid sepia tones. The discourse permitted us to comprehend what Josie was thinking and it lets you get into the outlook of the main character of the film. Dream arrangements were significant in light of the fact that they revealed Josie’s fears and trusts later on while solid sepia shading helped us to realize that Josie felt that her family was good old.
Youth Subcultures free essay sample
In human science, human sciences and social examinations, a subculture is a gathering of individuals with a culture (regardless of whether particular or covered up) which separates them from the bigger culture to which they have a place. Six key manners by which subcultures can be distinguished: 1. Through their frequently negative relations to function (as inert, parasitic, at play or at recreation, and so forth ); 2. through their negative or irresolute connection to class (since subcultures are not class-cognizant and dont fit in with customary class definitions); 3. through their relationship with domain (the road, the hood, the club, and so on , instead of property; 4. through their development out of the home and into non-local types of having a place (I. e. social gatherings other than the family); 5. through their complex connections to abundance and misrepresentation (with certain special cases); 6. Through their refusal of the clichés of conventional life and massification . The investigation of subcultures frequently comprises of the investigation of imagery connected to attire, music and other obvious gestures by individuals from subcultures, and furthermore the manners by which these equivalent images are deciphered by individuals from the prevailing society. We will compose a custom exposition test on Youth Subcultures or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page As per Dick Hebdige, individuals from a subculture frequently signal their enrollment through a particular and representative utilization of style, which incorporates designs, idiosyncrasies, and parlance. Subcultures can exist at all degrees of associations, featuring the way that there are various societies or worth blends normally obvious in any one association that can supplement yet in addition rival the general authoritative culture. Now and again, subcultures have been enacted against, and their exercises controlled or reduced Sexual subcultures The sexual unrest of the 1960s prompted a countercultural dismissal of the built up sexual and sex standards, especially in the urban territories of Europe, North and South America, Australia, and white South Africa. An increasingly lenient social condition in these zones prompted a multiplication of sexual subculturesâ€cultural articulations of non-regulating sexuality. Likewise with different subcultures, sexual subcultures embraced certain styles of design and motions to recognize them from the standard. Gay people communicated through the gay culture, thought about the biggest sexual subculture of the twentieth century. With the consistently expanding acknowledgment of homosexuality in the mid 21st century, remembering its looks for style, music, and structure, the gay culture can never again be viewed as a subculture in numerous pieces of the world, albeit a few parts of gay culture like calfskin men, bears, and feeders are viewed as subcultures inside the gay development itself. The butch and femme personalities or jobs among certain lesbians likewise induce their own subculture with cliché clothing, for example drag lords. A late 1980s turn of events, the strange development can be viewed as a subculture comprehensively enveloping those that dismiss normatively in sexual conduct, and who praise perceivability and activism. The more extensive development harmonized with developing scholastic interests in strange examinations and eccentric hypothesis. Parts of sexual subcultures can shift along other social lines. For example, in the United States, the term down-low is utilized to allude to African-American men who don't distinguish themselves with the gay or eccentric societies, however who practice gay cruising, and embrace a particular hip-jump clothing during this movement An adolescent subculture is a young based subculture with unmistakable styles, practices, and interests. Youth subcultures offer members a character outside of that attributed by social establishments, for example, family, work, home and school. Youth subcultures that demonstrate a methodical antagonistic vibe toward the predominant culture are at times portrayed as countercultures. Youth subcultures are frequently recognized by components, for example, style, convictions, slang, vernaculars or practices. Vehicles â€, for example, vehicles, cruisers, bikes or skateboards †have assumed focal jobs in certain adolescent subcultures. In the United Kingdom during the 1960s, mods were related with bikes while rockers were related with bikes. Explicit music kinds are related with numerous young subcultures, for example, punks, ravers, metalheads and goths. The investigation of subcultures frequently comprises of the investigation of the imagery joined to garments, music, other obvious expressions of love by individuals from the subculture, and furthermore the manners by which these equivalent images are deciphered by individuals from the predominant culture. Financial class, sexual orientation, knowledge, similarity and ethnicity can be significant comparable to youth subcultures. Youth subcultures can be characterized as significance frameworks, methods of articulation or ways of life created by bunches in subordinate basic situations in light of prevailing frameworks †and which mirror their endeavor to illuminate basic logical inconsistencies ascending from the more extensive cultural setting.
Time Line COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Time Line COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Now that I am into full on admission file reading mode I thought I would give a brief outline of the admission decision and enrollment time line. First of all, not all admission decisions get sent at the same time. In a perfect world we would like to release all decisions on the same day, however there are a number of files that take a bit longer to review and our fellowship meetings also take some time to coordinate and we do not want to hold up the release of decisions when the majority are ready to go. Thus about 70% of decisions are sent at the same time and around 30% trickle out over time. I know this is not ideal, but it is the way things are and I want to be honest and upfront about the process. If your decision takes longer to receive it does not mean you did anything wrong, it just means some additional time was needed to reach a final decision. When your decision is ready to view we will send you an email. Paper letters for admitted candidates will follow a few weeks later, however we do not send paper copies of letters to candidates not offered admission or to candidates placed on the wait list. The exact date that decisions will start to go out is not set yet but we hope to start very early in March. I will provide more information on the blog as time progresses so stay tuned. Admitted candidates will be given a link to a Welcome Page with a great deal of information focused on assistance regarding the enrollment process. For example, there will be a Message Board for admitted applicants. The board will give admitted applicants a chance to interact with one another and with current students. We will also be hosting an admitted student day on campus. The date is Tuesday, April 12th and a registration link will be included in the Welcome Page. It will be a full day event starting at 9:00 AM and concluding around 7:00 PM. Admitted candidates will have until May 2nd to pay a deposit to reserve a seat in the fall class. Those that pay a deposit must ensure that official copies of transcripts and test scores are submitted to SIPA no later than June 15th. Many applicants already included our test score code when taking GRE, GMAT, and TOEFL. Test scores are sent to a central Columbia University database and we will start to look for official reports after the deposit deadline passes. Admitted candidates that uploaded copies of transcripts to the application site will have to have official transcripts sent to our office. Official transcripts and test scores will become a part of your permanent academic record. During the summer there will be a math tutorial. The tutorial is Web based and all that is needed to participate is a computer with an Internet connection. We encourage every admitted student to participate because getting off to a good start is key to your experience at SIPA. Second year funding consideration is tied to first year GPA so achieving good grades in first semester quantitative courses is key. Over the summer the blog will also play host to photo submissions from admitted candidates. If you have great photos to share be ready to submit them and keep your camera at the ready over the next few months to capture great moments you might want to share. Those are the major time line dates and resources to be aware of for now. Stay tuned to the blog for more as time progresses. Time Line COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog The Admissions Committee has been meeting all week and we continue to publish decisions as soon as we are able. As a reminder, you will receive an email from us when your decision is ready to be viewed on the application Web site. We cannot provide estimates on when individual decisions will be published. I did want to provide a quick overview of the time line that will follow in the coming month or so. The following information is provided on an admitted student welcome page but I thought I would provide some highlights. First, admitted students will have the opportunity to participate in a Web based Message Board starting later in March. The purpose of the board is to give admitted students the opportunity to interact with one another and with current students. SIPA students will be taking a spring break from March 16th to 20th and we will have the board up shortly after their return. Details will be sent to admitted students once the board is activated. Second, SIPA will host an Open House for admitted students on Tuesday, April 14th. The Open House will take place on the Columbia Campus and it will be a full day event. Third, April 20th is the date by which admitted students must pay a deposit confirming enrollment for fall 2009. Finally, an email regarding financial aid opportunities is sent shortly after the admission letter is published. The letter is meant to outline the general funds available to SIPA students. More specific letters will follow at a later time for U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents who have filed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). If admitted students have been awarded a SIPA fellowship this information will be in the admission letter. Now back to Committee meetings . . .
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
More B-Schools Accepting GRE in Lieu of GMAT
The trend toward accepting GRE scores in lieu of GMAT scores is continuing to gather force. Motivated by a desire to expand the applicant pool beyond the traditional MBA feeder professions, Stanford University began accepting GRE scores in June 2006. As Stanfords MBA admissions director Derrick Bolton candidly put it in a Marketwire article released last month: The GRE test takers are more likely to be women, and more likely to be undergraduates or just a year out, while the GMAT is more popular with those who have been out a few years. If we are able to fish in both of those pools, how can that hurt us? [There are] definitely some people who would not have applied to the MBA program had we put an additional barrier of requiring the GMAT. Other U.S. B-schools have followed suit, including Georgetowns McDonough School, MITs Sloan School, University of Michigans Ross School, and Johns Hopkins Universitys Carey Business School. The days of the GMATs hegemony appear to numbered in Europe as well. Helsinki School of Economics, Barcelona School of Economics, and ESADE Business School, among others, are also accepting GRE scores. In February, the GMAT suffered another defection when Madrids Instituto de Empresa (IE) Business School announced it too will accept GRE scores. David Bach, Empresas Associate Dean of MBA Programs, argues that Accepting the GRE supports our efforts to attract high-quality participants from very diverse backgrounds, including students who may not have previously contemplated an MBA, according to the March 25 Marketwire story. The trend is not as shocking as it may appear. According to ETS, the developers of both the GMAT and GRE, neither test is a specialized business skills test, both test math abilityat an equivalent level, and 70 percent of the data interpretation questions in the GREs Quantitative Reasoning section are presented in a business context. Source: /, March 25, 2008.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Why Do I Feel Qualified and Why Should I Receive This Scholarship?
Why Do I Feel Qualified and Why Should I Receive This Scholarship?Why do I feel qualified and why should I receive this scholarship essay on why do I feel qualified and why should I receive this scholarship. The essay should address issues of life, providing the student's thoughts will be able to move away from the usual college literature essay themes and to provide insight to an issue and therefore provide a unique perspective to the student's choice of a college.The essay can be as short as five or ten pages or it can be as long as one or two hundred and fifty pages. Either way, the essay should be written in an open, direct, and direct writing style.Writing a student's essay of this sort requires that the student have the ability to think critically. This kind of writing requires a lot of education. It is best to have an instructor or academic advisor evaluate the essay prior to completion. Most students are usually asked to complete their essay on paper before submitting it for consideration.In the essay, the student should provide a rationale on why he feels qualified and why he should receive this scholarship. This discussion should be based upon your background, experiences, and any outside information you have available to you. The thought should be going through your life, thinking about how your lives have impacted upon your family, friends, and teachers. You should be thinking of what has changed, what you are learning, and what your future holds.This student's essay is most beneficial when it is first written. It is ideal to have an instructor to assist you in this. One of the advantages of this type of writing is that you are allowed a little leeway in style and content. All of the information that you provide is limited and you do not have to strive to create a masterpiece of brilliance.Your essay should be written with great thought and genuine effort. It should be focused, and brief. The more information you include, the more difficult it will be to fit it all in.Why do I feel qualified and why should I receive this scholarship should be a beautiful essay. No matter what the reason is, it should make a student's life better, no matter what your current situation.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Womens Rights in the 19th Century and Now Essay - 755 Words
It would be a huge understatement to say that many things have changed when it comes to womens rights, positions, and roles in our society today since the 19th century. Actually, very few similarities remain. Certain family values, such as specific aspects of domesticity and performance of family duties are amongst the only similarities still present. Victorian women had several hardships to overcome. Education, marriage, leisure, and travel amongst other things were limited and controlled. A woman was never to travel if not in the company of her parents or husband. Leisure, for example, was limited and a woman always had to look busy and find something to do. They did not have the right to vote, sue or own any property. Their bodies†¦show more content†¦This resulted in her share of criticism from the media and her readers. In a time when it was expected of a woman to behave a certain way and sexual desire was considered something only experienced by men, Kate Chopin spoke with exceptional openness about human sexuality. She then criticized society for its close-mindedness. She helped to generate enlightened attitudes among both the women and men of her time. By not only admitting the fact that a woman has strong sexual desires, but also glorifying it, Chopin opened doors to better communication and understanding between men and women as a result of The Storm. This has changed significantly since the 19th century. Sex, amongst others, is no longer taboo to women and it has become a much more liberated subject. It is encouraged and accepted in todays society that a woman enjoys sexual pleasures outside the restraints of only pregnancy, even marriage. Women in the Victorian era had very little to say when it came to marriage. Usually, the parents of the woman would make the choice for her as to whom she would marry based on a mans social status. It was not odd for a 15-year-old girl to wed, unlike in todays society. Parents would usually look for a man who was wealthy enough to help the woman advance in her life, since women were mostly uneducated and only taught to be homemakers and mothers and not work. Women were dealt with as if they were objects, andShow MoreRelatedDeclaration of Independence and the Beginning of Womens Rights Movement in America1226 Words  | 5 PagesOver two centuries ago, a document was written that announced the independence of the thirteen colonies from Great Britain. That document, The Declaration of Independence, indicated that a new country was born, oppression in the New World would come to an end and new-found individual freedoms for citizens of America would become a reality. Thomas Jefferson ideals expressed in The Declaration of Independence was a stepping stone to the foundation of America. Many of Jefferson’s ideals expressedRead MoreGilman s The 19th Century959 Words  | 4 Pages Gilman’s audiences in the 19th century were bizarre to read such a book like Herland. Nobody really expected to read a novel about a world of only women and given male abilities. Women’s lives in the 19th century were not always as easy. They faced inequality, abuse, expectations and stereotypes. Gilman did not just wanted to write Herland for women, but wanted both genders to treat each other equally and have respect. It’s sadly to say but the stereotypes, unequally and expectationsRead MoreWomen s Rights Movement And The Demand For Women Suffrage1650 Words  | 7 PagesThe woman s rights movement and the demand for woman suffrage emerged in the first half of the 19th century from a variety of other movements. A major goal of the woman s rights movement was to change public opinion regarding women s capacities and rights. Suffrage was one of several reforms intended to end the significant legal, political, religious, and cultural discriminations against nineteenth century women. Suffrage became the primary goal of the woman s rights movement during the 1850sRead More Role of Women During and After the Age of Revolutions Essay1727 Words  | 7 Pagesaccording to the productive nature of their particular household, for example in agricultural areas daughters would often help with dairying, poultry, or the making of food and cloth. The very first time women began to ban together for the same rights that men have was during the French Revolution. Everything was being questioned in France then, and for the first time, women were doing some of the questioning. Why couldnt women vote? Why couldnt women hold public office? Why were women expectedRead MoreThe National Women s Party1515 Words  | 7 PagesThe National Women’s Party also known as N.W.P was an American Women’s organization formed in 1916 as an outgrowth of the congressional union which in turn was formed in 1913 by Alice Paul and Lucy Burns to fight women’s suffrage ignoring all other issues. These two women strongly felt that women all over the world need rights in general and that women did not get the same rights as men did. This was at a time when all the women could not vote but men could. At this time women cooked, cleaned andRead MoreWomen’s Roles in the Late 19th Century1599 Words  | 6 Pagesand never have I stumbled on such an amazing place full of live history. I say live history because all the documents and books that are held in the archive are all preserved originals, which fascinated me. Thinking how people who lived more than century ago wrote and read the same things I’m writing and reading about excited me to my very soul. Archive research though fascinating is not an easy task that can be done in within fifteen minutes like how researches are done these days using convenientRead MoreWomen s Rights Rebellion : Should Women Have All The Rights That Men Do?1511 Words  | 7 PagesSyrene Ball Mrs. Blomme Honors I 3 October 2014 Women’s Rights Rebellion Should women have all the rights that men do? Today many people would say yes to this question, some women would be offended by this question, and some men would joke about this question. However, for decades this question has caused much controversy. Many years ago, women had different expectations and much less freedom than they have now, but eventually they decided that was not the way they should be living. There areRead MoreEssay on The Women770 Words  | 4 Pages The womens suffrage party fought for years on the right to vote. They werent going to stop until they got their right. For instance, Alice Paul organized a parade through Washington D.C. on inauguration day, which supported womens suffrage and also picketed the White House for 18 months. Paul was put in jail for that and started a hunger strike. Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Shanton supported the womens suffrage for fifty years later. Neither of them lived to see the 19th amendment ratifiedRead MoreAnnotated Bibliography : Womens Rights1517 Words  | 7 PagesAnnotated Bibliography: Womens Rights Loveday, Veronica. Feminism the Womens Rights Movement. Feminism the Womens Rights Movement, 8/1/2017, p. 1. EBSCOhost, In her report, Veronica Loveday writes about Women’s Rights Movement, during World War two, and many restrictions women faced. Women’s rights movement in the U.S. begun in the 1960s as a reaction to the decades of unfair social and civil inequitiesRead MoreHistory of the Evolution of Womens Rights Essay947 Words  | 4 PagesUntil the mid-19th century, women were considered possessions of their husbands, and had no control over their money or property. Thanks to the women’s right movement, this has all changed and things run a little differently now. Spouses are now equal under the law and property is shared between them. In the common law, all women’s property except land and improvements went to her husband and it became under his control. â€Å"She†pretty much had no say in what happened to any of her things. Women were
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
A Brief Note On The War Of 1812 - 946 Words
Auset Gibbs January 27, 2015 APUSH The War of 1812 According to Washington National Intelligencer, â€Å"The final step ought to be taken, and that step is WAR. By what course of measures we have reached the presents crisis, is not now a question for patriots and freeman to discuss. It exists: and it is by open mainly war only that we can get through it with honor and advantage to the country.†The War of 1812 was military a conflict between the United States of America, France, and Great Britain. This war lasted for two and a half years. Europe saw the war as a theatre of the Napoleonic Wars. On June 18th, 1812 the United States declared war on Great Britain. For reasons, including trade restrictions, the impressment of American merchant sailors, British support of Indian sailors against American expansion, and American interest in adding British territory in Canada. The war was fought in three major theatres: at sea, land, and the Gulf Coast. At sea, warships and privateers of each side attacked the other ’s merchant ships, while the British blockaded the Atlantic coast of the United States. On land, battles were fought on American-Canadian frontier; it ran along the Great Lakes, Saint Lawrence River, and Lake Champlain. The Gulf Coast also saw land battles, which the American forces defeated British’s Indian allies and the British invasion at New Orleans. Most of the British forces were tied down in Europe fighting in the Napoleonic Wars. The battle ended whenShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On The Industrial Revolution During The War Of 18121859 Words  | 8 Pageschildren as well. It was a time of immense change in the way goods were made and transported. The Industrial Revolution was greatly impacted by the economic changes, women and children’s roles, and the movement of people and goods. During the War of 1812, the British had a blockade, which cut off Americans from their ports (Davidson 332). Americans realized that they had to start producing their own goods and becoming more independent. This was the start of the Industrial Revolution. After manyRead MoreThe Revolutionary War1664 Words  | 7 Pagesthe monetary agent of the US government which was needed to help deal with the funding of the Revolutionary War. Prior to the ratification of the Articles of Confederation Perpetual Union in 1781, only the thirteen states had the sovereign power to issue their own bills of credit. Therefore before the ratification it was State Chartered banks that were providing the credit for the war, through the use of continental currency or â€Å"continentals.†These continentals were depreciating in value toRead MoreThe American Character Essay1814 Words  | 8 Pagescharacters, GENERAL WASHINGTON†(Matthews, 2007, para. 33). Rip becomes confused as he not es the changes in the sign where George Washington replaces King George III. The sign symbolizes and validates the colonists’ freedom from Britain where a monarchy replaces democracy. With the conclusion of the Revolutionary War comes the replacement of King George III’s rule with the presidency of George Washington. As the war comes to a victorious close with freedom to the American colonists Irving writes, â€Å"’OhRead MoreThe War Of 1812 And The Chesapeake Bay2639 Words  | 11 PagesThe War of 1812 and the Chesapeake Bay On March 3rd, 1813, the first British ships of war appeared on the Chesapeake Bay. For two years the Chesapeake would be the scene of numerous amounts of battles. Some would be lost in anonymity, but others would make history. But first, why did the British come? We were at war almost thirty years before, so how did it come upon these two superpower nations to collide once again? A few answers to these questions will put the war of 1812 and the Battle of theRead MoreJames Madison The Power of One1345 Words  | 5 PagesPresident of The United States of America. He selected James Madison as his Secretary of State. As Secretary of State, Madison oversaw the Louisiana Purchase, The Expeditions of Lewis and Clark, Barbary Wars and the fragile stratagem of how to deal with Britain (who they were on the brink of another war with). He handled foreign affairs and slowly his work as Secretary of State consumed aspect of his life. Louisiana was a fast territory owned by France and took up the whole area west of the MississippiRead MoreThe San Diego Symphony Hall2612 Words  | 11 Pageshis worsening medical condition. Other works composed by Beethoven include his only opera, Fidelio, in 1805; Symphony No. 6 in F Major, Op. 68, also known as the Pastoral Symphony, in 1808; Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92, in 1812; Symphony No. 8 in F Major, Op. 93, in 1812; his final symphony, Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125, also known as the Choral; four solo concerti; five string quartets; six string sonatas, including Violin Sonata No. 9 in A Major, also known as the Kreutzer Violin Sonata;Read MoreRacial Diversity, Integration and Equal Opportunity in Us Army;3586 Words  | 15 Pages Table of Contents Certificate of Authorship 1 Title Page 2 Table of Contents 3 Abstract 4 Introduction 5 Minority Service to the US Army - A Proud History 5 The Revolutionary War 5 The Civil War 6 Buffalo Soldiers 6 World War I and World War II 6 The Korean Conflict 7 Vietnam and the Mandatory Draft 7 The All-Volunteer Army 8 Army Demographics 8 Equal Opportunity and Sexual Harassment Complaints 10 ConclusionRead MoreAndrew Jackson Was An Influential President1989 Words  | 8 Pagesthe United States. Before and during his time as president Jackson did many important things that ultimately benefited the country as a whole. One of the most valued contributions that Jackson made to the United states was his actions during the bank war. Jackson’s quest to take down the national bank started even before he became president. However when he became president he realized that he had the perfect opportunity to get rid of the bank once and for all. Jackson had never liked banks and he madeRead MoreRecovering The Indigenous Past : The Mandan People Who Lived And Still Breathe At The Heart Of The World1866 Words  | 8 Pagesdemonstrating that the Mandan people had little care for the seminal events that unfolded to the east. This is not to say that Fenn believes Spanish conquistadors, Anglo and French colonization of eastern North America, the American Revolution and War of 1812, Napoleon’s designs on the â€Å"heart of the continent,†and the Haitian Revolution had little impact on the Mandan people, but that the events themselves went unnoticed or were dismissed as unimportant by the Ma ndans, whose concerns and interests layRead MoreJohn Marshall: The Man who Saved the Supreme Court and the Nation2463 Words  | 10 Pagesfuture Virginia patriot and statesman, Patrick Henry, with whom he would meet several more times in his career. The War Years â€Å"The war was a constitutional education for Marshall because it was a colonial revolution that was justified by legal arguments and that it had as its objective the creation of a nation under law†(Newmeyer, 21). Marshall served in the Revolutionary War in several capacities; militiaman, officer and finally as a JAG (Judge Advocate General) officer on General Washington’s
Friday, May 15, 2020
Personal Statement Public Schools - 1030 Words
Boswell Statement Essay My contribution to NYC public schools children in education has been extensive. I first began working in NYC public schools as a speech pathologist in 1980. I would examine expressive and receptive language skills of children and through task analyses develop strategies of language acquisition. In short, I was able to gets students to improve their reading and writing skills in order to master grade level competencies. In my educational journey, I was recruited by Principal Louis Rapport to become an Assistant Principal. Principal Rapport ran an after-school program for teachers who wanted to become school leaders. I worked in coordinating summer programs at George Westinghouse Vocational High School in 1986. I worked hand in hand with the principal to build community partners for our school which offered twelve or more trade programs and internships for students ranging form optical to jewelry making. In 1989, I was selected to serve as Assistant Principal of Special Educati on at Automotive High School, with Principal Steve Gilbert, who has since passed away. Principal Gilbert much like Principal Rapport was my mentors in leadership within the educational arena. With the support of Principal Gilbert, I was able to go to a Harvard Graduate School of Education and participate in a Summer Seminar in 1995. This was the season of â€Å"Inclusion in Schools†. Principal Gilbert recommended me for a program, Assistant Principal to Principal ProgramShow MoreRelatedPersonal Statement : My Core Values And My Pursuit Of A Master s Public Administration At Depaul University School868 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Through my personal and work experiences, I have had an opportunity to develop and strengthen my core values. These core values are duty, resourcefulness, change, and commitment. In this reflection paper, I will first identify my core values as I currently see them, and provide information as to their background, third define my current career goals, and lastly, explain how these core values and my pursuit of a Master s in Public Administration at DePaul University School of Service call onRead MorePersonal Statement : My Core Values And My Pursuit Of A Master s Public Administration At Depaul University School868 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Through my personal and work experiences, I have had an opportunity to develop and strengthen my core values. These core values are duty, resourcefulness, change, and commitment. In this reflection paper, I will first identify my core values as I currently see them, and provide information as to their background, third define my current career goals, and lastly, explain how these core values and my pursuit of a Master s in Public Administration at DePaul University School of Service call onRead MoreTeacher Handbook Essays1546 Words  | 7 PagesTeachers Rights and Responsibilities Deciding to be a school teacher does not mean one has to throw away their rights granted by the United States Constitution. Teachers are required to maintain moral and ethical behavior but their rights as citizens are not taken away. Teachers should understand that they are always teachers and role models whether they are in the classroom or not and should always maintain a professional demeanor when in the public eye. Teachers are held to a higher standard in theirRead MoreWhat You Eat Is Your Business By Radley Balko And Junking Junk Food By Judith Warner1223 Words  | 5 Pageshealthy should be a personal matter. Judith Warner and Radley Balko have different opinions on the notion that the government is helping people to make healthier eating choices, where one opposes it and the other supports the claim. Radley Balko shares the idea that if the government stops aiding people with health insurance easily, it will stop the poor eating habits and force people to choose healthier foods when shopping. Balko expresses his feeling sin the following statement: â€Å"And if the governmentRead MoreRole Of Social Media On Classroom1390 Words  | 6 PagesPreparing Students for Successful Employment Students entering the workforce can use social networking sites to network and find employment. With LinkedIn, students can establish a professional web presence, post a resume, research a target company or school, and connect with other job seekers and employers. College career centers and alumni associations are using Twitter to broadcast job openings and internships. Students should follow businesses or professional organizations on Facebook and TwitterRead MoreCode Of Ethics And Ethics762 Words  | 4 PagesAlso, code of ethics serves as a formal ethics statement improving the organization’s image protecting it from lawsuits and further regulation. Code of ethics policies are designed for organizations to follow in everything they do. Employees are bound by the rules and regulations of these policies sometimes relieving organizations from unlawful lawsuits. The general overview of organizational policies includes a value statement, written statements of ethics policies, comprehensive and specificRead MoreTeacher Ethics Essay1379 Words  | 6 PagesComparison of overlapping statements regarding teacher ethics | Priority of Specific ethical disposition/protocol and rationale. | The professional educator makes a constructive effort to protect the students from conditions detrimental to learning, health, and safety. (AAE 2013)The professional educator should promote positive changes in the school/community that benefit the welfare of others.( COE- GCU 2013) | Priority: 1 I chose this Professional Deposition as number one because children areRead MoreStudent s First Amendment Rights841 Words  | 4 Pagesyou†during recess to his friends, does the school have a right to take disciplinary actions? Is it a violation of the student’s First Amendment? School officials can restrict speech activities on any student in a school if it has been established there was harm or threats made against others, including teachers. Although the First Amendment states freedom of expression, school officials may punish students for expressing their personal views on school grounds. With the case of S.G. v. SayrevilleRead MoreThe Impact Of Service Learning On R esidency Interviews1547 Words  | 7 Pagesresidency personal statements. The aim of the study is to investigate how a narrative focused on the benefits of service learning in residency personal statements influence the resident selection process. METHODS Senior medical students completed a voluntary, confidential on-line survey to measure perceived influence of service learning on residency interviews. Student also uploaded their residency personal statements as part of the survey. Content analysis was conducted on the personal statements toRead MoreFreedom Of Speech By Ann Griffin924 Words  | 4 Pages Teachers however use it just as much, and there have been quite a few court cases establishing what rights to free speech teachers have. Examining the pros and cons of this situation regarding Ann Griffin was dismissed based on concerns from a statement regarding African-Americans and how the court should rule in this case. In the first proof the argument for her dismissal on the basis that she would not be able to treat others fairly based on what she said. Secondly, being that she would not be
Thursday, May 14, 2020
How to Save PHP Files in Mac TextEdit
TextEdit is a simple text editor that comes standard on every Apple Macintosh computer. By following a few simple steps, you can use the TextEdit program to create and save PHP files. PHP is a server-side programming language that is used in conjunction with HTML to enhance the features of a website. Open TextEdit ​If the icon for TextEdit is located on the dock, as it is when the computer ships, just click the icon to launch TextEdit. Otherwise, Open a Finder window by clicking on the Finder icon in the dock.Choose Applications from the menu on the left.In the list of applications on the right side of the screen, find and double-click TextEdit. Change the TextEdit Preferences From the Format menu at the top of the screen, choose Make Plain Text. If you dont see this option, but see Make Rich Text, the document is already set for plain text.Select Preferences from the TextEdit menu at the top of the screen.Click the New Document tab and confirm the radio button next to Plain text is selected.Click the Open and Save tab and confirm the box next to Display HTML files as HTML code instead of formatted text is checked. Enter the Code Type the PHP code into TextEdit. Save theFile Choose Save from the File menu.Enter your_file_name.php into the Save As field, being sure to include the .php extension.Click the Save button. If a pop-up asks you if you want to use .txt or .php as the file extension. Click the Use .php button. Testing You cannot test your PHP code in TextEdit. You can test it in PHP if you have it on your Mac, or you can download an emulator app from the Mac App Storeâ€â€PHP Code Tester, PHP Runner and qPHP can all be used to test the accuracy of your code. Just copy it from the TextEdit File and paste it into the application screen.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Nursing Legislation - 1003 Words
Legislative Issue Faced by Nursing The web site I found that discusses this critical issue is by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (AACN). This is an outstanding website that discusses the current and projected issues regarding the nursing shortage. The article identifies sobering figures of projected shortages up to the year 2020. By 2010, the nursing shortage is projected to be 12%, by 2015 to be 20% and by 2020 a frightening 29%. (AACN). If society and our political leaders do not recognize this as a topic of huge impact, then we, collectively, do not have a chance to change the trend. The driving forces for the trend are not extraordinary; they reflect our†¦show more content†¦The unfortunate part is that the strategies are not well publicized and this is a negative for nurses. We, as professionals, need to be better informed. I read as much as possible in professional magazines, but apparently, t hat is not enough, as I did not know of the existence of some of the strategies named above. Nurses who deliver patient care, who are living the shortage, need to know what is being done to help them deliver the care they believe patients deserve. It is likely that individual institutions do not readily inform of strategies that they are participating in to recruit nurses. I did not know that my employer helps fund the local nursing schools such that the nurses may choose to work at the hospital where I am employed. That is an important piece of a puzzle, as nurses notoriously do not like to help student nurses as they slow the process. If the staff knew that these nurses are potential colleagues, perhaps they would treat the students with a bit more interest and compassion. In addition, the media needs to be on board with informing of strategies in progress to help restore the health care system to one of quality as opposed to focusing on errors. The only positive health care information I have seen on television lately is the St. Jude Children’s Hospital and the wonderful advancements and care they deliver. Health care inShow MoreRelatedPhysician Assisted Death For The Terminally Ill1601 Words  | 7 Pagesrights of people to decide whether or not they want assisted-death if they are terminally ill. However, in United States, the legislations are still against the choice of terminally ill people to opt for Euthanasia. This used to be a well-supported legislation throughout the country, but now people and policymakers alike are growing to the feeling that such a legislation is wrong to impose on people. The issue is to whether or not to allow the terminally ill people to have a right to ask for physician’sRead MoreThe Reality Of Health Care Policies778 Words  | 4 Pagespublic and committee members about the bill. One state legislator stated, The nurses in my home district made me aware of the impact this legislation would have on patients. By utilizing the nurse s information the nurse provided, the legislator was able to reconsider her position on several pieces of pending legislation and supported bills relevant to nursing practice. (fkfkmld) This is when the larger health care organizations and accrediting agencies come into play as they educate and influenceRead MoreLegal and Ethical Parameters of Professional Nursing Practice Essay One879 Words  | 4 PagesLegal and ethical parameters of professional nursing practice essay one Professional nurses encounter a variety of legal ethical and bioethical issues on a daily basis. For this reason, it is essential that all nurses are aware of current state and national legislation, acts and guidelines and the implications of these for nursing practices as well as legal processes, principles of open disclosure and the role of a coroner in the health sector. In this way, nurses can adhere to the overarching guidelinesRead MoreChanging A Failed System : Nurse Patient Ratios1213 Words  | 5 PagesJournal of Nursing Scholarship, an overwhelming number of registered nurses admitted to having compassion fatigue currently or at some point in their career (Kelly, 2015, p.1). I see this on a regular basis working at the hospital. New nurses and seasoned professionals a like frequently get overwhelmed and frustrated by the lack of nursing support, patient loads, and increased hours. â€Å"Massive reductions in nursing budgets, combined with the challenges presented by a growing nursing shortage haveRead MoreThe Registered Nurse Safe Staffing Act Of 2015 Essay1606 Words  | 7 PagesCommittee on Energy and Commerce and the Committee on Ways on April 29, 2015; and subsequently to the Subcommittee on Health on May 1st, 2015. This bill was introduced by Representative Lois Capps and has thirty-six cosponsors, from twenty states. The legislation makes amendments to title XVIII of the Social Security Act to require each Medicare-participating hospital to institute a committee composed of at least fifty-five percent nurses providing direct care, to establish nurse staffing plans that areRead MoreA Brief Note On The Legislative And Public Policy840 Words  | 4 Pagesthrough legislation to ensure efficient, equal and safe access to healthcare for all Georgia residents no matter their gender, race, age (newborn to elderly) or financial circumstances. Furthermore, the legislative committee has a stake to review any state or national legislation tha t may have a negative or positive impact on Georgia nurses and the public. The director continued to state that any legislative act that has the potential to cause harm, interfere with patient care, limit-nursing practiceRead MoreBsn For A New York1354 Words  | 6 PagesBSN in ten has created much of a storm in the nursing industry as more and more employers are now requesting a BSN for a new RN position. BSN in ten is a bill introduced in the New York legislature that will require registered nurses to earn a bachelor’s degree within ten years of initial licensure. This approach was first introduced by New York in the legislation in 2005.The bill in New York is called Advancing Nursing Education in New York and the bill number is 01977B. In the New York state legislatureRead MoreThe Prevention And Public Health852 Words  | 4 Pages It was not easy gathering information for this assignment. All the attempts and efforts to contact my state nursing lobbyists, both the state and the federal representatives of Georgia were abortive. This assignment was competed through internet search of representative members’ website. What is the position of Georgia state legislators on health care issues and nursing specifically? I live in Georgia, I am in the 7th congressional district. Our representative is Rob Woodall. He has been representingRead MoreStaffing Issues in Nursing: Annotated Bibliography Essay972 Words  | 4 Pagesand how effective they are in the localities where they have been enacted. It takes into account the pro-ratio arguments, the anti-ratio arguments, discusses the events leading up to the enactment of this legislation, and discusses the results and the research used in evaluating ratio legislation. The strengths of this source are that it’s comprehensive and credible source (it was published by an academic publisher). One of the weaknesses of this source is that the book is very long, and some ofRead MoreThe Ethics Of Assisted Suicide1526 Words  | 7 PagesAbstract Physician assisted suicide, otherwise noted as â€Å"PAS,†has existed for many years, however has made a controversial appearance in legislation recently. Patients’ and their end of life decisions have shaped the way PAS has been portrayed today. Nurses play an important role in the everyday life of transitioning patients, which places them at the forefront of assisted suicide. Nurses must have clear and defined rules when it applies to assisted suicide, and what they can do if this
Database Security Requirements Computer Systems...
4. DATABASE SECURITY REQUIREMENTS 4.1. ORACLE SECURITY Just like the computer systems controlled access requirements, authentication on the Oracle level is also required were a user must enter a distinct ID and password. According to Mehta (2004), â€Å"user authentication at the Oracle level can be configured through creating custom profile(s) within the dba_profiles table. A profile within Oracle is a set of controls that can be applied to users. Different profiles can be created for different classes of accounts†(p.41). In addition to authentication, authorization is also an important aspect of Oracle security. Without the proper granting of privileges to a user, a user won’t be able to do anything. The key privileges for users are: †¢ SELECT – This privilege gives the user the ability to select and view data from specified database tables (Harter, 2008, p.2). †¢ UPDATE – This privilege gives the user the ability to modify data values in specified database tables (Harter, 2008, p.2). †¢ DELETE – This privilege gives the user the ability to delete rows/records from specified database tables (Harter, 2008, p.2). †¢ INSERT- This privilege gives the user the ability to add new rows/records into specified database tables (Harter, 2008, p.2). These privileges are granted through the Database Administrator (DBA) that provides access using Oracle data definition language (DDL) commands (Harter, 2008). 4.2. BANNER SECURITY Oracle Forms are a toolset that is used to create theShow MoreRelatedDatabase Technology And Its Impact On Business Operations1577 Words  | 7 Pages Introduction Database technology is one of the technologies that is every ware. We can say they almost permeate our lives: Banking, health care providers, libraries, online stores, beauty salons, travel agencies, phone companies, government agencies like FBI, INS, IRS, and NASA  they all use databases.(needs paraphrasing). The question is why are the important? They allow data to be retained and shared electronically and the amount of data contained in these systems continues to grow at an exponentialRead MoreAssessment of Risk Management and Control Effectiveness at Cincom Systems1581 Words  | 6 PagesCincom Systems Introduction Based on the Information Asset Inventory and Analysis completed for Cincom Systems the next phase of improving their enterprise security management strategy is to concentrate on assessments of risk management and control effectiveness. This specific study evaluates the effectiveness of the security technologies and methodologies in place at Cincom, also determining uncertainty and calculating the risk of the most dominant threats. 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Value Chain as Competitive Advantage - 1295 Words
Value Chain as Competitive Advantage Unit 3 Assignment Christine Washington GB570 Managing the Value Chain Jerry Haenisch, Professor Kaplan University November 12, 2012 Value Chain as Competitive Advantage Effective value chain as a competitive advantage can contribute significantly to the prosperity of a firm in the competitive arena, but it can cause dire situations if not operated properly (Guy, 2011). However, there are conflicts among companies as to how stakeholders think they gain competitive advantage. Porter (1996) suggests: A company can outperform rivals only if it can establish a difference that it can preserve. It must deliver greater value to customers or create comparable value at lower cost or do both.†¦show more content†¦A company’s success in developing and sustaining its competitive advantage does not depend on its own value chain but on its ability to manage the value system on which it is a part. An example would be an automobile manufacturer that may have its suppliers set up facilities in close proximity in order to minimize transport costs and reduce parts inventories. Customer Delight Steve Denning (2011), states that customer delight is the firm’s new bottom line and delighting the customer from outsets to outcomes. By focusing on delighting the customer the firm makes a lot more money than they would if they set out to make money. Delighting the customers make a lot of money. Customer delight = providing a continuous stream of additional value to customers and delivering it sooner. It is measurable and means a different way of running the company. Delighted customers are those where the needs are anticipated, solutions are provided to them before they ask and observations are made to determine if new and/or additional expectations are ready to be required. Delighting the customers keep them coming back for more and causes new customers to come. Customer delight distinguishes a company from the rest, allows the company to make more return on its investment, and allows the employees to be rewarded (Customer Delight). Inter-relationship of Concepts Having inter-relationships amongShow MoreRelatedValue Chain Competitive Advantage1627 Words  | 7 PagesValue Chain as Competitive Advantage Unit 3 Assignment Katherine Moore GB570 Managing the Value Chain Jerry Haenisch, PhD. Kaplan University December 27, 2012 Value Chain as Competitive Advantage Industries have in the earlier years concentrated on enhancing the supply chain activities in search of creating value. Nonetheless, optimizing these activities, only can lead to operative proficiency and not structural effectiveness. 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However, optimization of supply chain activities alone cannot always yield a source of competitive advantage. This is for the simple reason that value chain not only seeks to do away with the activities that do not add value, but establishe s the importance of other support activities, includingRead MoreCompetitive Advantage And The Value Chain1400 Words  | 6 Pages Competitive Advantage and the Value Chain Unit 3 Assignment Trecia Grimes Kaplan University GB570: Managing the Value Chain Dr. Rita Gunzelman September 25, 2017 â€Æ' Corporate Social Responsibility and the Value Chain It is difficult for an organization to remain competitive in today’s market without taking Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) into consideration. In today’s market consumers are more aware of how businesses develop their products and service. 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Technology has affected several sections of an organization by having an impact on business communications, company’s HR practices, and organizational changes. Therefore, in order to gain and maintain competitive advantage, a company must do one of the two;Read MoreUsing Porter’s Value Chain Framework, Explain How Technology Can Help an Organisation to Gain a Competitive Advantage1967 Words  | 8 PagesIn order to analyse the various types of activities which would help in the creation of competitive advantage he use of Porter’s Value Chain Analysis are done. The value chain analysis will help in order to perform two main activities such as primary support activities. The primary activities in the value chain analysis takes into consideration inbound and outbound logistics, marketing and sales after sales service. Whereas the support activities takes into consideration, procurement of raw materials
China’s Economic Problems and Slow Growth Rate †Free Samples
Question: Why is Chinas Growth Rate Slowing Down? Answer: After experiencing an extraordinary rapideconomic growth for more than a decade, China is currently experiencing an excruciating slowdown, thus shifting from state investment led to consumption and service driven economy. Itseconomic growth weakens as the GDP further slows down in 2016Q4 (6.8% y/y against 6.9%y/y in Q3; lowest since 2009) as the retail sales weakens (10.7%y/y in Apr-17 against 10.9%y/y in Mar-17), fixed asset investment edges down (8.9% y/y in Apr-17 against 9.2%y/y in Mar-17), while industrial output reflects the major disappointment in Mar-17 (6.5% y/y against 7.6% y/y in Mar-17),albeit a moderation in auto sales industry is noted. Key industrial commodity such as iron ore prices have also slowed down as a result of the waning demand (Acton, 2017). Corporate debt increased from 60% to 165% of GDP in 2017, thus forming a largest share in Chinas total debt structure, following business defaulters and bankruptcies, low profits and returns on investment and the likelihood of yet another slowdown in real estate sector (Minnich, 2016). In fact, IMF has to revise their growth rate cut which has further created fear among policymakers, investors and consumers thus shaken their confidence. The outlook for the year 2017 suggests that the growth would further reduce to 6.5% following the hike in the interest rates by the central Bank (Jacob, 2017). Cheap labor, high level of investment and global demand for Chinese goods are some of the highlights of the economys high level of performance. Chinas unusual investment level had led to fall in the returns and very much have challenged its financial system as they finance such investments. So, as the demand for cheap export fall while consumption expenditure continues to decrease, investment has been the Chinas engine of growth financed by loans, bonds and informal lending (McGrath,2016). While US and Japan used government spending to stimulate growth, China controlled banking sector and have a policy of easy access to credit to stimulate the slowing economy. Moreover, it has followed accommodative monetary policy reducing the interest rate and slashing it thrice since Nov. However, China is reliant on foreign cash inflows for monetary growth so it is very unlikely that this policy is going to help (Minnich, 2016). Hence, to revive the investors confidence across globe, there is an urgent need to reduce investment level in order to make returns to capital attractive. At the same time, consumption expenditure should be increased by the same amount in order to balance out so that the overall aggregate demand isnt adversely impacted. This implies transfer of purchasing power from bourgeois class to the workers, thus causing a rift between the two classes. It has become prominent that china needs to reformulate its social andeconomic reform and align them as per the need of an hour, thus enable them to achieve stability in the economy. Thus, current capitalist model is likely to fall apart in coming years as crises- economic, social and ecological converges in China(Li, 2012). References Jacobs, S. (2017). China's industrial production slows down. [online] Business Insider. Available at: [Accessed 15 May 2017]. Jacobs, S. (2017). China's industrial production slows down. [online] Business Insider. Available at: [Accessed 15 May 2017]. Janda, M. (2017). 'Meaningful slowdown' for Chinese economy. [online] ABC News. Available at: [Accessed 15 May 2017]. Li, D. (2012). A Dying Model: Chinese Capitalism. [online] The Diplomat. Available at: [Accessed 15 May 2017]. McGrath, P. (2017). China posts slowest economic growth in 25 years. [online] Available at: [Accessed 15 May 2017]. Minnich, J. (2017). Chinas economic problems will come to a head in 2017. [online] MarketWatch. Available at: [Accessed 15 May 2017].
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
A Domestic Dilemma by Carson M Essay Example For Students
A Domestic Dilemma by Carson M Essay Carson McCullers story A Domestic Dilemma depicts a family torn by both compassion and suffering. Martin, a loving and understanding husband must deal with his familys problems. Martins wife, Emily, distraught by her new environment, initiates her familys difficulties with her drinking habits. The story examines a familys severe problems, and yet also illustrates the depth of love and loyalty that allows people to survive adversity. McCullers examines within the depth of one family how the full spectrum of love can destroy the romantics of love. The conflicts in the family surround Martin and Emilys relationship. Emilys drinking habits initiate a confrontation with Martin. When Martin inquires about his wifes earlier drinking, she immediately responds because I drink a couple of sherries in the afternoon youre trying to make out a drunkard in a sharp, unforgiving tone(99). According to Roberta Caplan, some people may drink abusively during a personal crisis and then resume normal dri nking (Groiler) which explains Emilys rhythmic sorrow filled with alcohol(102). In addition, fear and worry for his wife an children make Martin feel uneasy. Returning from work a year ago, Martin stumbled upon his children crying and his wife intoxicated after the baby had been dropped on her frail skull(100). Martin then hired a maid in order to watch the children and look after Emily(100). Significantly, the settings effect on the familys relationship demolishes their closeness. Martins surroundings seemed vast and somehow desolate because he is aware of his wifes displeasure living up north (97). Being away from her family and friends in Alabama, Emily takes out her frustration of her new environment on her family(100). Many flaws exist within this family;however, the family still seeks comfort in one another. Although Martins family faces dilemmas, the love in the family remains evident. Initially, the devotion that Martin shows towards his children illustrates his good nature. Martin views his childrens faces as radiant as flower petals, equally loved (103). Moreover illustrating his love for his children, Martin kissed the tiny hand that lay palm-upward (103). Furthermore, Martins hope to hold his family together exhibits his affection for his family. Martin constantly attempts to calm his wife in order to avoid displays of anger(101). Please go upstairs,(101) Martin begs of his wife so the children do not get upset seeing their mother frustrated. Lastly, the physical and emotional desire for Emily that Martin has, further shows how he cares for his family. Comforting his wife, Martin exhibits his love for her(104). Martin watched Emily as she slept and his old anger vanished(104). McCullers fully examines the immense complexities of love(104) in depicting both the conflict an love within one family, and how this can tear a family apart. Problems such as drinking excessively cause relationships to deteriorate. The dependence on each other and love for one another holds a family together. Ultimately, McCullers past encounters with alcohol and family drove her to write this story which shows that the choices people make vary depending on their intentions(Groiler). A Theme AnalysisofCarson McCullersA Domestic DilemmaRobert Brown10/20/97Bell 5
1984 Key Incident Essay Example For Students
1984 Key Incident Essay 1984 is a dystopian novel by George Orwell in which there is an unexpected ending. This is satisfactory in conveying the writers themes of truth, control and conflict. Orwell is successful in depicting these themes through the use of characterisation, symbolism and key incident. The key incident in 1984 is not expected and this helps to deepen my understanding of the theme of control. The key incident finally occurs when Winston is taken to Room 101. Room 101 is in the Ministry of Love and it is where individuals are exposed to their very own personal fear. OBrien explains this to Winston The thing that is in Room 101 is the worst thing in the world In your case, the worst thing in the world happens to be rats. OBrien places a cage, filled with hungry rats, over Winstons head. Winston, unable to take the torture any longer, screams out Do it to Julia! Do it to Julia! Not me! Julia! I dont care what you do to her. Tear her face off, strip her to the bones. Not me! Julia! Not me! and the cage is not opened. Winston has betrayed Julia. This is the climax of the novel and allows us to conclude that Winston is finally a broken man, unable to love and have loyalty to anyone other than Big Brother. It is ironic because Winston and Julia believed that the one thing the Party could not do was interfere with the mind, Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimetres inside your skull. There is also irony in the fact that Winston betrays Julia because the Party has ultimately succeeded in destroying the only thing that they believed made them human. He had made them stop loving each other. We are confounded by this abrupt change in emotion because Winston and Julias love was so strong. This allows us to understand that indoctrination and totalitarianism was employed as a way to convey the theme of control. The events leading up to the key incident are significant because of the subtle ironies hidden within them. When Julia first initiated their contact with a note saying I love you Winston expressed to us that At the sight of the words I love you the desire to stay alive had welled up in him. This shows that fatalistic Winston will now do anything to stay alive and keep himself human. He feels he now has a purpose in life, for holding onto truth and memories for the people of the future. Moreover symbolism in the novel helped me to appreciate the key incident as a turning point. Winston buys a paperweight and this becomes a symbol. The paperweight was the room he was in and the coral was Julias life and his own. The paperweight symbolises the relationship between Winston and Julia and how they are affected by their setting. The paperweight is the room above Mr Charringtons shop where, ironically, they believe they are safe and free from Big Brother. In the room Winston and Julia feel like they have freedom and that they have created their own, perfect microcosm. Their lives appear to be untouchable like the coral in the glass but it is in fact fragile and can be destroyed easily. This is shown when they are caught by the thought police and the paperweight is smashed by an officer. In the room he rents from Mr Charrington there is a picture of St Clements Church. Winston associates the Church with the song Oranges and Lemons which ends with Here comes the chopper to chop off your head. .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d , .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d .postImageUrl , .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d , .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d:hover , .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d:visited , .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d:active { border:0!important; } .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d:active , .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u898def5df412a2066223de0502ad058d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The War Zone Essay This is an important foreshadow as it is said by Mr Charrington when he reveals himself as being from the thought police. Furthermore, when Winston is sitting in The Chestnut Tree Cafi he remembers his encounter with Julia after their conversion. She looks at him with A momentary glance full of contempt and dislike. This is significant as it is juxtaposition to their feelings before Room 101. It also creates pathos from the reader as we sympathise with Winston because he has lost all the values he previously held important. Whilst sitting in the cafi , listening to the telescreen, there is an announcement about the war, declaring a victory on the frontlines and Winston is overjoyed to tears. Ultimately, he is happy to have won the struggle over himself, he loves Big Brother. Winston now awaits his execution, although his soul is already dead. He is a pathetic figure, almost beyond pity and his characteristics are the antithesis of his former self. This allows the reader to understand the theme of control, and why the ending was so unexpected, as we see Winston being indoctrinated and having only the feelings of love towards Big Brother, not absolute hate his previous emotion. Winston used to represent democracy, freedom and love but Orwell makes sure there is no happy ending. Totalitarianism does not permit such an ending, Winston must be crushed. If Winston escaped, Orwells idea of showing the true nature of totalitarianism would have been lost. Therefore when Winston was destroyed, his values were destroyed with him. Orwells clever use of characterisation and symbolism successfully conveyed to the reader the key incident and the central ideas of the novel and Winstons surprising conversion to a dedicated party member of Big Brother.
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